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Analysis Part 3-4 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Numerical Integr­ation

Area under the curve
Single Integral
Trapez­oidal Rule
fit linear function
Single Segment A=(f(a­)+f­(b)­)*(­b-a)/2
Multiple Segments A=(f(x­o)+­2su­m(f­(xi­))+­f(x­n))­*(b­-a)/2n
n is number of intervals- same width
increase accura­­crease intervals
Exception: -linear function -fluct­uating function
as dx decreases, come closer to function
* ineffi­cient but no limit on # of intervals
if non equal intervals, calculate separately and add
Simpson's 1/3 Rule
fit quadratic function
Single A=(f(x­0)+­4f(­x1)­+f(­x2)­)*(­b-a)/6
equidi­stant x1
Multiple A=(f(x­0)+­4su­m_o­dd(­f(x­i))­+2s­um_­eve­n(f­(xi­))+­f(x­n))­*(b­-a)/3n
# of intervals is even
* even # of intervals
most popular bec accuracy is not that signif­icant from 3/8 with less comput­ation
Simpson's 3/8 Rule
fit cubic function
A= (f(x0)­+3f­(x1­)+3­f(x­2)+­f(x­3))­*(b­-a)/8
1/3 rule is most widely used as comput­ational efficiency it provides outweighs the accuracy provided by 3/8 rule
Trapez­oidal rule can reach same accuracy of 3/8 rule by increasing number of intervals
* multiple of 3 # of intervals
Multiple Integral
Step 1 at y=0 find A repeat
Step 2 find A of A(y)
Tavg= A(A(y)­)/area or T=A(A(y))

Numerical Differ­ent­iation

Taylor series
f(xi+1)= f(xi)+­f'(­xi)­h+f­''(xi)h2/2!+............+fn(xi)hn/n!
Expone­ntial, you need infinite order because fn(xi)=ex which is never 0
First Forward difference
f'(xi)= (f(xi+­1)-­f(x­i))/h
to increase accuracy, decrease h that will decrease the rest of Taylor series
First Backward difference
f'(xi)= (f(xi)­-f(­xi-­1))/h
First Centered difference
f'(xi)= (f(xi+­1)-­f(x­i-1­))/2h
Higher Order
First Forward difference
f'(xi)= -f(xi+­2)+­4f(­xi+1) -3f(xi) /(2h)
First Backward difference
f'(xi) = 3f(xi) -4f(xi-1) +f(xi-2) /(2h)
First Centered difference
f'(xi)= -f(x+2) +8f(xi­+1)­-8f­(xi­-1)­+f(­xi-2) /(12h)
Second Forward difference
f''(xi)= (f(xi+­2)-­2f(­xi+­1)+­f(x­i))/h2
Second Backward difference
f''(xi)= (f(xi)­-2f­(xi­-1)­+f(­xi-­2))/h2
Second Centered difference
f''(xi)= (f(xi+­1)-­2f(­xi)­+f(­xi-­1))/h2
* more accurate
fit interp­olated polynomial then differ­ent­iate- function that passes by all points
general method
f'(x)= pt1+pt­2+pt3
pt1: 2x-xi-­(xi+1)/ ((xi-1­)-xi) ((xi-1­)-(­xi+1)) * f(xi-1)
pt2: 2x-(xi­-1)­-(x­i+1)/ (xi-(x­i-1)) (xi-(x­i+1)) * f(xi)
pt3: 2x-(xi­-1)-xi/ ((xi+1­)-(­xi-1)) ((xi+1­)-xi) * f(xi+1)

Ordinary Differ­ential Equations

Why solve numeri­cally?
efficiency or cannot solve analyt­ically
butterfly effect --sens­itive to minor changes
chaotic systems --system sensitive to initial conditions but with predic­table behavior
ODE with respect to 1 indepe­ndent variable
PDE with respect to more than 1 indepe­ndent variable
both can have many dependent variables
Euler's Method
f(xi+1­)=f­(xi)+ k1h
to decrase error, either decrease timestep (h) or take more slopes
* to decrease timestep (h), take into account round off error propagates and comput­ational efficiency
assume slope constant in interval
Heun's Method
second order
yi+1=yi +kavg h
implicit method (yi+1 predictor) ---ite­rative
Midpoint Method
yi+1= yi + k2 h
Explicit Method
ymid= yi+ (k1 h)/2
Runge Kutte
genera­lized formula for methods
yi+1= yi + phi h
phi is weighted average of slopes
number of ks reflects order
there are infinite methods
fourth order Runge Kutte
yi+1 = yi + h/6 (k1+ 2k2+2k­3+k4)
Ralston's Method
phi= 1/3 K1 + 2/3 k2
k2 calculated at 3/4th of interval
third order Runge Kutte
phi = (k1 + 4k2+ k3)/6
k2 is midway and k3 is at the end
systems of odes
need to look at each indepe­ndently but solve simult­anously
#intial conditions = # dependent variables