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Mental Mastery Basics Cheat Sheet by

A quick reference guide for concepts described in Brian Tracy's "Maximum Acheivement"

Basic Laws

Life is hard for EVERYONE
Everything you are or will be is entirely up to you
You can learn anything you need to achieve what you want to achieve

Visual­ization Steps

Your Subcon­scious cannot tell the difference between a real experience and one you can vividly imagine
1. Vividly envision the positive outcome in as much detail as your imagin­ation can muster
2. Charge the image with intense positive emotion, really feel what expect to feel once your vision is achieved
3. The longer you can hold this emotion charged, vivid creation of your success in your mind, the more motivated you will feel
4. Perform this exercise often until you see the results manifest in the real world


Affirm­ations should be positive, present tense, and personal. By simply stating to ourselves who we want to be, we teach our subcon­scious to make that the natural state:

Eliminate Negative Emotions

Eliminate Destru­ctive Criticism from your dialogue
Refuse to blame anyone for anything, you are respon­sible
Refuse to be manipu­lated into feeling guilty
Refuse to discuss the guilt of others, gossip, etc

Sources of Stress

Worry is fear caused by indeci­sion, uncert­ainty, or inaction. Mitigate worry by living one day at a time and clearly defining "­worry situat­ion­s."
Lacking Clear Meaning or Purpose
By defining your positive outcomes and plans, you give yourself a path to walk on with clarity
Incomplete Action
Any incomplete actions (open loops) in your respon­sib­ilities will weigh on your subcon­scious until resolved
Unfinished Business
Any unresolved personal feelings, grudges, or resentment will weigh on your mind until resolved
Fear of Failure
Fear of Failure manifests as a lead feeling in your chest and a thought of "I can't" in your mind. Mitigate this feeling with solution based thinking and the Law of Substi­tution
Kicking concerns "­under the rug" creates a mental drain. Those issues are still present and the stress caused by inaction will lurk until the situation is addressed.
Anger is the most destru­ctive of all negative emotions. Giving in to anger is CHOOSING to give up control. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO RESPOND TO DIFFIC­ULTIES IN A CALM, POSITIVE MANNER


who you are in a perfect world, who you aspire to be
How you see and think about yourself
Self -Esteem
How you feel about yourself (how worthwhile and valuable you feel + how capable you feel in what you do)

Laws Regarding Self-C­oncept

Law of Habit
Virtually all of your actions and reactions are automatic, uncons­cious responses (aka HABITS)
Law of Practice
All habits are learned and can therefore be unlearned. Any action you repeat often enough becomes a new habit
Law of Emotion
100% of your decisions are based on emotion (primarily fear or desire) Therefore it is critically important to dwell on the things you want rather than the things you fear

7 Laws of Mental Mastery

Law of Accident
Failing to plan is planning to fail
Law of Control
The more in control you feel, the better you feel
Law of Belief
Whatever you believe with conviction becomes your reality
Law of Expect­ations
Whatever you expect with confidence becomes self-f­ulf­illing prophecy
Law of Attraction
You invariably attract people into your life congruent with your dominant thoughts
Law of Corres­pon­dence
As within, so without (you must become someone new to achieve new outcomes)
Law of Mental Equiva­lency
Your thoughts, vividly created, repeated, and charged with emotion become your reality

Laws Regarding Subcon­scious Develo­pment

Law of Subcon­scious Activity
Your subcon­scious accepts any thought or idea as true and works to make it reality.
Law of Concet­ration
What you dwell on grows, so dwell on positive outcomes and solutions.
Law of Substi­tution
Your conscious mind can only hold one thought. REPLACE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WITH POSITIVES, DWELL ON SOLUTIONS INSTEAD OF PROBLEMS. In doing so, you train your subcon­scious consta­ntly, and in real time.

Other Miscel­laneous Laws

Law of Forgiv­eness
You are as mentally healthy as your ability to freely forgive and move on from past hurts and grieva­nces. Forgiv­eness is SELFISH!! Letting go of negative emotions is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Law of Indirect Effort
You get everything in your relati­onships with others by approa­ching indirectly

Techniques for Positive Mental Develo­pment

Act the Part
Feed your Mind
Associate with Positive People
Teach Others

Steps for Constr­uctive Feedback

1. Protect the indivi­dual's self-e­steem at all costs
Always begin with a positive statement
2. Focus on the future, not the past
"Next time, try this..."
3. Focus on the behavior, not the person
"Your [blank] needs improv­eme­nt" (not YOU)
4. Retain ownership of your feelings
"I am disapp­ointed with this.."­ Instead of "you disappoint me"
5. Get clear agreement on what is to change, when, and by how much
Be specific as well as solution and future­-or­iented
6. Offer to help
"What can I do to help with this situat­ion­?"
7. Assume the other person wants to do a good job and that mistakes or a poor job are not deliberate
The problem is often limited skill, incomplete inform­ation, or a misund­ers­tanding of some kind

7 Positive Behaviors to Improve Relati­onships

1. Be Agreeable
Smile and Listen! People hate being wrong and most times it is not overly important to correct them on every little thing.
2. Practice Acceptance
Express genuine, uncond­itional acceptance of others and they will feel relaxed and safe in your company
3. Practice Gratitude
Say Thank You whenever anyone does anything for you, big or small. Send thank you notes!
4. Express Praise
Get in the habit of "­cat­ching people doing things right."­ Make your praise immediate, specific, and, if possible, public.
5. Practice Admiration
Express admiration freely and often. Offer sincere compli­ments on people's positive qualities, accomp­lis­hments, style, and value possesions
6. Give People Your Full, Sincere Attention
Becoming a great listener is the key to being a great conver­sat­ion­alist
7. The Boomerang Principle
Whatever genuine emotion you express towards others will come back to you

Being a Great Listener

1. Listen Attent­ively
Face the speaker squarely and give them your whole attention
2. Listen Without Interu­pting
Nobody likes talk to someone who is just waiting their turn to speak and not really listening
3. Pause 3-5 Seconds Before Responding
This allows you to fully comprehend what was said and shows that you are taking in what has been said
4. Question for Clarif­ication
Using open ended questions to probe for clarif­ication gives better insight into the topic and shows engagement
4. Feedback the Statement (Activ­e/E­mpa­thetic Listening)
Paraphrase the statement back to show unders­tanding or feed back what you believe the true intent of their statement was.


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