Search Methods
Tree Search |
Expand nodes using gradients
Graph Search |
Avoids revisiting nodes and ensure efficiency |
Uninformed search
Uniform cost search |
aka Cheapest-first Add visited node to Explored and add its neighbors to the frontier Visit cheapest node in the frontier Move to next cheapest if all neighbors are explored |
Iterative deepening |
Iteratively calls depth-limited search Initialize frontier with root If not goal, remove from frontier and expand If at the end of depth, terminate and start over Repeat until goal is found Guaranteed to find optimal path More efficient than DFS Time complexity: O(b^d) Space complexity: O(d) |
Bidirectional |
Finds shortest path of a grpah |
Informed Search
Best-first search |
Choose unvisited node with the best heuristic value to visit next Same as lowest cost BFS
Greedy best-first search |
Uses heuristic to get the node closest to the goal Bad performance if heuristic is bad Does NOT consider cost of getting to the node |
A* search |
Always expand to node with minimum f Evaluate cost of getting to goal using heuristics f(n) = g(n)+h(n) where g is cost to get to n Uses priority queue |
Heuristics |
Cost to get to the goal |
Admissible herustic |
Optimistic model for estimating cost to reach the goal Never overestimates h(n) <= c(n) where c is actual cost |
Consistent heuristic |
h(n) <= c(n, a, n') + h(n') Immediate path costs less than longer path Consistent ⟹ Admissible |
Adversarial Search
Hill climbing |
Method of local search Only move to neighbors to find the max Does NOT guarantee to find optimal |
Simulated annealing |
Method of local search Combine hill climbing and random walk Always find global max |
Local beam |
Generate k random states Generate successors of all k states If goal stop; else, pick k best successors and repeat Different from hill-climbing since information is shared between k points |
Genetic algorithm |
Cross-Over and mutation Decomposes strands of DNA and permute Produces children by: Selection, Cross-over, Mutation |
α-β Pruning
function alphabeta(node, depth, α, β, maximizingPlayer)
if depth = or node is a terminal node
return the heuristic value of node
if maximizingPlayer
v := -∞
for each child of node
v := max(v, alphabeta(child, depth - 1, α, β, FALSE))
α := max(α, v)
if β ≤ α
break ( β cut-off )
return v
v := ∞
for each child of node
v := min(v, alphabeta(child, depth - 1, α, β, TRUE))
β := min(β, v)
if β ≤ α
break ( α cut-off )
return v
Propositional SAT: Graph coloring
At lest 1 of K per i |
(Ci,1 ∨ Ci,2 ∨ ... ∨ Ci,k) O(n) clauses |
1 ≥ color per i |
∀ k≠k' (¬Ci,k ∨ ¬Ci,k') O(n^2) |
If node i and j share an edge assign different colors |
∀ x∈k, (¬Ci,x ∨ ¬Cj, x) |
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