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English Lit/Lang Anthology [This Morning] Cheat Sheet by

A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board] Full title (shortened to meet the character limit): "This Morning: Nadiya Hussain Talks Food, Family and Fame", 2019 Has come up the 2023 exam.

Extract Video

About this talksh­ow/­tra­nscript


Genre: transcript of a talkshow from 2019.
Register: Informal
Audience: Bake-off fans, This Morning watchers, studio audience (people physically there), fans of Nadiya­/Ph­ill­ip/­Holly.
Mode: Spoken
Purpose: To promote Nadiya's new cook book.
Subject: Nadiya speaks about her anxiety, about the Bake-Off years prior, the juggling of work and family, and the release of her cook book.

Literary techniques

Parali­ngu­istic: Phillip leans forward to show investment and enthus­iasm.

Interr­uptions, but only to express excite­ment.

Phillip changes tone of voice to after promotion, "­telly more fun or book more fun?"

Adjacency pairs: "­yea­h", "you know", "­abs­olu­tel­y"

Spoken language

Backch­ann­elling: "­yea­h", "­mhm­" - used by Nadiya when hosts are talking to show that she is paying attention.

Adjacency pairs: "so I had the elastic band and I was shocke­d."

Turn-t­aking between guest and hosts- normal talk-show conven­tions.

Non-fl­uency features due to genre contex­t/e­xpe­cta­tions- natura­listic spoken language.

Conver­gence: Phillip uses conver­gence, imitating Nadiya's use of hyperbole ("But only just. I mean this- that was stress­ful.")

Agreement and valida­tion: "Hard work." "­Yea­h." "We know that you put your heart and soul into it..."

Some parts sponta­neous and unplanned, others not. "And that is Nadiya's British food adventure, is Monday eight-­thirty on BBC two."

Spoken language is informal, featuring colloq­uia­lisms, false starts and hyperbole.

False starts: "­this- that is stress­ful­", "­whe­never I- the one thing I never did before­".


- Release of Nadiya's new cook book.
- Discussion of anxiety is something not often explored on daytime TV, but the friendly nature between the guest (Nadiya) and presenters (Phillip & Holly) suggest a link of trust and a good relati­onship.
- Furthe­rmore, the conten­t/d­isc­ussion topics of the interview would've been consensual and discussed in advance. The interview is partly scripted, but not comple­tely.
- Unlike we've seen in other interviews (Dizzee Rascal, for example) Nadiya isn't interr­upted on purpose whilst speaking.

It should be considered that celebr­ities usually go on talk shows to promote something or themse­lves- it's always pitched as if it were natural conver­sation, by use of:
1. Phatic commun­ication (small talk)
2. Product promotion seeming naturally apart of discus­sion.
3. Essential buyer's inform­ation.

Conven­tions would normally include term-t­aking, adjacency pairs and interr­uption.

2019 - couple of years after Nadiya won Bake-Off

Nadiya comes from a family with a long history, with roots with Bangla­desh, and sacrifice by moving away with her parents from her grandp­arents to find new opport­uni­ties.

The audience will be aware of her anxiety problems- they would've been spoken about during Bake-Off and other interv­iews.


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