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American Revolution Cheat Sheet by

American Colonies

The Original 13 Colonies
New England:
Massac­hus­etts, New Hampshire, Connec­ticut, Rhode Island
New York, Pennsy­lvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia

Important Battles

Lexington & Concord
April 19, 1775, Massac­husetts ("the shot heard 'round the world")
October 19, 1781, Virginia

Road to Revolution

French and Indian War (1754-­1763)
A war between Great Britain and France over the Ohio River valley territory. Britain won the lands in North America that France claimed.
Procla­mation of 1763
King George III wanted to avoid war with the Native Americans, so he tempor­arily closed off all lands west of the Appala­chian Mountains to prevent the English colonists from settling there.
Stamp Act (1765-­1766)
This was a law that said colonists had to pay for stamps on taxable paper items. Colonists argued this, saying that it was "­tax­ation without repres­ent­ati­on."­
Sons of Liberty
A mob of colonists that started as a protest of taxation by the British govern­ment. A secret society that protected the rights of the colonists.
Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)
British soldiers shot and killed 5 common people; it was fueled by high tensions between the colonists and the soldiers stationed there.
Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773)
Colonists dumped tea in the harbor to protest the tax on tea.
Intole­rable Acts/ Coercive Acts(1774)
Because of the Boston Tea Party, King George III and Parliament closed the harbor, and he put the colony under military control
First Contin­ental Congress (September 5, 1774)
Delegates from the colonies met in response to the Intole­rable Acts; they petitioned King George III to settle their grieva­nces.

French Revolution Vocab

Louis XVI
The king of France at the time of the French Revolu­tion. He lived a lavish lifestyle while France was in debt. He was executed by guillotine in 1793.
Marie Antoinette
The queen of France, wife of Louis XVI.
First Estate
The Catholic clergy; enjoyed many benefits.
Second Estate
Nobility; held high positions in military, govern­ment, and the courts.
Third Estate
The majority of the French people. Peasants, craftw­orkers, shopke­epers, etc.
Estates General
The repres­ent­ative assembly of the three estates that was consulted by the king.
National Assemb­ly-­Tennis Court Oath
Formed by the members of the Third Estate, and demanded that the king accept a consti­tution that limited his powers. The Tennis Court Oath, June 17, 1989 was the vow to stay together until a consti­tution was made.
A prison in Paris that was destroyed July 14, 1789 when a mob of angry common people released the prisoners.
Declar­ation of Rights of Man
The French consti­tution written on August 26, 1789 written by the National Assembly, which guaranteed the citizens some rights and fair taxes.
Formed by revolu­tionary leaders, arrested anyone who questioned their rule, and executed Louis XVI.
Reign of Terror
A bloody period of the French Revolu­tion, where the government executed thousands at the guillo­tine. Started in 1793, and ended in 1794.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Took control in 1799 as general, crowned himself emperor in 1804. His rule ended the French revolu­tion, and he restored order, created an efficient govern­ment, fair taxes, and public education.


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