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Software Architecture Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Business & organi­zat­ional
Law of trivia­lit­y(b­ike­she­dding)
trivial items are discussed and analyzed orer more important matters.
Analysis paralysis
sometimes a good design is better than perfect design in term of resources.
Bleeding edge techno­logies
use new tech because it is new
Sunk cost fallacy
decision to continue or abandon base on the budget spand.
Design by committe
decition is made by committee not expert.
give wrong decision under group pressure
Moral hazard
one person takes more risks because someone else bears the cost of those risks
isolated teams only relies on hierarchy to commun­icate
vendor lock-in
depending on technology from a vendor
Project management
90 90 rule
project completion time undere­sti­mated during the early stages of develo­pment
Smoke and mirors
sales and manage teams eager to gain customers may make promises beyond tech team can do

Software agents


Design patterns
