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Fundamental JS Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

fundamental js course

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Null vs Undefined

has no value, on purpose
declared, but not defined (is not assign a vaalue)
null type
undefined type
undefiend (it s a data type itself)
Most languages have data type for variables. JS also has, but at the time of declar­ation, there is no type decided.
loose equali­ty(==) - performs type conversion (converts the operands to the same type before making the compar­ison) ('5' == 5)
strict equali­ty(===) - compares the value and also checks the data type

Function vs Block Scope

function scope (ES5)
hoisting - var
block scope (ES6)
creates separate scope - let + const
local scope
limited to a function
global scope
accessible for all functions
HOISITNG - A process which is happening behind the scene, internally it is bringing the declar­ations on top (not the assign­ment)
const - cannot be reassigned
let + const - cannot be redecl­arable, var can be
The concept of "­block scope" refers to the visibility domain of variables declared within such a code block. In JS, a variable declared within a code block is visible only within that block and not outside of it.

ASI (Automatic Semicolon Insertion)

It's a good practice to have a ; (semic­olon) at the end of a line, but it is optional because JS compiler inserts a semicolon
"use strict­" doesn't change the behavi­ours, it doesn't force you to put a semicolon on all lines
The purpose of "use strict­" in JavaScript is to enable a stricter set of rules for code execution, helping to catch common coding errors and promoting safer and more mainta­inable cod
function rest() { return ;- undefined because js compiler adds a semicolon
{ a : 5

Rest & Spread operator (ES6)

Rest operator
is used in function parameters to deal with an arbitrary number of arguments
Spread operator
spreads elements of an array or object into individual elements
function restex­(...el­ems){ consol­e.l­og(­elems)}
let max = Math.m­ax(...arr)

Infinity & -Infinity

to check finite or infinite value.
You got -Infinity or Infinity when a numeric value exceeds the range of 64-bit format.

NaN (Not a Number)

You get this error when there is a non-nu­meric value or operation performed
is going to check whether the value is a number or not
checks for NaN as well as for Infinite values
consol­e.l­og(NaN === NaN) - false - strict equality or non-eq­uality, it is not going to match with NaN because there is always a unique value for NaN.

Arrow functions

object does not work with arrow function
object does not work with arrow function (we can use spread operator ...arg)
cannot use it to call arrow function
Arrow functions offer a concise syntax for writing anonymous functions, leading to shorter and more readable code.
if you have one parameter you can avoid writing parant­hesis
IIFE – It is a function which gets called automa­tically (funct­ion­())()


sum(5)(6) - sum is calling the parent function, and the second parent­heses calls the inner function
Unique way to call inner functions where you can pass arguments partially or pass multiple arguments in a function but 1 arument at a time
Solves various purposes like passing partial parameters or avoiding unwanted repeti­tions (funct­ional progra­mming technique)


CLOSURE is useful when you want to make private members available globally when needed.
When a function comes under another function a "­clo­sur­e" is created. Closure pattern remembers outer variable & also helps to access outer scope members
function outer() {
function inner() {
consol­e.l­og(­"­inner called..") }}

Iterables & Iterators (ES6)­erator
convert an object literal into an interable object
Arrays, Strings, Maps, Sets
next() method
itr obj will automa­tically have this method
New mechanism to iterate or traverse through data struct­ures.
consol­e.l­og(­­xt()) = {value: 4, status: false}


define a generator function
pauses the generator + receive input & send outpur
recursive function
returns an obj with 2 keys (value + next status - boolean)
terminates generator execution
triggers custom exception.
Generators help you to pause & resume the code. Normally when you write a function, it returns a single value -> generators are kind of function which returns multiple values in phases
next() - it moves the function pointer to the next line from last suspended yield.


try ... catch() /­ssage
code is executed at the end
throw new (Error, TypeError, Syntax­Error)
generate your own custom error
When the program faces errors, even after valida­tion, it should handle it & notify the user with proper error details.