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HCI Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Human Computer Interaction

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

HCI Develo­pment Cycle

Expert Evaluation
Task Analysis
GUI tools
Usability testing
Design Guidelines
This HCI develo­pment cycle involving (DESIGN -- EVALUATE -- IMPLEMENT) is an iterative process and should be used at every stage.

Evaluation method­ologies

Expert: Inspection methods(Heuristic evalua­tion, cognitive walk-t­hro­ugh), Models
User testing: Qualit­ative methods(obser­vation, interv­iews, questi­onn­aires, think-­aloud), Quanti­tative usability evaluation
User testing is difficult than Expert evaluation


“People use techno­logies to undertake activities in contexts” (To understand how to
develop the best interf­aces, we must understand people!)

Neilson's 10 Design Heuristic

Visibility of system status:The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through approp­riate feedback within reasonable time.
Match between system and the real world: The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system­-or­iented terms. Follow real-world conven­tions, making inform­ation appear in a natural and logical order.
User control and freedom: Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "­eme­rgency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Consis­tency and standards
Error prevention
Recogn­ition rather than recall: Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember inform­ation from one part of the dialogue to another. Instru­ctions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrie­vable whenever approp­riate.
Flexib­ility and efficiency of use: Accele­rators — unseen by the novice user — may often speed up the intera­ction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both inexpe­rienced and experi­enced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions.
Aesthetic and minimalist design
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Help and Docume­ntation


Do everything possible to understand users(­peo­ple).


Formerly struct­ure­d,S­emi­-st­ruc­tur­ed,­Ope­n-ended questions, Closed­-ended questions, Grand tour questions


Identify stakeh­olders for your system, so you know what to give more import­ance.

Neilson Quick Slogans

Your best is not good enough
User is always right
Users are not designers
The user is not always right
Designers are not users
less is more
Details matter
Help does not
Usability engine­ering is a process
vice presidents are not users

MVC Archit­ecture

Model, View, Controller
MVC divides applic­ation into:
- Model of core functi­onality and data
- Views displaying inform­ation to user
- Contro­llers handling user input

MVC Pros and Cons

Multiple views of same model
Complexity for simple intera­ctors
Synchr­onized views
Potent­ially excessive update­s/m­essages
Pluggable V & C and “look and feel”
Tight coupling, in practice
Lack of portab­ility
Some toolkits make MVC framework hard


Icons make use of three principle types of
-- Metaphor relies on people transf­erring knowledge from one
domain and applying to another
-- Direct mapping - creating a more or less direct image of
what the icon is intended to represent
-- Convention - arbitrary design, which has become accepted
as standing for what is intended over time

Norman's intera­ction framework

Gulf of execution: User’s formul­ation of actions
Gulf of evaluation: User’s expect­ations about system state

Horton’s checklist for icon designers

Unders­tan­dable. Sponta­neously suggest the intended concept to the viewer?
Unambi­guous. Are additional cues (label, other icons docume­nta­tion)
Inform­ative. Why is the concept important?
Attrac­tive. Does the image use smooth edges and lines?
Legible. Test all combin­ations of color and size?

Types of Metaphors

eg: spinner controls and up voting
eg: "kill the proces­s"
eg: file deletion is using trash can
magnifying glass:For search
Orient­ational:Gives a concept a spatial orient­ation
Ontolo­gical: Identifies an abstract system concept with a basic category of existence in the physical world: substance, object, container or entity
Structural: Identifies an abstract system concept with a detailed real world concept or object
Metonymy: use of the name of one thing for that of another of which it is an attribute or with which it is associated

'Und­ers­tan­ding' before making the design

It is important to create personas and scenarios before you start designing.
Personas: Fictional charac­ters, which you create based upon your research in order to represent the different user types that might use your service, product, site, or brand in a similar way. Creating personas will help you to understand your users' needs, experi­ences, behaviours and goals.
Scenarios:Stori­es(­rea­l-world experi­ences of people), Concep­tua­l(a­bstract descri­pti­ons­),C­onc­ret­e(s­pecific design decisions and tech. added), Use cases(­formal descri­ptions that can be implem­ented)

Gestalt Properties

The Gestalt theory is guided by 5 principles — Proximity, Simila­rity, Contin­uation, Closure, and Figure­/Gr­ound.
Proximity: When an individual perceives an assortment of objects they perceive objects that are close to each other as related.
Similarity: Elements can visually be grouped together if they have visual simila­rities. This can be applied in the form of color, shape, or iconog­raphy.
Contin­uation: Continuity happens when the eye is guided to move from one object to another.
Closure: Indivi­duals perceive objects such as shapes, letters, pictures, etc., as being whole when they are not complete. Specif­ically, when parts of a whole picture are missing, our perception fills in the visual gap.
Figure­/Ground: Refers to our ability to visually separate elements on different planes of focus. There are three ways to effect­ively execute this, of these through layering, contrast, and inform­ation hierarchy.
Gestalt theories can be applied to UX design and If applied correctly, they can provide you with some quick wins out of the box.

Techniques and termin­ology

Ethnog­raphy , Interview , Questi­onn­aire, Partic­ipatory design , Scenarios , Protot­yping ,Probes , Card sorting , Focus groups
Ethnog­rapthy: Ethnog­raphy, and other types of field studies, allow design teams access to the real-life enviro­nments of their end users. It allows designers insight into the tangible and technical and social enviro­nments of their users, as well as access to the tools users might already be using.
Ethnog­raphy: As a method­ology for UX design, it’s both about how people interact with techno­logy, and also about how they describe their experience of intera­cting with their techno­logy.

Severity Ratings

- 0. No problem
- 1. Cosmetic problem
- 2. Minor – low priority
- 3. Major problem – high priority
- 4. Catast­rophe – must fix