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L1_HOPE3:Nature of the different dances Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Lesson 1 of HOPE 3 Health Optimizing Physical education. Credits to the rightful owner of the text. The nature of different dances.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Dance is an expression of the body, following rhythmic patterns, and is accomp­anied by music.
Dancing is a way of expressing one’s emotion through movement discip­lined by rhythm. it is an act of moving rhythm­ically and expres­sively to an accomp­ani­ment. the word “dancing” came from an old German word “DANSON” which means” to stretch”. Essent­ially, all dancing is made-up of stretching and relaxing. Thus, a simple analysis of the term “SAYAW” which leads one to say it must have derived from the word “SAYA” which means happy may have.
From the primitive man expressing emotions in such events as birth, death, marriage, war among other things, dance has evolved to modern forms of social dancing.


1. Increase physical confidence
2. Improved condition of the heart and lungs
3. Improved aerobic fitness
4. Weight management
5. Improved mental functi­oning
6. Improved balance and spatial awareness
7. Greater self-c­onf­idence and self-e­steem
8. Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteop­orosis
9. Improved general and psycho­logical well-being


Tradit­ional dances Are dances of indigenous commun­ities that show cultural traits of people in a specific time and place. Customs and traditions through dance steps and costumes are preserved in tradit­ional dance. These dances are handed down from generation to genera­tion, with fixed sets or patterns.
Ethnic dances are classified into two major catego­ries. First, the dances of the non-Ch­ristian Filipinos are made up of pagan groups and Muslim groups. second, there are the dance of the Christian and the lowland Filipinos, some of which are comprised of savage and vigorous or light-­hea­rted. Other forms have neither music nor melodic accomp­ani­ment. Some examples are the dances of the aetas and that of the Muslims.
Folk dances are classified according to geogra­phical location and the nature of the dances. According to geogra­phical locations, folk dances can be national (dances with common basic movements, with slight variat­ions) or local/­reg­ional (dances that are unique to certain localities only). According to the nature of dance, folk dances can be occupa­tional dances, religious or ceremonial dances; courtship dances; wedding dances; festival dances; war dances; comic dances; game dances; and social dances.


Modern dance is a develo­pment that is less formal than classical ballet.
Contem­porary dance incorp­orates the strong legwork and balance of ballet and the trunk movements of modern dance.


Ballroom dances comprise of a number of different dances. These are two catego­ries: In American style, the categories are called Smooth and Rhythm and in Intern­ational Style they are called Standard and Latin. For the most part, the Standard and Smooth categories contain the same dances and the Latin and Rhythm categories contain basically the same dances. These are listed in the order that they are danced in compet­itions. These are the waltz, the polka, the tango, the faxtrot, the swing, the rumba, the quick step, the paso double, the samba, the mambo, the cha cha, and the jive.


As the name implies, cheer dance is a combin­ation of cheering and dancing. Components include the mandatory cheer as well as a number of gymnastic or acrobatic moves such as cartwheels and back handsp­rings. The purpose of cheer dance is usually to motivate sports teams and entertain audience or the actual compet­ition.


Hip hop or street­dance has its roots traced to New York, from the African American and Latino American commun­ities. It is usually associated with rap music, a form of chanting or poetry delivered at the speed of 16-bar measures (time frame). The term hip-hop refers to a complex culture compro­mising four elements: deejaying or “turnt­abling”; rapping, also known as “MCing” or “rhyming”; graffiti painting, also known as “graf” or “writing”; and “B-boying,” which encomp­asses hip-hop dance, style, and attitude, along with the sort of virile body language that Cornel West described as “postural semantics” (A fifth element “knowledge of self/c­ons­cio­usness,” is sometimes added to the list of hip hop elements, partic­ularly by socially conscious hip hop artists and scholars.