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14 Reasoning Cheat Sheets

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14 Cheat Sheets tagged with Reasoning

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4 Pages
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) - typical cramping pain aggravated by a set distance & relieved by sitting
23 Feb 24
3 Pages
Hip osteoporotic arthritis (OA) associated w/ mechanical LBP & myofascial pain syndrome (compensation for the hip)
23 Feb 24
4 Pages
L5 radiculopathy; secondary to progressive degenerative change occurring in the lower Lx & mechanical dysfunction, resulting in DNE (dynamic nerve entrapment)
23 Feb 24
5 Pages
C7 radiculopathy + possible associated (due to age) w/ degenerative change & potentially existing (previously asymptomatic) disc herniation
23 Feb 24
4 Pages
Chronic LBP with associated Lx & pelvic functional instability
23 Feb 24
4 Pages
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) - fits well w/ presentation including red flag features
23 Feb 24
4 Pages
Mechanical / MSK POC; trauma mechanism (whiplash - chair over head)
23 Feb 24
4 Pages
Compression fracture of the thoracic spine
23 Feb 24
3 Pages
Tendinopathy of the wrist extensor origin (aka tennis elbow)
23 Feb 24
3 Pages
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
23 Feb 24
3 Pages
Mechanical LBP complicated by L4/5 disc degeneration
23 Feb 24
4 Pages
Whiplash associated disorder (WAD) & C6 radiculopathy
23 Feb 24
3 Pages
Dental Hygienist - Chronic TMD w/ known TMJ OA
23 Feb 24

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