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C++ Cheatsheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

C++ Cheatsheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Common Data Types

1 byte
1 byte
4 bytes (at least 2 bytes)
long int
4 bytes
long long int
8 bytes

Header Files & Common Includes

#include <fi­len­ame>
#include <io­str­eam> // cin & cout
#include <fs­rea­m> // file streams
#include <ve­cto­r> // vectors
#include <st­rin­g> // strings


a + b
a - b
a * b
a / b
a % b
a -= b
(a-b) store in a
a += b
(a+b) store in a
a /= b
(a/b) store in a
a *= b
(a*b) store in a
(a+1) store in a
(a-1) store in a

File IO

int main() {
    // this makes a new file stream
    fstream fileStream;

    // open text.txt to write to"test.txt", ios::out);

    if (fileStream.is_open()) {
        cout << "File opened!" << endl;
    // write a line to the file
    fileStream << "Hello!\n";

    // must close to free the resource

    return 0;
Note that you must close the file before you can open a new new one. ios::out means you want to write to the file and ios::in means you want to read from the file. You write to a file stream the same way you write to cout.


class some_name {
     int m_some_data1;
     double m_some_data2;
     // this is a constructor
     some_name(int a, double b) {
          m_some_data1 = a;
          m_some_data2 = b;
     // getters
     int get_some_data1() {
          return m_some_data1; 
     double get_some_data2() { 
          return m_some_data2;

int main() {
     /* makes a new object called name
        which is of some_name type */
     some_name name(0, 2.1);

     return 0;
Classes are just like user defined types like int or double. When an object is created it calls the constr­uctor. The constr­uctor is a function with the same name as the class.

Comparison Operators

a < b
True if a is less than b
a <= b
True if a is less than or = to b
a > b
True if a is greater than b
a >= b
True if a is greater than or = to b
a == b
True if a equals b
a && b
True if a and b are true
a || b
True if a or b are true
Note: If they do not meet the criteria to be true, they are false


int main() {
     int x = 3;

     // & gets the memory address of x
     int* pointer_to_x = &x;

     / pointers must be dereferenced with *
        before they are accessed. */
     *pointer = 5;

     return 0;
Note that pointers only hold a memory address. They cannot store anything else. In order to actually get the data at the address they must derefe­rence it using the * operator.

Pointers and References

int* ptr = mem_ad­dress;
pointer definition
int& ref = other_var;
lvalue reference
Note: pointers hold a single memory address that you can change while a reference holds a single unchan­geable memory address.


int main() {
     int x = 3;

     // & gets the memory address of x
     int* pointer_to_x = &x;

     / pointers must be dereferenced with *
        before they are accessed. */
     *pointer = 5;

     return 0;
Note that pointers only hold a memory address. They cannot store anything else. In order to actually get the data at the address they must derefe­rence it using the * operator.

Functions & Prototypes

void foo(); // prototype
void bar(int i); // prototype w/ params

void foo() { // foo definition
     std::cout << "Foo function\n";

void bar(int i) { // bar definition
     std::cout << "Bar: " << i << "\n";

int main() { // main definition
     foo(); // calls foo function
     bar(2); // calls bar with 2

     return 0;
All programs must have a main function. This is the first function that gets called. All functions except main() should have a prototype.