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r part5 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a Summary of the Lecture 5

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Enviro­nment 1

The enviro­nment is the data structure that powers scoping.
Scoping is the process of connecting names and values.
An enviro­nment binds a set of names to a set of values. It is essent­ially a disordered bag of names.
Only one enviro­nment at the time is active.
The active enviro­nment is also called the current enviro­nment.
Upon calling a function, a new enviro­nment hosts its execution and then it is garbaged (unless captured).

A promise contains
1) an expression code for the delayed comput­ation,
2) an enviro­nment in which it is evaluated, and
3) a value accessed only by forcing

Enviro­nment 2

Functions to treat environments can be found in

An environment is conceptually similar to a named list
> env1 <- rlang::env(

+ x = c(FALSE, TRUE),

+ y = "a",

+ z = 2.3,

+ t = matrix(1:4,2),

+ )

- Every name is unique.
- Names are not ordered.
- It has a parent.
- It is always modified in place and never copied on modify.

Track the parents up to the global
> rlang::env_parents(env2)

[[1]]  <env: 000000000F217108>

[[2]] $ <env: global>

Scoping and Enviro­nments 1

Name masking follows from static (lexical) scoping in the environments, things defined in the current env are used:

> rm(list=ls())

> x<-10; y<-20; g<-function(x) x+10

> f<-function(x) {g<-function(x) x+1; y<-1; z<-2; r<-x+y+z+g(x)

list(current = current_env(), caller = caller_env())}

> env <- f(x = 7)

> env_print(env$current)

<environment: 0000000006124F60>

parent: <environment: global>


* r: <dbl>

* z: <dbl>

* y: <dbl>

* g: <fn> #this is the g defined in the current env

* x: <dbl>

> env_print(env$caller)

<environment: global>

parent: <environment: package:rlang>


* x: <dbl>

* y: <dbl>

* env: <named list>

* .Random.seed: <int>

* f: <fn>

* g: <fn>

> g

function(x) x+10

> env$current$g

function(x) x+1

<environment: 0x0000000006124f60>

> c(env$current$z,env$current$r)

[1] 2 18
(*** Advanced)

Scoping and Enviro­nments 2

Dynamic lookup names that are not defined in the current
environment are searched in the parents
> rm(list=ls())

> y <- 10

> f <- function(x) {z<-2; r<-x+y+z

+ list(current = current_env(), caller = caller_env())

+ }

> env <- f(7)

> ls(env$current)

[1] "r" "x" "z"

> env$current$y


> ls(env$caller)

[1] "env" "f" "y"

> ls() #

[1] "env" "f" "y"

> codetools::findGlobals(f)

[1] "{" "+" "<-" "y"

Scoping and Enviro­nments 3

What happens in the function, stays in the function
> rm(list=ls())

> f <- function(){a<-1; current_env()}

> f1 <- function(){a<-2; x<<-a; current_env()}

> f2 <- function(){a<-3; a<<-a; current_env()}

> env <- f(); ls(env); env$a

[1] "a"

[1] 1

> ls()

[1] "env" "f" "f1" "f2"

> env1 <- f1(); ls(env1); env1$a

[1] "a"

[1] 2

> ls(); x

[1] "env" "env1" "f" "f1" "f2" "x"

[1] 2

> env2 <- f2(); ls(env2); env2$a

[1] "a"

[1] 3

> ls(); a

[1] "a" "env" "env1" "env2" "f" "f1" "f2" "x"

[1] 3

Scoping and Enviro­nments 4

Non-functions objects are ignored in function calls
> rm(list=ls())

> x<-10; y<-20; g<-function(x) x+10

> f <- function(x) {g<-1; y<-1; z<-2; r<-x+y+z+g(g)

+ list(current = current_env(), caller = caller_env())

+ }

> env<-f(7)

> ls(env$current)

[1] "g" "r" "x" "y" "z"

> ls(env$caller) #or simply ls()

[1] "env" "f" "g" "x" "y"

> env$current$g

[1] 1

> env$caller$g #or simply g

function(x) x+10

> fn_env(g)

<environment: R_GlobalEnv>