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Oxybutynin Chloride Cheat Sheet by

Oral Anticholinergic

Oral Antich­oli­nergic

Prototype Med
Oxybutynin Chloride
Other Med

Ther­apeutic Use

Treatment of urinary urge incont­inence caused by overactive bladder
Treatment of neurogenic bladder

Adverse Drug Reacti­ons

Dry mouth
Urinary retention
Mydriasis (pupil dilation), dry eyes, blurred vision
Dizziness, drowsiness
Fever, heat exhaustion

Nursing Interv­ent­ions

Monitor for antich­oli­nergic effects.
Monitor bowel elimin­ation patterns.
Monitor urinary elimin­ation patterns, especially in older adults.
Recommend periodic eye examin­ations
Monitor for headache
Monitor for dizziness and somnol­ence.
Advise clients to use caution in hot weather, as the drug suppresses sweating.


Take orally (either short-­acting syrup or tablets) two to four times a day.
Take the extend­ed-­release (ER) tablets once a day.
Swallow ER tablets whole; do not crush or chew them.
Expect excretion of the insoluble shell of the ER tablets in stool.
Apply the transd­ermal patch twice a week to dry and intact skin on the abdomen, hip, or buttocks.
Rotate patch adhesion sites.


Angle-­closure glaucoma
Myasthenia gravis
Gastro­int­estinal obstru­cti­on/­Gen­ito­urinary obstru­ction
Active cardiac dysfun­ction


Urinary tract infect­ion­/Liver or renal disease
Hiatal hernia with reflux
Benign prostatic hypert­rophy
Autonomic hypert­rophy

Patient Educat­ion

Suck on hard candy/Sip water
Increase fluid and fiber intake and activity levels
Report any undesi­rable changes in urinary elimin­ation (reten­tion, infec- tion).
Use over-t­he-­counter lubric­ating eye drops.
Obtain regular eye examin­ations (potential for glaucoma).
Report headache not relieved by over-t­he-­counter analge­sics.
Report dizziness or fainting.
Do not engage in dangerous activities if dizziness occurs or tends to recur.
Avoid becoming overhe­ated.
Seek medical attention for fever and signs of heat exhaustion (muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea, vomiting).


CYP3A4 inhibitors (grape­fruit juice, ketoco­nazole, erythr­omycin, itracon- azole [Spora­nox], plus others) may increase toxicity.
CYP3A4 inducers (phenytoin [Dilan­tin], rifampin [Rifadin], carbamaze- pine [Tegre­tol], plus others) decrease effect­ive­ness.


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