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Exam 4 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Differ­entiate Divisions Of Nervous System (Pt 1):

Three Main Functions:
1) Monitors the body's internal & external enviro­nment
2) Integrates sensory inform­ation
3) Coordi­nates voluntary & involu­ntary responses

Differ­entiate Divisions Of Nervous System (Pt 2)

Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Includes the brain & spinal cord
- Integrates & coordi­nates sensory processing and motor transm­ission
- Location of higher functions like intell­igence, memory & emotion

Peripheral Nervous System
- All neural tissue outside the Central Nervous System
- Commun­ication connection between the Central Nervous System & the rest of the body

Peripheral Nervous System Functional Divisions:

>Af­ferent Division - Sensory
- Brings inform­ation to the Central Nervous System from receptors in the body tissues and organs.
- Receptors - sensory structures that detect changes in the enviro­nment or respond to specific stimuli

>Ef­ferent Division - Motor
- Carries inform­ation away from the Central Nervous System to muscles and glands. These organs and tissues are called effectors.

>Ef­ferent Division Subdiv­isions
- Somatic Nervous System
- Control skeletal muscle contra­ctions
- Voluntary Contra­ctions - under conscious control (lifting glass of water to lips)
- Involu­ntary Contra­ctions - Simple or complex movements controlled at the subcon­scious level. (placing hand on hot stove and pulling back immedi­ately) this is also known as reflex