ADT 1 - 19
ADT-A01 |
Admit/Visit notification |
ADT-A02 |
Transfer a paitent |
ADT-A03 |
Discharge/end visit |
ADT-A04 |
Register a patient |
ADT-A05 |
Pre-admit a patient |
ADT-A06 |
Change an outpatient to an inpatient |
ADT-A07 |
Chage an inpatient to an outpatient |
ADT-A08 |
Update Patient Information |
ADT-A09 |
Patient departing- tracking |
ADT-A10 |
Patient arriving - tracking |
ADT-A11 |
Cancel admit/visit notification |
ADT-A12 |
Cancel Transfer |
ADT-A13 |
Cancel discharge/end visit |
ADT-A14 |
Pending Admit |
ADT-A15 |
Pending Transfer |
ADT-A16 |
Pending Discharge |
ADT-A17 |
Swap Patients |
ADT-A18 |
Merge Patient Information |
ADT 20 - 40
ADT-A20 |
Bed Status Update |
ADT-A21 |
Patient goes on a "leave of absence" |
ADT-A22 |
Patient returns from a "leave of absence" |
ADT-A23 |
Delete a patient record |
ADT-A24 |
Link Patient Information |
ADT-A25 |
Cancel Pending Charges |
ADT-A26 |
Cancel Pending Transfer |
ADT-A27 |
Cancel Pending Admit |
ADT-A28 |
Add Person Information |
ADT-A29 |
Delete Person Information |
ADT-A30 |
Merge person Information |
ADT-A31 |
Update Person Information |
ADT-A32 |
Cancel Patient arriving-tracking |
ADT-A33 |
Cancel Patient departing-tracking |
ADT-A34 |
Merge patient information - patient id only |
ADT-A35 |
Merge Patient Information - patient account number only |
ADT-A36 |
Merge patient Information - patient id and account number |
ADT-A37 |
Unlink patient information |
ADT-A38 |
Cancel Pre-admit |
ADT-A39 |
Merge person - patient id |
ADT 40 +
ADT-A40 |
merge patient - patient identifier list |
ADT-A41 |
Merge account - patient account number |
ADT-A42 |
Merge visit - visit number |
ADT-A43 |
Move patient information - patient identifier list |
ADT-A44 |
Move account information - patient account number |
ADT-A45 |
Move visit information - visit number |
ADT-A46 |
Change patient id (for backward compatibiltiy only) |
ADT-A47 |
Change patient identifier list |
ADT-A48 |
Change alternate patient id |
ADT-A49 |
Change patient account number |
ADT-A50 |
Change visit number |
ADT-A51 |
Change alternate visit id |
ADT-A52 |
Cancel leave of absence for a patient |
ADT-A53 |
Cancel patient returns from a leave of absence |
ADT-A54 |
Change attending doctor |
ADT-A55 |
Cancel change attending doctor |
ADT-A60 |
Update Allergy Information |
ADT-A61 |
Change consulting doctor |
ADT-A62 |
Cancel change consulting doctor |
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