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Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

1.3: Levels of Organi­zation

1.4: Charac­ter­istics of Life

change in position, motion
sense and react to change
increase in body size
production in new organisms and new cells
obtaining oxygen; removing CO2, releasing energy from food
breakdown of food
passage of substances in body fluids
movement of substances in body fluids
changing absorbed substances into chemically different forms
removal of wastes products by metabolic reactions

1.5: Mainte­nance of Life

Environmental Factor
How it helps to maintain life
provides the necessary environment for reactions; required for metabolism and transport; regulates body temperature
provides nutrients, supplies energy, supplies raw materials for growth
1/5 of air, use to release energy from nutrients in metabolic reactions
partly contols rate of metabolic reactions
atmosp­heric - for breathing and gas exchange in the lungs
hydros­tatic - keeps blood flowing
*Both the quality and quantity of these factors is important

Homeos­tasis: mainta­ining a stable internal enviro­nment
Homeos­tatic Control Mechanisms:
      monitor aspects of the internal
      enviro­nment and correct as
      operate through positive and
      negative feedback loops

Feedback Loops

Stimulus - a change in an organ or tissue that causes a reaction
Receptors - monitor the environment and detect changes (stimuli)
Control Center - tells what a particular value should be (called the set point)
Effectors - initiate the response that regulates the conditions of the internal environment
Return to set point/shut off - internal conditions return to normal and feedback loop is shut off

Feedback Mechanisms

Type of Feedback
Negative Feedback
inhibits stimulus, prevents sudden changes with constant small adjust­ments, corrects set point BACK to normal, most common
- body temperature
- blood pressure
- calcium regulation
- glucose regulation
Positive Feedback
enhances stimulus, increased the actions of the body away from the set point, temporary, don't require continuous adjust­ments
- blood clotting
- contra­ctions in child birth

Body Cavities

Organs of the Body Cavities

Cavities within the Head

Serous Membranes

- Line body cavities and cover organs to reduce friction between organs and cavity walls
- made of epithelial tissue and secrete serous fluid to act as a lubricant
      - parietal layer: lines the cavity
      - visceral layer: covers the
      - serous cavity: space between
         the layers with serous fluid

Thoracic Serous Membranes

- Visceral pleura
- Parietal pleura
- Visceral perica­rdium
- Parietal perica­rdium

Abdomi­nop­elvic Serous Membranes

- Parietal peritoneum
- Visceral peritoneum

Terms of Relative Position

Superior - above
Inferior - below
Anterior/ventral - toward the front
Posterior/dorsal - toward the back
Medial - toward the midline
Lateral - away from the midline
Ipsila­teral - same side
Contra­lateral - opposite sides
Proximal - close to point of attachment
Distal - farther from the point of attachment
Superf­icial - close to body surface
Deep - more internal

Relative Position

Body Planes

Abdomi­nop­elvic Regions

Abdomi­nop­elvic Quadrants

Body Regions