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COMP 2131 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Comp 2131 full course

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Module 1

Components of a Computer System:
Physical components that can be seen or touched. Hardware affects the correc­tness and perfor­mance of the programs. CPU, GPU, APU...
the stuff that controls the hardware
Electronic device that process data converting it into useful inform­ation. Used for converting a set of inputs into outputs
Steps to Start a Computer System
turn on- electrical signal sent to CPU- CPU starts executing instru­ctions from a particular fixed address in the memory- instru­ctions are executed one by one- instru­ction cycle, or the fetch execution cycle repeats forever.
Classes of Computers
Personal Computers, Server Computers, Embedded Computers, Super Computers
a transm­ission of data
Analog Waveform
ancient tech, involves using two conductors for each line (send and receive).
Digital Waveforms
discrete waveform. Repres­ented by two possible voltages on a wire (on or off). We use binary because the technology is not advanced enough for a switch to reliably hold more than two possible states.
Physical Signals
Not discrete and contin­uous.

Module 1

Data / Inform­ation
all inform­ation is stored in the form of binary digits. Ex. a 1 or a 0 in a sequence of 8 bits
is a set of 8 bits assigned together to. represent data. For each character, a unique byte-sized integer is assigned.
A collection of data. Text file can be user program written in any computer language or it can be just numbers and other facts
Binary File
collection of characters in only machin­e-r­eadable form. Commonly used for the computer to read and execute. Ex operating system
Only thing that distin­guishes different types of data is the context in which we view them
Software Categories
Applic­ation Software
to perform a specific applic­ation
System Software
which is required to operate a hardware. Ex. operating system, computer languages, utility software etc...
Operating System
It is not possible for any computers to work without an operating system. Popular operating systems are Linux/­Unix, Windows, iOS etc..The main bridge between the hardware and the user is the operating system
A process is the operating systems abstract for a running program. Multiple processes can run on the system, even on a single CPU core. The instru­ctions for one process is interl­eaved with the instru­ctions for another process, using context switching.
A process can consist of multiple execution units, called threads or lightw­eight processes, each running in the context of the process and sharing the same code and global variables, but different local variables. Multiple tabs of a browser are the threads of the browser process.
Process vs Threads
a process is an executing instance of a program, also termed "­tas­k". Always stored in the main memory, its an active entity; all processed are closed when the computer system is restarted. One program may consist of several processed and multiple processes can be executed in parallel, whenever possible. Ex. the MS Word software running a process. Thread is a subset if a process or a light weight process. The main difference is that threads execute with the context of a process and share the same resources allotted to the process by the kernal. Multiple threads leads to true parall­elism, possible on multip­roc­essor systems. It works on the principle that all the threads running within a process share the same address space, file descri­ptors, stack, and other related attrib­utes. Ex. in Word, when we type something, it automa­tically saves. SO editing and saving are hapeing in parallel in two threads

Module 1

General Purpose Registers
The x86 archit­ecture contains eight 32-bit General Purpose Registers (GPRs). These registers are mainly used to perform address calcul­ations, arithm­etic, and logical calcul­ations. Four of the GPRs can be treated as a 32-bit quantity, a 16-bit quantity or as two 8-bit quanti­ties. They are the EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX. R-regi­sters Ex. RAX, RBX are just the 64-bit version of the E general purpose registers
are status registers which monitor the results produced from the execution of arithmetic instru­ctions and then perform specific tasks based on the status report.
Sequence of Operations
Only one instru­ction in the main memory, which is pointed to by the PC, is read (called fetched) by the CPU and executed. This is called the instru­ction cycle. PC is increased after the instru­ction fetch so that the next instru­ction is pointed by PC and read by CPU.

Module 1

Programs and Compil­ation Systems
A high level C program is translated to a low-level machine language instru­ction, packaged into a form called an executable object program, and stored as a binary file. Object programs are also referred to as object files. A translator Ie, a Compiler or an interp­reter is used to translate high-level language program to the machine language for execution.
Prepro­cessing Phase
The prepro­cessor (cpp) modifies the original C program according to directives that begins with the # character.
Compil­ation Phase
The compiler (cc1) translates the text file hello.i into the text file hello.s which contains an assembly language program. Each statement in an assembly language program exactly describes one low level machine language instru­ction in a standard text form. Assembly language is useful because it provides a common output language for different compilers for different high-level languages.
Assembly Phase
The assembler translates hello.s into machine language instru­ction, packages then into a form known as a reloca­table object program and stored the result in the object file hello.o. The hello.o file is a binary file whose bytes are encoded machine language instru­ctions rather than characters
Linking Phase
Notice that our hello program calls the printf function, which is part of the standard C library. The printf function resides in a separate precom­piled object file called printf.o, which must somehow be merged with our hello.o program. The linker (ld) handles merging, The result is the hello file, which is an executable object file that is ready to be loaded into memory and executed by the system.
Compil­ation System
Compil­ation systems try to produce correct efficient machine codes but list the errors that it could not unders­tand.
Optimizing Program Perfor­mance
Not easy for them to optimize source code
Unders­tanding Link-time Errors
Especially in the develo­pment of a large software system
Avoiding Security Holes
Run time errors
Cache Memories (SRAM)
It might take the CPU 10 times longer to read a file from the disk than from the main memory This is why the hello program needs to be loaded into memory before the file is executed by the CPU so that it may be processed faster.
Need for Cache Memory
Since fetch time is much longer than execution time, its a good idea to solve the proces­sor­-memory gap by the introd­uction of the cache memory or the CPU memory. Cache memory is very high-speed semi conductor memory which can speed up CPU, acting as a buffer between the CPU and main memory. It can also hold those parts of DATA and PROGRAM, which are most frequently used by the CPU. Those data and programs are the first transf­erred from disk to cache memory by the OS and the CPU can access them. It is mostly integrated directly with the CPU chip or it may be placed on a separate chip and can have a separate bus interc­onnect with the CPU.
The smaller faster and closely located storage device is called cache memory or simply cache. The cache is helpful as it speeds up the execution of the programs. Initially programs will be loaded into the main memory and then stored into cache memory or simply cache. The cache is helpful as it speeds up the execution of the programs. Initially, programs will be loaded into the main memory and then stored into cache memory when execution of the program starts. It can exist in multiple levels Ex. L1, L2, L3 ...
Memory Hierarchy
L0: Registers
L1; L1 cache
L2:L2 cache (SRAM)
L3: L3 cache (SRAM)
L4: Main Memory (DRAM)
L5: Local Secondary Storage (Local Disk)
L6: Remote Secondary Storage / Tertiary Storage (distr­ibuted file systems, web servers)

Module 1

Central Processing Unit: main brain of the comuter also know as the processor or core. Newer computers have multiple cores.
Graphics Processing Unit: made to enhance the creation of images for a computer display, consists of thousands of smaller, more efficient cores designed to handle multiple tasks simult­ane­ously. Main functions are texture mapping, image rotation, transl­ation, and shading.
Accele­rated Processing Unit: is the main processor with additional functi­ona­lities. APU = CPU + GPU on a single chip
Field Progra­mmable Gate Array: is not a processor but is capable of creating one or multiple proces­sors. The progra­mmable hardware is completely separate from the CPU and its used for digital design and can be reconf­igured repeat­ably. Can be used to help design specia­lized circuits for a specific applic­ation and can be modified for others,
Input / Output: keyboards, scanner, mouse etc..
Main Memory
Primary Memory
Random Access Memory: consists of two types: DRAM and SRAM
Dynamic Random Access Memory: is a type of semi conductor memory where data is stored in the form of a charge. Each memory cell is made up of a transistor and a capacitor. Capacitors loose charge due to leakage, making DRAM volatile; conseq­uently the device must be regularly refreshed to retain data
Static Random Access Memory: (Cache): retains a value as long as power is supplied, SRAM is typically faster than DRAM. Each SRAM memory cell is comprised of 6 transi­stors; the cost per cell of SRAM is more than DRAM
non volatile, permanent. The different types are EEPROM and EAPROM
Secondary Memory
Floppy, hard disks
are cables used to carry data from one component to another. Each bus can transmit a fixed-size bytes known as a word that is of 4-bytes (32 bits) or 8 bytes (64 bits).
a word sized storage device in the main memory. PC (program counter) is a special register pointing at (contains the address of) some machin­e-l­anguage instru­ction stored in main memory increased after the fetch cycle.

Module 1

Data Structures
There are several ways memory can be organized and used for data storage:
Program Code and Data
Machine instru­ctions, data to be processed as well as the processed recults
Shared Libraries
The library files ( already written and translated programs) that are shared by multiple processes
Memory allocation as and when is required
Memory allocated for short term storage
Virtual memory: this stores the part of the operating system
A network is a set of hardware devices that are connected together physically or logically so that they may share or exchange inform­ation. The internet is an ideal example of a global network, also called a network of networ­ks" The main advantages are; data sharing, connec­tivity, hardware and software sharing, data security and manage­ment, perfor­mance enhanc­ement.
A protocol is the defined set of rules, algori­thms, messages, and other mechanisms that the software and hardware must follow to commun­icate effect­ively.
Nodes are the connecting hardware on the network

Module 3 A

Elements of a C program
A C develo­pment envionment includes
Systen libraries and headers; a set of standard libraries and their header files. For example see /usr / include and glibc.
Applic­ation Source: applic­ation. source and header files.
Compiler: converts source to object code for a specific function.
Linker: Resolves external references and produces the executable module.
Why C?
Most system programs are written in C, not even C++, for fast execution. The kernels of most operating systems are written in C. A lot of projects use C
GNU C Compiler
GCC is GNU compiler collec­tion. It is an integrated distri­bution of compilers for several major progra­mming languages like C, C++, Java, Object­ive-C, Objective C++ etc...
GCC also known as GNU Compiler is used for compiling C programs
Some features of GCC are:
language indepe­ndence- possib­ility of sharing code among the compilers for all supported languages.
code optimi­zation - Various optimi­zation levels that may generate machine code for various proces­sors.
How to compile
gcc hello.c -o hello
How to run
Source and Header Files
Header Files
(*h) Header files in C are templates that include function prototypes and defini­tions of variables, types, and macros. By including these files in your code, you're effect­ively enabling code reusab­ility and modula­riz­ation, making your code cleaner and easier to manage.
Do not place source code (i.e. defini­tions) in the header file with a few except­ions: inline'd code, class defini­tions and const defini­tions
Standard Headers you should know
stdio.h : file and console
stdlib.h: common utility functions: malloc, calloc etc..
string.h: string and byte manipu­lation: strlen, strcpy etc...
This is a function in C that reserves a specified amount of memory during runtime and returns a pointer to the beginning of the allocated block.
Similar to malloc, calloc also reserves a certain amount of memory during runtime but in addition, it initia­lizes all the reserved memory to zero and returns a pointer to the start of it.
The Prepro­cessor
The prepro­cessor in C is a program that processes your code before it's compiled. It can include header files, define macros, condit­ionally compile sections of code, and handle other tasks that occur before actual code compil­ation.
C Prepro­cessor (cpp)
is used to insert common defini­tions into source files
Commands begin with a #. #defin­e(d­efine a macros) #inclu­de(­insert text from file).
C language
program file names end with ".c"
Primitive Data Types
char, int, short, long, float, double
Format Specifiers
%d: print as a decimal integer; %6d print as decimal int, at least 6 char wide; %6.2 print as floating point, at least 6 char wide and 2 after decimal.
%o: ocatal; %x: hexa; %c: char; %s:str­ing;%%: % itself
Precedence and Associ­ativity
++ --
Binary operators -- Highest
+ -
Unary operators (negative, positive)
* / %
Math symbols
+ -
Math symbols -- lowest
Symbols Presce­dence
== !=
Comma operator
lowest precedence of all the operators, causes a sequence of operations "do this, then this"
Condit­ional operator
if-the­n-else. Exp1 ? Exp2: Exp3
Expression vs Statement
An expression in C is any valid combin­ation of operators, constants, functions and variables. A statement is a valid expression followed by a semi colon;
Collection of similar data items identified by a single name and stored in contiguous memory location
2D Arrays
type array_­nam­e[r­ow-­siz­e][­col­umn­-size]
int a [3][4] = {{0,1,2,3}, {4,5,6,7}, {8,9,1­0,11}; or int a[3][4­]={­0,1­,2,­3,4­,5,­6,7­,8,­9,1­0,11}
String is a character array
sequence of characters in a character array that is terminated by null character '\0'
C language does not support strings as a data type
String is just a one-di­men­sional array of characters
char name[10] = "­Example Progra­m"; or char name[10] = {'L','­e',­'s'­,'s­','­o',­'n'­,'s­','\0'}
The length of the string is the number of bytes preceding the null character. The value of a string is the sequence of the values of the contained charac­ters, in order.
Series of characters treated as a single unit. String literal (string constant) = written in double quotes "­hel­lo";
Same as a method in Java
return­-type functi­on-­nam­e(a­rgument declar­ati­ons). Various parts may be absent
Each function logically, should perform a specific task
Parameter passing
Call by Value: In C, when you pass values to a function, a new copy of those values is created for the function to use. Changes made to these values in the function do not affect the originals.
Call by Reference: This method passes the address of the variable to the function. Hence, any changes made to the variables in the function directly alter the original variables as they share the same memory location. Note that C doesn't directly support call by reference, but it can be simulated using pointers.
External Variables
Declared outside any function, usually with initial values
permanent so they can retain values from one function invocation to the next.
Automatic (Local) Variables
Are internal to the function; they come into existence when the function is entered and disappear when it is left.
Static Variables
Static variables in C are variables that retain their values between function calls. Unlike regular local variables, which are created and destroyed every time a function is called, static variables are initia­lized only once and exist until the program ends. User how is that different than an external varaible? External variables, or global variables, are declared outside any function and can be accessed by any function throughout the program. Unlike static variables, which are only visible within their own function or file, external variables are visible to all parts of the program, making them more univer­sally accessible but also potent­ially increasing the risk of unintended modifi­cat­ions.
Register Variables
A register declar­ation advises the compiler that the variable in question will be heavily used. The idea is to keep them in registers which is much quicker to access
Scope Rules

Module 2

Binary Number System
Base 2
4 bits = nibble 8 bits = byte
Octal Number
Base 8
Hexade­cimal System
Base 16
Decimal to Binary
divide the number by the base (=2). take the remainder (either 0 or 1) as a coeffi­cient. Take the quotient and repeat the division.
Ex. 13/2 = 6 (quoti­ent), 1 (remai­nder)
6/2 = 3 (quoti­ent), 0 remainder
3/2 = 1 (quoti­ent), 1 (remai­nder)
1/2 = 0 (quoti­ent), 1 (remai­nder)
13 = 1101 - remainders read from the bottom up.
Data Repres­ent­ation in Words
A word size is the number of bits processed by the computer in one go ie. typically 32 bits or 64 bits.
Data bus size, instru­ction size, address size are usually multiples of the word size.
Addressing and Byte Ordering
A variable X of type int (allocated 4 bytes)
If the address of x: 0x100 (means it starts storing from 0x100)
This means the 4 bytes of x would be stored in memory locations 0x100, 0x101, 0x102, and 0x103.
Lets assume x has the VALUE of 0x1234567, which needs to be stored in four bytes:
Two conven­tions to store the values in the 4 consec­utive byte memory locations. 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, and 0x67, or 0x67, 0x45, 0x23, and 0x01, depending on the CPU archit­ecture
Little Endian
0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67. Little first Refers to the byte order in which the least signif­icant byte (LSB) is stored at the lowest memory address, and the most signif­icant byte (MSB) is stored at the highest memory address.
Big Endian
0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01 Big first Refers to Refers to the byte order in which the most signif­icant byte (MSB) is stored at the lowest memory address, and the least signif­icant byte (LSB) is stored at the highest memory address.
Integer Repres­ent­ation
char, unsigned char
1 byte
Short, unsigned short
2 bytes
Int, unsigned int
4 bytes
Long, unsigned long
8 bytes
4 bytes
8 bytes
max number able to store is bit size / 4
All 8 bits used for data storage, nos sign bit
unsigned char
Smallest number is 0, max number is 0xff
unsigned short
16 bits, smallest number is 0, max number is 0xffff - 65536 in decimal
unsigned int
32 bits, smallest number is 0. max number is 0xffffffff
The ma number is 2^8 = 255, the min number is 0
unsigned long
64 bits, smallest number is 0, largest number is 0xffff­fff­fff­ffffff.
Binary Addition
1 + 1
= 0 carry the 1
0 + 1
= 1
Binary Subtra­ction
1 -1
= 0
0 - 1
borrow a base when needed
Binary Multip­lic­ation
bit by bit
Repres­ent­ation of Negative Binaries in Memory
Left bit is called the most signif­icant bit
MSB = 0, non-ne­gative integers, MSB = 1, negative integers
Other 7 bits (for an int, 8 bits) is used to represent the integers
8 bit signed repres­ent­ation
Largest number is 127
Smallest number is -128
2's Complement
Positive numbers and zero are repres­ented as usual in binary. Negative numbers are repres­ented by inverting all the bits of their positive counte­rpart and adding 1 to the result.
This system allows simple binary addition to work for both positive and negative operands without needing separate subtra­ction hardware. The leftmost bit often acts as a sign bit, with 0 for non-ne­gative values and 1 for negative values.
Fractional Number Repres­ent­ation
IEEE floating point repres­ent­ation
Floating point is typically expressed in the scientific notation, with a fraction (F) and an exponent (E) of a certain radix (r), in the form of F x r ^ E
= 2^-1 = 0.5
= 2^-2 = 0.25
=2 ^ -3 = 0.125
Floats are stored in memory as follows
sign bit 's' = denoting positive or negative - 1 bit
mantissa 'm' = the digits of your number - 23 bits
exponent 'e' = 8 bits
Three different cases
Normalized values
The bit pattern of exp is neither all zeros nor all ones
Denorm­alized values
It is the case where the exp is all 0's but the fraction is non-zero.
The denorm­alized numbers gradually lose their precision as they get smaller because the left bits of the fraction become zeros
Special values
A final category of values occurs when the exponent field is all ones. When the fraction field is all zeros, the resulting values represent infinity, either +∞ when s = 0, or −∞ when s = 1. Infinity can represent results that overflow, as when we multiply two very large numbers, or when we divide by zero. When the fraction field is nonzero, the resulting value is called a “NaN,” short for “Not a Number.”
ASCII Character codes
Used to represent inform­ation sent as character based data
uses 7 bits to represent 94 graphic printing characters 34 non printing characters
Boolean Expression
Any expression that evaluates to true or false.
Boolean Operators
AND(.), OR(+), NOT(!)

Module 3

Scope Rules
There are three places where variables can be declared in C
Inside a function or a block which is called local variables
Outside of all functions which is called global variables
In the definition of function parameters which is called formal parameters
Pointers in C are like arrows that point to a location in your computer's memory where data is stored. Instead of holding a value themse­lves, they tell you where to find the value.
variable that contains the address of another variable
Pointers and arrays in C are closely related because arrays are essent­ially a block of contiguous memory locations. The name of the array is a pointer to the first element of the array. So, if you have an array like int arr[5], you can access its elements using pointers. For example, *(arr + 2) will give you the third element of the array, because the pointer arr points to the start of the array and adding 2 moves the pointer to the third element. This relation gives you another way to access and manipulate arrays, making the use of arrays more flexible in C.
Pointer declar­ation
int *ptr; Declares a variable ptr that is a pointer to a data item that is an integer
Assignment to a pointer
ptr = &x; Assigns ptr to point to the address where x is stored.
To use the value pointed to by a pointer we use derefe­rence (*)
Given a pointer, we can get the value it points to by using the * operator
*ptr is the value at the memory address given by the value of ptr
Ex. if ptr = &x then y = *ptr + 1 is the same as y = x +1
If ptr = &y then y = *ptr + 1 is the same as y = y + 1
A way to have a single name referring to a group of related values.
Structures provide a way of storing many different values in variables of potent­ially different types under the same name.
Structs are useful when a lot of data needs to be grouped together,

Module 4

Types of memory
Primary memory: most part of memory clears out everytime a computer is restarted. This is also called temporary memory or volatile memory except ROM. Ex. RAM, ROM and Cache
Secondary Memory: Data stored on this memory is permanent and retains even after computer is switched off. Ex. Harddisk, CD, USB
Primary Memeory
Random Access Memory: is the most common and accessible memory by the processor to process the data. This is tradit­ionally packaged as a chip. Basic storage unit is normally a cell. Multiple RAM chips may be there on the computer board to form a memory.
Dynamic Ram (DRAM)
More commonly used in memory here each cell stores a bit wit ha capacitor. One transistor is used for accessing the data. Here values must be refreshed every 10-100ms to retain. Slower and cheaper than SRAM but is used as a simple scratch area for different data manipu­lat­ions.
Static Ram (SRAM)
each cell stored a bit with four or six-tr­ans­istor circuit. It may retain values indefi­nitely, as long as it is kept powered. This memory is faster and more expensive than DRAM and used as Cache memory.
Enhanced DRAM
Synchr­onous DRAM (SDRAM)
this uses a conven­tional clock signal instead of asynch­ronous control
Double Data-Rate Synchr­onous DRAM (DDR SDRAM)
Double edge clocking to send two bits per cycle per pin. Different types are there that are distin­guished by size of small prefetch buffer like DDR(2 bits), DDR2(4 bits), DDR4(8 bits)
Read only memory: it isprog­rammed during production and can only be programmed once. There is special erasable PROM (EPROM) that can be bulk erased using electrical signals or UV or x-rays. A normal user cannot alter this memory. Main use is to store firmware programs life BIOS, contro­llers for disks, network cards, graphics accele­rators, security subsystems etc...
Cache Memory
There is a problem of processor - memory bottle­neck. If the processor is running at the same speed as the memory bus, both work fine, but since newer computers have high speed CPU's, the CPU will have to wait for inform­ation from the memory. Cache stores the info coming from memory and the processor can get the info from the cache must faster. Small fast storage device that acts as a staging area for a subset of the data from the larger, slower device like RAM. Can be multiple levels of cache L1, L2
Cache Hit: When the ALU needs some data it looks for the data in the cache. If found, it is called a cache hit, else a cache miss
Cost of cache miss
Consider: Cache hit time of 1 cycle. Miss penalty of 100 cycles.
97% hits: 1 cycle + 0.03 * 100 cycles = 4 cycles
99% hits: 1 cycle + 0.01 * 100 cycles = 2 cycles
Miss Rate
Miss rate is the fraction of memory references that are not found in cache. (Misses / Accesses) = 1 hit rate. Typical hit percen­tages (3% to 10% for L1)
Hit Time
Hit time is the time to deliver a line in the cache to the processor. It also includes time to determine whether the line is in the cache. Typical hit times: 1-2 clock cycles for L1
Miss Penalty
Miss penalty is the additional time required because of a miss is typically 50 - 200 cycles.
Secondary Memory
This is the non-vo­latile part of the memory used for storing data for long term storage. Ex. Floppy, hard disk, usb
Hard Disk (HDD)
Most important and most commonly used secondary storage medium. This is mostly installed inside the CPU, but may also be an external hard disk that can be portable if required
A hard disk consists of platters, each with two surfaces. Each surface consists of concentric rings called tracks. Each track consists of sectors separated by gaps. A sector is the block that is addressed to store a block of inform­ation.
Steps for disk access
The reading head is positioned above a track
Counter clockwise rotation of the disk happens until it reaches the requireds ector
Reads the data, once reached
Calculate Disk Capacity
We may measure the disk capacity using the following technology factors:
Recording density (bits/in): number of bits that can be stored into a 1 inch segment of track
Track Density (tacks­/in­):the number of tracks that can be squeezed into a 1 inch segment of the radius extending from the centre of the platter.
Aerial Density (bits/­in2): product of the recording density and track density
Disk Capacity Calcul­ation
Capacity = (#byte­s/s­ector) x (avg.# sector­s/t­rack) x (#trac­ks/­sur­face) x (#surf­ace­s/p­latter) x (#plat­ter­s/disk)
Disk Access Time Calcul­ations
Average Time
Taccess = Tavg seek + Tavg rotation + Tavg transfer
Seek Time (Tavg seek):
Time to position heads over cylinder containing target sector. Typical avg seek is: 2-9ms
Rotaional Latency (Tavg rotation)
Time wasted for first bit of target sector to pass under r/w head. Tavg rotation = 1/2 x 1/RPMs x 60sec/1min . Typical is 720RPMs
Transfer Time (Tavg transfer)
Time to read the bits in the target sector. Tavg transfer = 1/(avg # sector­s/t­rack) x 1/RPM x 60secs / 1min
Solid State Disks (SSDs)
Device that uses integrated circuits to store data perman­ently. Since SSDs do not have mechanical compon­ents, these are typically more resistant to physical shock, run silently, have lower access time, and lower latency. More expensive
Principle of Locality
Programs tend to use data and instru­ctions with addresses near or equal to those they have used recently. Two main localities are Spacial and Temporal
Items near by addresses tend to be referenced close together in time
Recently referenced items are likely to be references in the near future

Module 5

you can think of a linker as a person assembling a train set. Each car of the train is a piece of compiled code, and the linker's job is to connect these cars together in the correct order to form a complete train (the final executable program). If one car needs to connect to another in a specific way (such as a function in one piece of code calling another function in another piece), the linker ensures they're hooked together properly, so the entire train runs smoothly. The final result is a complete, operat­ional program that's ready to run on your computer. A process of collecting and combining various pieces of code and data into a single file that can be loaded into the memory and executed. Linking can be done at compile time, or run time.
Role of Linkers
Symbol Resolu­tion: Symbol defini­tions are stored (by compiler) in symbol table, an array of structs, in the .o files. Each entry includes name, size, and relative location of symbol. A linker associates each symbol reference with exactly one symbol defini­tion. Symbols will be replaced with their relative locations in the .o files.
Relocation A linker merges separate code and data sections in the .o files into single sections in the a.out file and relocates symbols from their relative locations in the .o files to their final absolute memory locations in the execut­able. A linker also updates all references to these symbols to reflect their new positi­ons.:
Why do we use Linkers?
Programs can be written as a collection of smaller source files, rather than one monolithic mass and can build libraries of common funcitons
Efficiency is Implem­ented in two ways: 1. Time Efficiency - a separate compil­ation enables changes to one source file, compile, and then relink, therefore there is no need to recompile other source files again and again
2. Space effici­ency: libraries, which are common functions that are aggregated into a single file, yet are still executable files and running memory images, contains only code for the functions they actually use
Compiler Drivers
think of the compiler driver as the conductor of an orchestra. The musicians in the orchestra each play their instru­ments, just as different parts of the compil­ation process (prepr­oce­ssing, compiling, assemb­ling, linking) handle specific tasks. The conductor coordi­nates all the musicians to create a harmonious piece of music, just as the compiler driver coordi­nates the various stages of the compil­ation process to produce a working execut­able. It makes sure everything happens in the right order and that all the necessary pieces come together, simpli­fying the complex process into a single, unified command. A compiler driver invokes the language pre processor, compiler, assembler, and linker as needed on behalf of the user. The name of the compiler driver on our Linux box is gcc
In modular progra­mming many method­s/p­roc­edures are stored in a separate file. the file is called from the main program to call the methods defined in the external file.
The steps of execution are:
1. The driver first runs the C prepro­cessor (cpp), which translates the C source file main.c into an ASCII interm­ediate file main.i
2. Next, the driver runs the C compiler (cc1), which translates main.i into ASCII assembly language file main.s
3. then the driver runs the assembler (as), which translates main.s into a reloca­table object file main.o
4. The driver goes through the same process to generate swap.o. Finally it runs the linker program (ld), which combines main.o and swap.o, along with the necessary system object files, to create the executable object file.
Primary Memory Addressing
The primary memory of the computer is used as contiguous array of physical addresses. It has two parts: 1. Low Memory Area: stores resident operating system. 2. High Memory Area: user processes
Virtual Memory
virtual memory enables a computer to use more memory than it physically has by "­bor­row­ing­" space from the hard drive. When the actual RAM gets full, less-used data is tempor­arily stored on the hard drive, making room for new data in the physical RAM. This process allows larger and more complex applic­ations to run smoothly, even on systems with limited physical memory.
Memory Relocation Concept
memory relocation is like rearra­nging the contents of a bookshelf. If you need to make room for more books or organize them differ­ently, you might shift some of the books to different spots on the shelf. Similarly, memory relocation moves data and code to different parts of the computer's memory to make more efficient use of space or to allow programs to run correctly, even if they weren't originally designed to be placed in those exact spots in memory.
Address Space
Address space is a set of addresses that a process can use to address memory. Each process has been given a unique address space that can be identified with base register and limit register combin­ation. The data is moved between the process address space (Virtual space) and actual physical address for proces­sing. This is called as swapping
Swapping is like moving books between a small reading table (RAM) and large booksh­elves (hard drive). If your table is full and you need a new book that's on the shelf, you'll put one book from the table back onto the shelf and take the new book you need. In a computer, when RAM is full and a new program or data needs to be loaded, the operating system puts some of the data or programs that are in RAM but not currently being used onto the hard drive, making space for the new inform­ation. This keeps the system running smoothly, even when working with more data than can fit in RAM at one time.
think of the linker as a puzzle master putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Each object file is like a section of the puzzle, and the linker's job is to fit them together in the correct way to form the complete picture (the executable program). If one piece refers to another (such as calling a function defined somewhere else), the linker makes sure they're connected properly, so the whole image makes sense. The final result is a complete program that's ready to run on your computer.
Static Linking
Symbol Resolu­tion: Object files define and reference symbols. The purpose of symbol resolution is to associate each symbol reference with exactly one symbol definition
Reloca­tion: Compilers and assemblers generate code and data sections that start at address 0. The linker relocates these sections by associ­ating a memory location with each symbol defini­tion, and then modifying all of the references to those symbols so that they point to this memory location.
Dynamic Linking
think of dynamic linking like a toy set with interc­han­geable parts. When you're playing with the toy, you might want to add special features or access­ories, like wheels or wings. Instead of storing all these parts inside the main toy (which would make it big and heavy), you keep them in a separate box and snap them on as needed. In a computer, a dynami­cally linked program works the same way. It stays small and lightw­eight because it doesn't include everything inside itself. Instead, it reaches out and grabs the extra parts (like functions or variables) from shared libraries when it needs them, keeping things more efficient and flexible.
Types of Object Files
Reloca­table Object files ( .o): Think of this as a puzzle piece that hasn't been fixed to the final picture yet. It contains compiled code, but it has references (like function calls) that aren't tied down to specific addresses. This allows the linker to move it around and fit it with other pieces when creating the final execut­able. It's a flexible, interm­ediate step in building a program.
Executable Object File ( a.out): This is like the completed puzzle, with all pieces fixed in place, forming a clear picture. An executable object file contains all the code, data, and references properly linked and ready to run on a computer. Everything is set, and it's ready to be launched and executed by the operating system.
Shared Object File (.so ): Imagine a special puzzle piece that can fit into multiple puzzles. A shared object file contains code or data that multiple programs can use simult­ane­ously. Instead of including the same code in every program (which would take up more space), the code is stored in one place, and different programs can reach into it and use what they need. It's a way to share common functions or variables between different programs, making things more efficient.
Compilers and assemblers generate object files (including shared object files). Linkers generate executable object files.
Inform­ation in Object File
Header Inform­ation: info about the file such as the size of the code, name of the source file it was translated from, and creation date.
Object Code: Binary instru­ctions and data generated by a compiler or assembler
Reloca­tion: A list of the places in the object code that have to fixed up when the linker changes the addresses of the object code
Symbol­s:G­lobal symbols defined in this module, symbols to be imported from other modules or defined by the linker.
Debugging Inform­ation: Other inform­ation about the object code not needed for linking but of use to a debugger. This includes source file and line number inform­ation, local symbols, descri­ptions of data structures used by the object code such as C structure defini­tions.
Executable and Linkable Format (ELF)
think of ELF as a standa­rdized container used for shipping various goods. Different containers might be used for different types of goods, but this particular container (ELF) is designed in such a way that it can effici­ently pack away different types of progra­mming "­goo­ds,­" like the actual programs you run (execu­tab­les), the building blocks used to create those programs (object code), or the shared pieces used by many programs (shared librar­ies). By having this standa­rdized container, the system knows exactly how to handle, load, and run these various compon­ents, regardless of what's inside. Just as shipping containers have specific ways they can be lifted, stacked, and transp­orted, ELF files have a specific structure that the operating system unders­tands, allowing it to handle them in a consistent and efficient way.
ELF Header
Inform­ation to parse and interpret the object file; Word size, byte ordering, file type(.o, exec, .so) machine type, etc.
Segment Header table
For runtime execution: Page size, virtual addresses memory segments (secti­ons), segment sizes.
.text section: Instru­ction code
.rodata section: Read only data: jump tables, ...
.data section: Initia­lized global variables
.bss section: Uninit­ialized global variables; it has a section header but occupies no space
.symtab section: Symbol table; Procedure and static variable names; Section names and locations are used by a linker for code relocation
.rel.text section: Is the relocation info for .text section, which addresses instru­ctions that will need to be modified in the execut­able; Also instru­ctions for modifying. section: Is the relocation info for .data section; it also addresses of pointer data that will need to be modified in the merged executable
.debug section: Info for symbolic debugging (gcc -g); Section header table used for linking and reloca­tion: Offsets and sizes of each section
Types of ELF Files
Reloca­table: files are created by compilers and assemblers but need to be processed by the linker before running
Execut­able: files have all relocation done and all symbols resolved except perhaps shared library symbols to be resolved at runtime
Shared Object: are shared libraries, containing both symbol inform­ation for the linker and directly runnable code for runtime
Symbols and Symbol Tables
Global symbol: defined by module m that can be referenced by other modules. For example, non-static C functions and non-static global variables. (Note that static C functions and static global variables cannot be referred from other files.)
External symbols: Global symbols that are referenced by module m but defined by some other module.
Local symbols: Symbols defined and referenced exclus­ively by module m.
Strong and Weak Symbols
Strong: procedures and initia­lized globals
Weak: uninit­ialized globals
Linkers Symbol Rules
Rule 1: Multiple strong symbols are not allowed; each item can be defined only once, otherwise the result is a linker error
Rule 2: Given a strong symbol and multiple weak symbol, choose the strong symbol. References to the weak symbol resolve to the strong symbol.
Rule 3: If there are multiple weak symbols, pick an arbitrary one. This can be overridden with gcc –fno-c­ommon
Global Variables;
Avoid global variables if possible, otherwise use static if possible; Initialize if you define a global variable. Use extern if you do use external global variables.
Relocation consists of two steps:
Relocating sections and symbol defini­tions
Relocating symbol references within sections
Types of Libraries
Static Libraries: Concat­enate related reloca­table object files into a single file with an index (called an archive).  Enhance linker so that it tries to resolve unresolved external references by looking for the symbols in one or more archives.  If an archive member file resolves reference, link it into the execut­able.
Dynamic / Shared Libraries: Object files that contain code and data that are loaded and linked into an applic­ation dynami­cally, at either load-time or run-time.  Also called: dynamic link libraries, DLLs, .so files  Shared library routines can be shared by multiple processes.  In shared libraries, the symbols for the code in shared libraries will be resolved with absolute addresses at either load-time or run-time.

Module 7

Perfor­mance Realities
To write an efficient code, you need to understand the basic facts: a. Constant factors o It is possible to improve the perfor­mance of the code, if it is properly written The optimi­zation can be done in various ways: Adopting an approp­riate algorithm,  Selecting proper data repres­ent­ations,  Following procedures and loops suitably and accurately
The programmer must understand following ways the system to optimize perfor­mance: a. The way programs are compiled and executed. b. The way to measure program perfor­mance and identify bottle­necks. c. The way to improve perfor­mance without destroying code modularity and genera­lity.
Optimizing Compilers
Compiler constr­uction has always been an active research topic. Compiler developers have developed very advanced and optimi­zation compilers that can automa­tically make the optimized codes by:
Making proper register allocation  Automatic code selection and ordering  Performing dead code elimin­ation automa­tically and  Elimin­ating minor ineffi­cie­ncies by itself
Nevert­heless, many places may not be optimized by compilers:  Improving asymptotic efficiency  Selecting best overall algorithm
Compilers cannot overcome “optim­ization blockers” (this will be explained more fully later):  Memory aliasing  Procedure call side-e­ffects
Limita­tions of optimizing compilers
The optimi­zation compilers have numerous constr­aints; for example, they cannot cause any change in program behaviour and cannot change the algori­thmic style of the progra­mmers
The compilers can: a. Often prevent it from making optimi­zations when that would only affect behaviour under pathol­ogical condit­ions.
Not change behaviour that may be obvious to the programmer but can be obfuscated by languages and coding styles like data ranges may be more limited than variable types suggest
Since the analysis is performed only within proced­ures, the whole-­program analysis is too expensive in most cases. Most analysis is based only on static inform­ation, as compilers cannot anticipate run-time inputs. The main rule is that when in doubt, the compiler must be conser­vative and cannot do anything.
Optimi­zations for Progra­mmers
Common optimi­zat­ions:  Take the same repeated task out of the loop (Code Motion)  Replace mathem­atical operations with bitwis­e/shift operations wherever possib­le(­red­uction in strength)  Share common sub-ex­pre­ssions  Do not use functions as the loop condition checker (Optim­ization Blockers)
Code Motion
First step is to reduce frequency with which comput­ations are performed, wherever possible following the rule o it should still produce same result o moving comput­ation code out of loop, that is repeated (n*i repeated)
Reduction in Strength
Replace costly operation with simpler one. Shift operations are easier as compared to multiply and divide  Use Shift operation instead of multiply or divide 16*x --> x << 4  Utility machine dependent  Depends on cost of multiply or divide instru­ction o On Intel Nehalem, integer multiply requires 3 CPU cycles  Recognize sequence of products
Share Common Sub-ex­pre­ssions
Reuse portions of expres­sions and write them once Compilers often not very sophis­ticated in exploiting arithmetic properties
To calculate : p = q r + m; x = q r + n; It is always more advisable to do: s=q * r; p = s + m; x= s + n;
Optimi­zation Blocker #1: Procedure Calls
Procedure calls is an excellent concept of modularity but requires careful attention. The procedure call must not be used for checking the condit­ions: Please see lower1(). Here the issue is that strlen executed every iteration
How this works:
Strlen is the only way to determine length of string as scans the entire length, looking for null character.  Overall perfor­mance of the program: o N calls to strlen o Require times N, N-1, N-2, …, 1 o Overall O(N2 ) perfor­mance
Improving Perfor­mance:
Take following steps to make it better:  Move call to strlen outside of loop as function result does not change from one iteration to another  Make the rest of the loop common Lower2() is the improv­ement function in the above figure
Procedure Calls: Optimi­zation blocker for the compiler
The optimi­zation compiler will not be able move strlen out of inner loop, as:  Procedure may have side effects  May alter global state each time called  The function may not return same value for given arguments  May depends on other parts of global state  Procedure lower could interact with strlen
The main reasons are:
Compiler treats procedure call as a black box  Weakens the optimi­zations near them
Remedies for the progra­mmer:
Use of inline functions o GCC does this with –O2  Do your own code motion as discussed above
Optimi­zation Blocker #2: Memory Aliasing
Aliasing is the method of referring two different memory references specifying single location. This is very easy to have happen in C as it allows points and pointer arithm­etic. This also supports direct access to storage struct­ures.
Remedy for the progra­mmer:  Get in habit of introd­ucing local variables o Accumu­lating within loops o Your way of telling compiler not to check for aliasing
Removing non duplic­ating data processing
In the following example, code updates b[i] on every iteration. Therefore, we must consider the possib­ility that these updates will affect program behaviour
Instru­cti­on-­Level Parall­elism
Multiple data can process simult­ane­ously. To understand that, we need a general unders­tanding of modern processor design. As with multi-core systems, the CPU can execute multiple instru­ctions in parallel. In this case, perfor­mance will be limited by data depend­encies.
But here too, some simple transf­orm­ations can have dramatic perfor­mance improv­ement. These are done by the progra­mmers as compilers often cannot make these transf­orm­ations and because it is difficult to understand the associ­ativity and distri­butives in floati­ng-­point arithm­etic.
Cycles Per Element (CPE)
To see the impact of the optimi­zation, we need to have a defined metrics. The number of cycles per element (CPE), is the measure that assumes the run time, measured in clock cycles, for an array of length n is a function of the form Cn + K where Cn is the CPE.
It is a convenient way to express perfor­mance of program that operates on vectors or lists: Length = n In our case: CPE = cycles per OP T = CPE*n + Overhead CPE is slope of line
Supers­calar Processor
A supers­calar processor can issue and execute multiple instru­ctions in one cycle. The instru­ctions are retrieved from a sequential instru­ction stream and are usually scheduled dynami­cally.
The benefit is that without progra­mming effort, supers­calar processor can take advantage of the instru­ction level parall­elism that most programs have o Most CPUs since about 1998 are supers­calar. o Intel: since Pentium Pro
Loop unrolling
Another way of implem­enting optimi­zation applied to loops. This reduces the frequency of branches and loop mainte­nance instru­ctions. The number of iterations is known prior to execution of the loop. Objective is to reduce the total number of times loop runs
Effect of Loop Unrolling
Helps integer multiply below latency bound  Compiler does clever optimi­zation  Others don’t improve as it still has sequential dependency

Module 6

Phases of a Program
User programs in C (code time) [ . C file]
C Compiler (compile time)
Hardware (run time) [execu­table file]
The time required to execute a program depends on:
program structure (as weitten in C, for instance)
The compiler: Set of assembler instru­ctions it translates the C program into
The hardware implem­ent­ation: Amount of time required to execute an instru­ction
The instru­ction set archit­ecture (ISA): Set of instru­ctions it makes available to the compiler
ISA Instru­ction Set Archit­ecture
ISA is used to define: The systems state (eg. registers, memory, program counter)
The instru­ctions the CPU can execute
The effect that each of these instru­ctions will have on the system state
is a protocol used to define the way a computer is used by the machine language programmer or compiler
The ISA describes the following
Memory model: how memory is accessed and referenced
instru­ction format, types and modes - commands to be executed
operand registers, types, and data addressing - data storage and processing locations
Assembly Language
Assembly Language is an Interm­ediate Language between absolute Machine code and High Level Language
Advantages include:
Machine code with a better human unders­tan­ding, ease to write and debug, the use of mnemonics for instru­ctions, and it reserves memory location for data
High Level Language writes more effici­ent­/op­timized programs
Need for Assembly Language
The ability to read and understand assembly code is an important skill
We can understand the optimi­zation capabi­lities of the compiler and analyze the underlying ineffi­cie­ncies in the code, to understand the function invocation mechan­isms, and help ourselves understand how computer systems and operating systems run programs
The programs written in high level languages usually does not run as fast as assembly language programs, so whenever execution speed is so critical, only assembly language routines can be useful.
Knowledge of assembly enables the programmer to debug the higher level language code
Progra­mmers developing compilers must know assembly language
Assembly Progra­mmers view of the System
Registers: fastest memory alloca­tions that are nearest to ALU for processing
Memory: Part of primary memory, where other data and program code is stored
Opcodes: The assembly language commands that process the data using the set of registers
are small memory areas that are volatile and are used for all memory manipu­lat­ions.
There are 8 "­general purpos­e" registers and 1 "­ins­tru­ction pointe­r" that points to the next instru­ction execute.
Of the 8 registers, 6 are commonly used and the remaining two are rarely used.
Main and most commonly used register. Is is an accumu­lator like register, where all calcul­ations occur. All systems are also called through the EAX register. Used to store the value returned from a function or as an accumu­lator to add the values
A general purpose register, that does not have a dedicated role. It is used as a base pointer form memory access and also used to store extra pointer or calcul­ation step. Base pointer to the data section
Counter register for loops and strings. General purpose register but mainly used as the count register (for loops etc.). All the counting instru­ctions use this register. The register counts downward rather than upwards. This also holds the data to be written on the port.
I/O pointer. This is the data register, that holds the size of the data.
source indicator
destin­ation indicator
stack pointer
stack frame base pointer (where the stack starts for a specific function)
pointer to the next instru­ction to execute
EFLAGS register
a single register that may indicate different values through its different bits
Zero Flag (ZF)
sets if the result of the instru­ction is zero; cleared otherwise
Sign Flag (SF)
sets equal to the most signif­icant bit of the result
Overflow Flag (OF)
indicates the overflow of a high-order bit (leftmost bit) of data after a signed arithmetic operation.
Direction Flag (DF)
determines left or right direction for moving comparing string data. When the DF value is 0, the string operation takes left-t­o-right direction
Interrupt Flag (IF)
determines whether the external interrupts like keyboard entry, etc, are to be ignored or processed. It disables the external interrupt when the value is 0 and enables interrupt when set to 1
Trap Flag (TF)
allows setting the operation of the processor in single­-step mode. The DEBUG program we used sets the trap flag, so we could step through execution one instru­ction at a time.
Memory Segments
Assembly follows the segmented memory model, which divides the system memory into groups of indepe­ndent segments referenced by pointers located in he segment registers
Data Segment
repres­ented by .data section and the .bss section and is used to declare the memory region, where data elements are stored for the program.
Code Segment: is repres­ented by .text section. This defines an area in memory that stores the instru­ction codes. This is also a fixed area. CS register stores the starting address of the code segment is is pointed by CS(Code segment register)
Stack: segment contains data values passed to functions and procedures within the program. SSR (Stack segment register stores the starting address of the stack). An extra segment is used to store Extra data. It is pointed by ES (Extra segment register)
Op Codes
also called Assembly Language commands, or mnemonic codes, are different categories of commands that makes the assembly language syntax
Three main catego­ries:
data transfer instru­ctions
arithmetic instru­ctions
logical and program control instru­ctions
Assembly Program Structure
.data section: declare variables
.bss section: also declares variables
.text section: has program codes
32 bit accumu­lator register
64 bit accumu­lator register
16 bit accumu­lator register
Assembly Language Statements
does noting, no values, may be used for a delay
push word, double word or quad word on the stack, it automa­tically decrements the stack pointer esp, by 4
pops the data from the stack, sets the esp automa­tic­ally, it would increment esp
sets a variable equal to some memory
to halt the program
Operation Suffixes
byte (8 bit)
short (16 bit int) or single (32 bit floating point)
word (16 bit)
long (32 bit integer or 64 bit floating point)
quad (64 bit)
ten bytes (80-bit floating point)
Addressing Modes
Direct Memory Addres­sing( register) : register eax has the value 0x100
Indirect Memory Addres­sing: register contains the value
Offset Addressing (register, offset): register may calculate the memory reference for final data
Offset Addressing (register, offset): register may calculate the memory reference for final data
Memory Addressing
refers to the value in register
means use the value in register as address to point to data at that address
9(%eax, %edx)
means use the address in %eax+%­edx*9 and use the value as addresss to refer to the data at that location
Three basic kinds of Instru­ctions
Perform arithmetic function on register or memory data
Transfer data between memory and regist­er.-­load data from memory into regist­er.-­store data into memory
Transfer control - Uncond­itional jumps to/from procedures - condit­ional branches
MOV instru­ction
The syntax is: mov? Source, destin­ation. movb = move byte; movw = move word...
movl $0x4050, %eax
Immedi­ate­--R­egi­ster,4 bytes. : in plain English, this instru­ction means "move the 32-bit constant value 0x4050 (or 16464 in decimal) into the %eax regist­er."­
movw %bp, %sp
Regist­er-­-Re­gister, 2 bytes. :copy the 16-bit value from the base pointer register (%bp) into the stack pointer register (%sp).
movb (%edi, %ecx), %ah
Memory -- Register, 1byte. :So, in plain English, this instru­ction reads a byte from memory at the address formed by adding the values of the %edi and %ecx registers and stores it in the high byte of the %ax register, which is %ah.
Load Effective Address - leal
variant of the movl instru­ction. It has the form of an instru­ction that reads from memory to an register, but it does not reference memory at all. Its first operand appears to be a memory reference, but instead of reading from the designated location, the instru­ction copies the effective address to the destin­ation

Module 6

In addition to integer registers, the CPU maintains a set of single-bit condition code registers describing attributes of the most recent arithmetic or logical operation. These registers can then be tested to perform condit­ional branches
Carry Flag: The most recent operation generated a carry out of the most signif­icant bit. Used to detect overflow for unsigned operations
Zero Flag: The most recent operation yielded zero
Sign Flag: The most recent operation yielded a negative value
Overflow Flag:The most recent operation caused a two's complement overflow either negative of positive
Jump Instru­ctions and their Encoding
Under normal execution, instru­ctions follow each other in the order they are listed. A jump instru­ction can cause the execution to switch to a completely new position in the program. These jump destin­ations are generally indicated in assembly code by a label
jmp *%eax
Uses the value in register %eax as the jump target, and the instru­ction
jmp *(%eax)
reads the jump target from memory, using the value in %eax as the read address
Procedures in Assembly
A procedure call involves passing both data (in the form of procedure parameters and return values) and control from one part of a program to another.  The data passing happens using stack in the memory, that is shared by both main program and the procedure  Within the function, the need is to also allocate space for the local variables defined in the procedure on entry and deallocate them on exit.  Most machines, including IA32, provide only simple instru­ctions for transf­erring control to and from proced­ures.  The part of the program that is needed to be done many times is defined in the procedure  Each procedure is identified by a name  The procedure is defined as a label but after the execution of the procedure, the execution returns to the same place from where it has been called when ret (return) statement is executed  The procedure may flow along multiple labels as well
Stack plays an important role when we use the procedures When a program starts executing, a certain contiguous section of memory is set aside for the program called the stack.
The stack implem­ent­ation has some special features, which are:  The stack can only hold words or double­words, not a byte.  The stack grows in the reverse direction, i.e., toward the lower memory address  The top of the stack points to the last item inserted in the stack; it points to the lower byte of the last word inserted.
The stack pointer is the register that contains the top of the stack and base pointer is the register having the address of the bottom of the stack.