Data Collection & Processing
10 mln hits per month |
Premium: virtually unlimited |
200,000 hits per user per day |
500 hits per session |
Excluding E-Commerce |
Timing hits == 1% of pageviews |
Can be configured in GA Tracker |
200,000 sessions per day and more - 48 hours data freshness |
Premium: Up to 1 billion |
Hits per second per tracker
Starts with 20, replenish rate 2 per sec |
Universal Analytics (analytics.js) |
starts with 60 hits that are replenished at a rate of 1 per 2 sec |
Android SDK, iOS SDK |
Data Import
Data Sources per Property |
25 |
File size limit |
1GB |
Row limit |
1MB |
Accounts and Profiles
100 GA Accounts per login |
Might be increased |
50 properties per GA Account |
Might be increased |
25 Views per Property |
Might be increased to 200 |
100 Custom Tables |
Premium only |
20 Custom Dimensions |
Premium: 200 |
20 Custom Metrics |
Premium: 200 |
5 Custom Variables |
Premium: 50 |
Every 6 hours BigQuery Export |
Premium only |
API limits
50,000 requests |
per project per day. Can be increased |
10 queries |
per second per IP |
500 write requests |
per project per day |
50 Upload operations |
per property per day |
Data Import
10 GB |
per property |
10 GB |
per data set |
20 Goals |
per View |
20 Funnel steps |
per Goal |
10,000,000 |
maximum Goal Value |
20 Private Dashboards |
per user per View |
50 Shared Dashboards |
per View per Account |
12 widgets |
in Dashboard |
4 Advanced Segments |
Per report in portal |
100 Custom Segments |
Per login |
5 tabs |
In Custom Report |
1 Secondary Dimension |
In standard reports |
10 Metrics |
in custom Report, Explorer mode |
25 Metrics |
in custom Report, Flat Table mode |
5 Dimensions |
in Custom Report |
5 Filters |
in Custom Report |
50 Characters |
for Custom Report entity names |
100 Custom Reports |
per account |
50k of rows/distinct values before aggregation |
Premium: 75 |
1 mln conversions |
used in Multi-Channel Funnel before sampling |
200,000 unique conversion paths |
per day. Others aggregated |
100,000 session |
in Flow Visualization reports |
Mobile Properties
2048 bytes |
Screen Name |
150 bytes |
Exception Description |
150 bytes |
Application Installer ID |
100 bytes |
Application Version |
150 bytes |
Application ID |
100 bytes |
Application Name |
Data Import Processing Time
1 TB |
per Property |
Premium only |
20 GB |
per Data Set |
Premium Only |
Data Import Query Time
1 GB |
per property |
Premium only |
1 GB |
per data set |
Premium only |
Some strings data size is provided in bytes to support internationalization. Strings are encoded in UTF-8. Every latin character uses 1 bytes, non-latin - 2 and more |
Data Fields Length
80 characters |
Custom Alert name |
256 characters |
in Filter pattern |
128 characters |
in Custom Variable |
1500 bytes |
Document Title |
2048 bytes |
Document Path |
100 bytes |
Document Hostname |
2048 bytes |
Document Location URL |
2048 bytes |
Document Referrer |
150 bytes |
Custom Dimension Value |
40 bytes |
Content Experiment ID |
150 bytes |
Event Name |
500 bytes |
Event Category |
500 bytes |
Event Action |
500 bytes |
Event Label |
Non-negative Integer |
Event Value |
Campaigns Parameters
100 bytes |
Campaign Name |
100 bytes |
Campaign Source |
50 bytes |
Campaign Medium |
500 bytes |
Campaign Keyword |
500 bytes |
Campaign Content |
100 bytes |
Campaign ID |
500 bytes |
Transaction ID |
500 bytes |
Transaction Affiliation |
500 bytes |
Item Name |
500 bytes |
Item Code |
500 bytes |
Item Category |
Enhanced E-Commerce
200 products |
per Transaction |
500 bytes |
Product SKU |
500 bytes |
Product Name |
500 bytes |
Product Brand |
500 bytes |
Product Category |
500 bytes |
Product Variant |
500 bytes |
Product Coupon code |
50 bytes |
Social Network name |
50 bytes |
Social Action |
2048 bytes |
Social Action Target |
150 bytes |
User Timing Category |
500 bytes |
User Timing Variable name |
500 bytes |
User Timing Label |
Created By
Favourited By
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