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Anatomy and Physiology - Cells Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A very bref overview of the cellular system

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Generic Cell Structure

• Plasma membrane: The boundary of the cell
• Nucleus: The center of the cell
• Cytoplasm: A gel-like substance surrou­nding the nucleus and packed with various
organelles and molecules, each of which serves a specific function

Plasma Membrane

The plasma membrane defines the boundary of the cell and regulates the passage of substances into and out of the cell.
Phosph­olipids form the bulk of the membrane.
Choles­terol molecules are scattered within the phosph­olipid molecules; they stiffen and strengthen the plasma membrane.
Proteins are embedded in various spots in the membrane
It consists of phosph­oli­pids, choles­terol, and protein.
They have a head and twin tails: The heads are “water loving” (hydro­philic) and the tails are “water fearing” (hydro­pho­bic).
Some pass through the membrane and act as channels.
They are positioned in a double layer (bilayer): Some heads point toward the fluidf­illed cell interior and others point toward the fluid surrou­nding the cell’s exterior
Some attach to the surface and serve as receptors for specific chemicals or hormones
The tails point toward each other, forming a “hydro­phobic” core.
Others have carboh­ydrates attached to their outer surface (forming glycop­rot­eins, which act as markers to help the body distin­guish its own cells from foreign invaders).
▪ Transp­arent barrier for cell contents
▪ Contains cell contents
▪ Separates cell contents from surrou­nding enviro­nment
▪ The membrane is select­ively permeable: Some substances pass through easily, whereas
others do not.

Plasma Membrane


The nucleus contains all of a cell’s genetic inform­ation.
Most cells have only one nucleus, although a few (like liver and skeletal muscle cells) contain more than one; red blood cells have no nucleus.
The nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus. Nuclear pores allow molecules (like materials needed for constr­uction of RNA and DNA) to pass into and out of nucleus.
Extending throughout the nucleo­plasm are strands composed of DNA and protein called chromatin.
The center of the nucleus is the nucleolus; it manufa­ctures ribosomes (the cell’s protei­n-p­rod­ucing struct­ures)


▪ Control center of the cell
▪ Contains genetic material
known as DNA
• DNA is needed for building
• DNA is necessary for cell
▪ Three regions:
1. Nuclear envelope (membrane)
2. Nucleolus
3. Chromatin

The Nucleus: The Nucleus Envelope

Nuclear envelope (membrane)
• Consists of a double membrane that bounds the nucleus
• Contains nuclear pores that allow for exchange of material
with the rest of the cell
• Encloses the jellylike fluid called the nucleo­plasm
• Sites of ribosome assembly
• Ribosomes migrate into the cytoplasm through nuclear
pores to serve as the site of protein synthesis

The Nucleus: Chromatin

• Composed of DNA wound around histones (proteins)
• Scattered throughout the nucleus and present when the cell is not dividing
• Condenses to form dense, rod-like bodies called chromo­somes when the cell

Overview of the Cellular Basis of Life

Cell Theory
Major Elements in Cells
A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms
The activity of an organism depends on the collective activities of its cells
• According to the principle of comple­men­tarity, the bioche­mical activities of cells are dictated by their structure (anatomy) which determines their function (physi­ology)
▪ Cells are the structural units of
all living things
▪ The human body has 50 to 100
trillion cells
▪ Continuity of life has a cellular
▪ Cells are about 60% water


Two centrioles lie perpen­dicular to each other just outside the nucleus
These bundles of microt­ubules play a role in cell division.


Membranous sacs of oxidase enzymes
Detoxify harmful substances such as alcohol and formal­dehyde
Break down free radicals (highly reactive chemicals)
Free radicals are converted to hydrogen peroxide and then to water

Golgi Apparatus

The Golgi apparatus receives proteins from the endopl­asmic reticulum (ER), and
prepares and packages them for export to other parts of the body

1. The ER delivers a protein molecule to the Golgi apparatus.
2. The protein passes through each of the sacs of the Golgi apparatus,
undergoing modifi­cations along the way.
3. The Golgi apparatus envelopes the protein and then pinches off the
portion of itself containing the protein, creating a vesicle.
4. The vesicle migrates to the surface of the cell and pops open to secrete
the protein inside. Some of the protein becomes part of the plasma
membrane; some become secretory vesicles that store substanc
Packages protein secretions for export, packages enzymes into lysosomes for cellular use, and modifies proteins destined to become part of cellular membranes

Golgi Apparatus

Appears as a stack of flattened membranes associated with tiny vesicles
Produces different types of packages
Modifies and packages proteins arriving from the rough ER via transport vesicles
‒ Secretory vesicles
‒ In-house proteins and lipids
‒ Lysosomes

Smooth Endopl­asmic Reticulum

• Lacks ribosomes

• Functions in lipid metabolism

• Detoxi­fic­ation of drugs and pesticides
Synthe­sizes lipids and steroid molecules. Also acts in fat metabo­lism, in drug detoxi­fic­ation, and as a calcium ion depot.

Endopl­asmic Reticulum (ER)

Fluid-­filled tunnels (or canals) that carry substances within the cell
Continuous with the nuclear membrane
Two types:
‒ Rough ER
‒ Smooth ER


Made of protein and ribosomal RNA
Organelles fill the cytoplasm and perform specific tasks in metabo­lism.
Sites of protein synthesis in the cell
Ribosomes, which manufa­cture proteins, dot the surface of some of the ER (called rough ER). Smooth ER has no ribosomes; smooth ER synthe­sizes certain lipids and carboh­ydrates
Found at two
‒ Free in the cytoplasm
‒ As part of the rough


Lysosomes are membranous vesicles that form from pinched off pieces of the Golgi apparatus
Inside, they contain enzymes that help break down protein the cell doesn’t need
This allows the cell to reuse amino acids; it also cleans out the cell
Lysosomal enzymes can also destroy bacteria.
Lysosomes have the nickname “cellular garbage dispos­als.”
House phagocytes that dispose of bacteria and cell debris
Degrade worn-out organelles and stressed or dead cells, and they release ionic calcium from bone


Mitoch­ondria function as the cell’s “power­hou­ses.”
Mitoch­ondria have two membranes: an outer membrane and an inner membrane. The inner membrane folds back and forth across its interior; these folds are called cristae
Spaces between the cristae contain enzymes that the organelle uses to convert organic compounds into ATP, which cells use for energy
Cells that do a lot of work (such as liver cells) contain more mitoch­ondria than cells that do less work (such as sperm cells).
Sites of ATP formation. Internal enzymes carry out oxidative reactions of cellular respir­ation.


The cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane
Site of most cellular activities
▪ Three major component of the cytoplasm
1. Cytosol: Fluid that suspends other elements and contains nutrients and
2. Inclus­ions: Chemical substa­nces, such as stored nutrients or cell products,
that float in the cytosol
3. Organe­lles: Metabolic machinery of the cell that perform functions for the
̶ Many are membra­ne-­bound, allowing for compar­tme­nta­liz­ation of their functions


Folds of the cell membrane that greatly increase the surface area of the cell; they are found in cells charged with absorbing nutrients (intes­tines).
Hair-like processes on the cell surface; they beat in waves to propel a substance forward.
Have a whip-like motion to move a cell; in the human body, flagella occur only in sperm
Tiny, fingerlike extensions of the plasma membrane
Move materials across the cell surface
Located in the respir­atory system to move mucus
▪ Framework of the cell
▪ Determines cell shape
▪ Streng­thens cell
▪ Allows cell to move
▪ May have extens­ions: microv­illi, cilia, or flagella

Movement Through the Cell Membrane

▪ Passive transport
• Requires no energy
• Includes diffusion, osmosis, filtra­tion, and facili­tated diffusion
▪ Active transport
• Requires energy
• Includes transport by pumps and vesicles

Cellular Transport

Passive Transport- The movement of substances across a cell membrane without the input of energy.
Diffusion- The sponta­neous movement of molecules or ions from an area of higher concen­tration to an area of lower concen­tra­tion.
Osmosis- The diffusion of a solvent through a select­ively permeable membrane.
Facili­tated Diffusion- The movement of substances across the membrane with the help of transport proteins.
Filtra­tion- Fluid and solutes are separated by passing them through a filter or porous membrane.
Active Transport- Substances are moved across a cell membrane against their concen­tration gradient, requiring the input of energy.
Vesicular Transport- The movement of substances within a cell by the formation and fusion of vesicles.
Solute Pumping – The movement of molecules or ions across a cell membrane against their concen­tration gradient with the expend­iture of energy.