Util Functions
getwd() |
gets the working directory |
setwd("C:/file/path") |
sets the working directory |
data = read.csv(file.choose()) |
opens file explorer to get data |
ls() |
lists the variables |
str(var) |
structure of the variable |
rm(var) |
removes the variable |
help.start() |
opens help |
install.packages("package name") |
installs the package |
library("package name") |
makes the contents available to use |
detach("package name") |
detaches the package |
toString(x) |
helper function to produce a single character string |
toupper()/tolower() |
converts text to upper/lower case |
substring(chr,n,n) |
retrieve or replaces the substring of the charachter |
paste (…, sep = " ", collapse = NULL) |
Concatenate vectors after converting to character |
Arrays and Matrix
1D = array(1:24) |
1 dimensional array |
2D = array(1:24, dim = c(6,4)) |
2 dimensional array |
3D = array(1:24, dim = c(4,3,2)) |
3 dimensional array |
mat = matrix(1:12, nrow=4, ncol=3) |
matrix |
cbind(mat1,mat2) |
column bind |
rbind(mat1,mat2) |
row bind |
num = c(1,2,3,4,5,6) |
numeric vector |
chr = c("aaa","bbb") |
character vector |
log = c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE) |
logical vector |
mean(vec) |
mean |
sd(vec) |
standard deviation |
var(vec) |
variance |
range(vec) |
range |
which.min(vec)/which.max(vec) |
position of the min/max value |
rep(1:5,times=3) |
replicate elements of vector |
df = data.frame(subjectID=1:5,gender=c("M","F","M","M","F"),score=c(8,3,6,5,5)) |
dataframe |
view(df) |
opens editor |
head(df)/tail(df) |
displays top/bottom n rows |
summary(df) |
returns descriptive statistics of data |
Descriptive Statistics
rowMeans(data[]) |
row mean |
rowSums(data[]) |
row sum |
colMeans(data[]) |
column mean |
colSums(data[]) |
column sum |
for (variable in sequence){ Do something } |
for loop |
while (condition){ Do something } |
while loop |
if (condition){ Do something } else { Do something different } |
ifelse statement |
t.test(data) |
1 sample t test |
t.test(data1,data2) |
2 sample t test |
t.test(pre,post,paired=TRUE) |
paired sample t test |
wilcox.test(data) |
Wilcox test |
cor.test(data1,data2) |
correlation test |
chisq.test(data) |
Chi square test |
shapiro.test(data) |
Shapiro test |
aov() |
qplot(data, line=TRUE,...) |
produces quantile-quantile plot |
ggplot(data = NULL, mapping = aes(), ...) |
initializes a ggplot object |
geom_bar() |
bar graph |
coord_flip() |
flip x and y coordinates |
facet_grid() |
lay out panels in a grid |
geom_density |
density plot |
geom_hist |
histogram |
geom_point |
scatter plots |
rbinom(n, size, prob) |
Binomial distribution |
rpois(n,size) |
Poisson distribution |
runif(n, min = 0, max = 1) |
Uniform distribution |
rnorm(n,mean,sd) |
Normal distribution |
rexp(n) |
Exponential distribution |
summary(lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=mydata)) |
multiple regression |
summary(glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, family="", data=mydata)) |
classification |
cluster = kmeans(data) |
kmeans cluster analysis |
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