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Far Away Lands 2E TTRPG Cheatsheet

Character Creation

Choose Heritage
These are basically a "race as class."­ Whatever you choose gives you you're starting stats, abilities, etc.
p 10 begins the d66 random heritage table and details on each heritage
Starting Luck
Each pt. lets you roll an extra die to the pool. You can use as many of these points on a roll that you want.
Starting Boons (skills)
Heritage lists how many you start with. You gain a +1 die bonus for each level of a boon you have
Number of flaws determined by Heritage. Flaw severity is rolled randomly at creation. Can be a -1D to a -2D or even -3D. See pg 30
GM and player determine starting level, or roll 2d6 on the table on p.31
Starting Magic
Must have Arcane Boon talent to learn magic
GM determines starting number of spells, though 2 is average
You may cast up to your LVL+WIT per day
You may case more, but each extra spells costs you 1d6 HP that you take immedi­ately
Light Armor = -1Die on the roll to cast
Heavy Armor = -3D on the roll
See p.63 for spell potency, and spell durations
CRIT failing a cast has no extra effect on caster unless determined by GM

Die Rolling

Creating the pool
Attributes and Boons give you a number of dice to roll
Roll all dice, keep the highest die
If you beat the TN, hooray! You succeed
Difficulty and Target Numbers
Difficulty TN
Simple 2-3
Easy 4
Tricky 5
Hard 6+


PC Heritage determines starting Action Points
You use points to perform actions.
1 Action Point
Bluff, Crawl, Disarm, Draw/S­heathe Weapon, Grappl­e/Hold, Melee Attack, Move, Ranged Attack, Reload Weapon ,Shove, *Simple skill or tas
2 Action Points
Casting spells, Actions that requires intense concen­tra­tion, *Complex tasks


Comat uses Action Points
1. Roll Initiative
DEX check
2. Combat is always an opposed action
Melee: BRUT + MELEE boon roll
Ranged: DEX + RANGED boon roll
Magic: WIT + ARCANE boon roll
Defending rolls
Melee: BRUT + MELEE boon roll
Ranged: DEX + RANGED boon roll
Magic: WIT + ARCANE boon roll
Rolling combat
(Attack roll - Defend roll) = Margin of success
Damage = Weapon's Damage + Margin
Armor value soaks incoming damage by that amount
HP < or = 0 means PC has Severe Damage
HP < (Level +1) PC is Dead
ex. You're level 3, at -4 HP your PC is dead
Light wounds heal 1d6/day
Severe wounds heal 1d3 / day
Crit Dice (rolling 6s)
Each multiple 6 you roll in the pool adds a +1 to your total value (not an extra die)


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