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Noob to Master - Physics Engine Cheat Sheet by

This is a cheat sheet for the class Noob to Master in Roskilde University

Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet acts as a guide to the Noob to Master physics engine.

Behaviour options

boolean vanish­OnI­mpact
If collision, the object disappears
boolean bounce­OnI­mpact
If collision, the object bounce
boolean constr­ain­edI­nFrame
If collision with edge, the object bounce
boolean mouseUse
The object will move with the mouse
boolean keyboa­rdUse
The object will move with the keypresses
boolean keepXC­onstant
The object will only move along the y axis
These boolean change how an objects react

Standard physics objects

Rect(p­osition on X axis, position on Y axis, width, height, Velocity on X axis, Velocity on Y axis)
Circle­(po­sition on X axis, position on Y axis, radius of the circle, Velocity on X axis, Velocity on Y axis)

Add and physics object to the engine

PhysicsEngine PE = new PhysicsEngine();
public Pong() {
    p = new Player(width-30, mouseY, 10, rectSize, 0, 0);
    c = new Circle(x, y, diam, 5, 5);
To make your object act according to the physics engine, you have to add it to the physics engine. Above we add a custom physic object called player, and a standart circle to the physics engine.

Example on custom class that extends Rect

public class Player extends Rect {
//Constructs a Player object and sends the needed parameters to the superclass.
  public Player(float posX, float posY, float w, float h, float xVelocity, float yVelocity) {
    super(posX, posY, w, h, xVelocity, yVelocity);
    mouseUse = true;
    keepXConstant = true;
  void draw() {
    rect(pos.x, pos.y, w, h);
Here we make a gameobject called player. It is a rectangle, uses the mouse to move and is lock on the X axis.

Tips for custom clases

You can use an image instead of a rect or circle, just insert it under the draw method in your custom object.

Ex of custom­Class, vanish on border­Col­lision.

//Example on custom class that extends Circle. 
public class Shot extends Circle {
//Constructs a Player object and sends the needed parameters to the superclass.
  public Shot(float posX, float posY, float radius, float xVelocity, float yVelocity) {
    super(posX, posY, radius, xVelocity, yVelocity);

  void draw() {
    ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, radius2, radius2);
    fill(255);  }


void borderCollisionShot(PhysicsObject PO)
    Shot shot = (Shot)PO;

    if (shot.pos.x <= shot.radius)
      if (shot.gotHitX != true)
        shot.gotHitX = true;

 if (PO instanceof Shot)


void borderCollisionShot(PhysicsObject PO)
    Shot shot = (Shot)PO;

    if (shot.pos.x <= shot.radius)
      if (shot.gotHitX != true)
        shot.gotHitX = true;
Above, we made a custom class called shot. Its based on the circle class. This is marked #1.

We need to add a border­Col­lis­ionShot method, to check if there is a border collision and remove the shot from the Array.
#2 does this. This does only check one of the borders, so you have to make the rest yourself. Look at the border­Col­lis­ion­Circle to get inspir­ation.

Then we have to finde were the physics engine checkes border collision and add in #3, so the physics engine will run the method.

More inform­ation

You can find inform­ation on all classes and methods, in the readme.txt file in the physics engine folder.


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