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End Term Work Report 19-20 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


General Secretory Technical Affairs (GSTA)
Shobhna Mishra
E&R Secretory
Anirudh Mittal
Manager, Electr­onics Robotics C
Jain Vora
Web n Coding Club
WnCC Secretory
E Aakash

Ishan Upadhyay

Ishan Upadhyay is applying for the position of Institute Web and Coding Club Manager. His vision is to enhance the coding culture within the institute by organizing regular hackathons, hands-on sessions, talks, and bootcamps. He proposes several initia­tives, such as a year-long AI/ML bootcamp, the establ­ishment of an AI/ML community, a weekly DSA test, a Linux hands-on session, and a game develo­pment hackathon. Additi­onally, he suggests follow-up activities like early softwa­re-prep sessions, a Winter Season of Code, a coding compet­ition, and the revamping of Hello FOSS. Ishan plans to develop the WnCC website, activate Discord for regular talks, and secure a GPU budget for hackathons and projects. He has experience as a Junior Design Engineer in the IP Subsystem of the Mars Rover Team at IIT Bombay.
Shivesh Gupta is applying for the Institute Web and Coding Manager position. His vision is to cultivate a robust community of coders and progra­mmers, encour­aging collective growth and learning within WnCC (Web and Coding Club). He suggests initia­tives such as organizing hackat­hons, hosting compet­itive progra­mming sessions, encour­aging open-s­ource contri­but­ions, improving the Summer of Code (SOC) program, endorsing Linux culture, sharing insights from Inter-IIT teams and Hackathon partic­ipants, mainta­ining and updating club resources, and presenting various technical topics. Additi­onally, he aims to revitalize WnCC (WnCC Core Commit­tee), enhance the club's LinkedIn presence, and leverage his experience as a volunteer in the Web and Coding Club, Coordi­nator in the Student Alumni Relations Cell, and Web Developer in the Student Satellite Program.
Key Points
Ishan Upadhyay is applying for the Institute Web and Coding Club Manager position.
Shivesh Gupta is applying for the Institute Web and Coding Manager position.
Vision: Enhance the coding culture through hackat­hons, hands-on sessions, talks, and bootcamps.
Vision: Cultivate a robust community for growth and learning within WnCC.
AI/ML year-long bootcamp,
AI/ML community,
weekly DSA test,
Linux hands-on session,
game develo­pment hackathon.
compet­itive progra­mming sessions,
open-s­ource contri­butions,
SOC program improv­ements,
Linux culture endors­ement,
Insights from partic­ipants,
Resource management,
Technical presen­tations,
WnCC revita­liz­ation,
LinkedIn enhanc­ement.
WnCC Website and Discord: Develop the website, activate Discord for regular talks.
Creden­tials: Volunteer in the Web and Coding Club, Coordi­nator in the Student Alumni Relations Cell, Web Developer in the Student Satellite Program.
Inventory: Seek a GPU budget for hackat­hons, Inter-IIT problem statem­ents, and WnCC's personal projects.
Creden­tials: Junior Design Engineer in IP Subsystem, Mars Rover Team IIT Bombay.

Instagram Post

Convener Diaries
learning opportunities
organizing sessions
time management

-Navyansh Mahla
attract audience
enjoyed to see audience

-Parth Pujari
Beyond Code - Guide for Data Sci., Analyst & Engg.