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Linux Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is my approach to learn linux administration by doing some troubleshooting

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

System Access Troubl­esh­ooting

Server not reachable
#ping servername

if no sucess search for IP for "­ser­ver­nam­e" with
#nslookup servername

#ping IP-Ser­vername

If IP-ser­vername is pingable check:



If IP-ser­vername is not pingable
ping another server with name and ip
Check if your machine has ip-adress `#ip -c -b a
get gateway-ip with
#netstat -rnv
and check destin­ation to gateway-ip
ping gateway -ip
check local physics cable etc.

App or website not reachable
ping servername and server-ip
if success connect to service
#telnet ip port

if not success login into server check services eg.
#ps -ef |grep -i network

#systemctl status <se­rvi­ce>
'systemctl --failed

Cannot ssh as root/user
check if root is not permittet

#less /var/l­og/­secure

no user or nologin shell
#id <us­er>

#less /etc/p­asswd

#service iptables status

or check
#systemctl status iptabl­es.s­ervice

or check
#ps -ef|grep iptable

or check
#systemctl status firewalld

try to temp disable firewall
#systemctl disable firewalld

Terminal or Client is not working
check correct port user and password syntax

Filesystem Troubl­esh­ooting

If you cannot CD into Dir or cannot open file or run a script
Dir/file not existing
check path relative or absolute
check permis­sions
check file type
check parent dir permissons
check for hidden dir

Trouble to find files or dir
command find or locate
correct syntax:
#find /path  - type [d,f] -name 'my_dir' or 'my_file'

file/dir exits?

Cannot create links
which type of link hard or symbolic
syntax source first then target
check permis­sions
source or target file/dir missing or not existing

Cannot write to a file
check if it exists
check abs or rel path
file type
check parent dir permis­sions
check for hidden file
check for file is open by an another user

Cannot Move/R­ena­me/­Del­ete­/Copy file
check if it exists
check abs or rel path
file type
check parent dir permis­sions
check for hidden file
command syntax
#mv; cp;   "­Source then Target­"

Cannot change file permis­sio­ns/­own­ership
check if file exists
check abs. or rel path
check file ownership (user and group)
check Permis­sions
check parent dir permis­sions
check for hidden file
command syntax:
#chown  or chmod (user then file)

command with recursive option -R
only root can change the file ownership

Cannot view others users files
check if file exists
check abs. or rel path
check file ownership (user and group)
check Permis­sions
check parent dir permis­sions
check for hidden file
command syntax
only root can view any files

Cannot change password
check if file exists
check abs. or rel path
check file ownership (user and group)
check Permis­sions
check parent dir permis­sions
check for hidden file
check command syntax: #passw <us­er>`
only root can change pw of any user

Disk space full
ckeck :
#df -h

check HD status:
#badblocks -v /dev/DISK


Delete old files

find /path/­to/­files -type f -name '*.exa­mples' -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;

Filesystem is corrupted
filesystem partit­ions:

check file system :
#fdisk -l

check logs in

on block device (eg /dev/sda) not on mount point
unmount filesystem the run

Corrupted /etc/fstab
check filesy­stem:

cat or
#less /etc/fstab

system not booting: incorrect entry in fstab or fstab deleted
Steps to do:
*boot in rescue mode mounting a cd or cd-iso image
*choose option 1 to mount root fs
*fix the
etc/fstab file

*for deleted file run


System Admini­str­ation Troubl­esh­ooting

Out of memory
#free -m -h



#dmesg |grep -i "Out of memory­" 
(/var/­log­/me­ssages or /var/l­og/­syslog)

Add Swap Memory
$df -h

#dd if=/de­v/zero of=/ne­wswap bs=1M count=1024 

#free -m

#chmod 600 newswap

#mkswap /newswap

#swapon /newswap

change ftsab to: /newswap swap swap defaults 0 0

Delete Swap space
#swapoff /newswap

#rm /newswap

#free -m

change your fstab file

System rebooted or process is restarting
#systemctl status <pr­oce­ss>




#iostat -xz 1


Check system logs: /var/l­og/­mes­sages /var/l­og/­syslog /var/l­og/­boo­t.log
Check app logs

Unable to receive an IP Address
check DHCP Server
check network virtual setting
#check network hardware setting

lspci | egrep -i 'eth|w­ifi­|wi­reless'
#nmcli -p dev

#ip  -h -c address

#ifup <in­ter­fac­e>   ifconfig up <in­ter­fac­e>

#systemctl restart network

check config files /etc/s­ysc­onf­ig/­net­wor­k-s­cri­pts­/if­cfg­-enp0s3 or ifcfg-eth0

IP assigned but no reacha­bility
check to which network you are connected to use ifconfig or ip a
ping your gateway
#netstat -rnv

#ethtool or mii-tool

#ifup <in­ter­fac­e>

#systemctl resart network

#ifconfig or ip  -4 <-6> -c add

try to turn off tempor­arely the firewall

What if can't run a specific command
check permission and ownership
check abs. and rel. path
#echo $PATH

check for missing or nit installed sw
#whereis <sw>

#yum provides <pa­cke­t>   or dnf

#yum seach telnet

Password not changeable
check file /etc/p­asswd
and /etc/s­hadow( pwconv will recreate file)
user exists correct written ?
be root
#passwd <us­er>

after changes in /etc/s­hadow use pwconv (PW of each
user has to set again)

User has no home dir
dir not existing
dir exists but no entry in /etc/p­asswd
check permission ,ownership and spelling of dir

Change words in files
use vi: :1,$s/­old­wor­d/n­ewword/
use sed:
#sed -i 's/old­sri­ng/­new­str­ing/g' <fi­len­ame>

sed command

Kill Process, User, Terminal
Find process ID (PID)
#ps -ef

#kill <PI­D>

#kill -9 <pi­d>
brutal kill
#pkill <pr­ocess name>

#killall <pr­ocess name>

 root pw recovery

restart computer (physical console access nessesary)
edit grub, search for
change to:
rw init=/­sys­roo­t/b­in/sh

press <ctrl x>
system reboots in single user mode
`>p­asswd root'
>change pw

`>touch /.auto­rel­able'


logged in users

System running slow
Check disk space (df -h and du)
Check processing (top, free, lsmem, cat /proc/­mem­info, vmstat,
pmap <PI­D>, dmidecode, lscpu, /proc/­cpuinf)
Check disk issues (iostat -y 5, lsof)
Check networking (tcpdump -i <in­ter­fac­e> , lsof -i -P -n |grep -i listen,
netstat -plnt or ss -plnt, iftop)
Check uptime (uptime)
Check logs
check hw status log into system
Other external tools (htop, itop, iptraf, psacct)

Rollback updates and patches
Package or patch
#dnf history  

#dnf history undo <id> 

Update (upgrade does not workold obsolete packages are lost)
#dnf history undo <id>

System Recovery


Additional Knowledge and Tools