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Vagrant Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet by

Developing robust software requires an accurate testing and staging environment. Vagrant provides just that. It lets you mimic your production server map on your computer.

Creating the Vagran­tfile

vagrant init
Initialize Vagrant with a Vagran­tfile and ./.vagrant directory, using no specified base image. Before you can do vagrant up, you'll need to specify a base image in the Vagran­tfile.
vagrant init boxpath
Initialize Vagrant with a specific box. To find a box, go shopping. When you find one you like, just replace it's name with boxpath. For example, vagrant init chef/c­ent­os-6.5.

Vagran­tfile custom­iza­tions

vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "chef/centos-6.5"
    # guest is the VM; host is your computer end "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
    config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
    # path is relative to your Vagrantfile
By default ./ on your computer is shared as /vagrant on the VM. Letting other people access your VM's


vagrant box list
List the installed boxes
vagrant box add <na­me> <box path/HTTP URI>
Add the box for later use
vagrant box remove <na­me> virtualbox
delete a box
vagrant box outdated
Check for updates vagrant box update
Boxes are prebuilt VM images. You never modify your box images

Common Vagrant Commands

vagrant up
starts vagrant enviro­nment (also provisions only on the FIRST vagrant up) Equivalent to pressing the power buttons on your servers.
vagrant status
outputs status of the vagrant machine
vagrant halt
stops the vagrant machine
vagrant reload
restarts vagrant machine, loads new Vagran­tfile config­uration
vagrant provision
forces reprov­isi­oning of the vagrant machine
vagrant ssh
connects to machine via SSH
vagrant destroy
stops and deletes all traces of the vagrant machine
vagrant suspend
Suspends a virtual machine (remembers state)
vagrant resume
Resume a suspended machine (vagrant up works just fine for this as well)
vagrant reload --prov­ision
Restart the virtual machine and force provis­ioning
vagrant provision --debug
Use the debug flag to increase the verbosity of the output
Be sure that you are in the same directory as the Vagran­tfile when running these commands!


vagrant -v
Get the vagrant version
vagrant global­-status
outputs status of all vagrant machines
vagrant global­-status --prune
same as above, but prunes invalid entries
vagrant push
Vagrant can be configured to deploy code!
vagrant up --prov­ision | tee provis­ion.log
vagrant up
, forces provis­ioning and logs all output to a file
VAGRAN­T_L­OG=info vagrant up
Use the enviro­nement variable VAGRAN­T_LOG to set verbosity


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