Far Away Lands 2E TTRPG Cheatsheet
Character Creation
Choose Heritage |
These are basically a "race as class." Whatever you choose gives you you're starting stats, abilities, etc. |
p 10 begins the d66 random heritage table and details on each heritage |
Starting Luck |
Each pt. lets you roll an extra die to the pool. You can use as many of these points on a roll that you want. |
Starting Boons (skills) |
Heritage lists how many you start with. You gain a +1 die bonus for each level of a boon you have |
Flaws |
Number of flaws determined by Heritage. Flaw severity is rolled randomly at creation. Can be a -1D to a -2D or even -3D. See pg 30 |
Resources |
GM and player determine starting level, or roll 2d6 on the table on p.31 |
Starting Magic |
Must have Arcane Boon talent to learn magic |
GM determines starting number of spells, though 2 is average |
You may cast up to your LVL+WIT per day |
You may case more, but each extra spells costs you 1d6 HP that you take immediately |
Light Armor = -1Die on the roll to cast |
Heavy Armor = -3D on the roll |
See p.63 for spell potency, and spell durations |
CRIT failing a cast has no extra effect on caster unless determined by GM |
Die Rolling
Creating the pool |
Attributes and Boons give you a number of dice to roll |
Roll all dice, keep the highest die |
If you beat the TN, hooray! You succeed |
Difficulty and Target Numbers
Difficulty TN
Simple 2-3
Easy 4
Tricky 5
Hard 6+
PC Heritage determines starting Action Points |
You use points to perform actions. |
1 Action Point |
Bluff, Crawl, Disarm, Draw/Sheathe Weapon, Grapple/Hold, Melee Attack, Move, Ranged Attack, Reload Weapon ,Shove, *Simple skill or tas |
2 Action Points |
Casting spells, Actions that requires intense concentration, *Complex tasks |
Comat uses Action Points |
1. Roll Initiative |
DEX check |
2. Combat is always an opposed action |
Melee: BRUT + MELEE boon roll |
Ranged: DEX + RANGED boon roll |
Magic: WIT + ARCANE boon roll |
Defending rolls |
Melee: BRUT + MELEE boon roll |
Ranged: DEX + RANGED boon roll |
Magic: WIT + ARCANE boon roll |
Rolling combat |
(Attack roll - Defend roll) = Margin of success |
Damage = Weapon's Damage + Margin |
Armor value soaks incoming damage by that amount |
Damage |
HP < or = 0 means PC has Severe Damage |
HP < (Level +1) PC is Dead |
ex. You're level 3, at -4 HP your PC is dead |
Healing |
Light wounds heal 1d6/day |
Severe wounds heal 1d3 / day |
Crit Dice (rolling 6s) |
Each multiple 6 you roll in the pool adds a +1 to your total value (not an extra die) |
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