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HRM Continuation Cheat Sheet by

HRM Cheat Sheet Part 2

Recrui­tment and selection

The aims of resour­cin­g/r­ecr­uitment are:
To attract a pool of suitable candidates for vacant posts
To use a fair process and be able to demons­trate that this process was fair
To ensure that all recrui­tment activities contribute to organi­sat­ional goals and the desired organi­sat­ional image
To conduct recrui­tment activities in a cost-e­ffe­ctive and efficient manner

As a strategic activity, recrui­tment (and selection)
is a necessary part of a strategic approach dedicated to gaining compet­itive advantage that comes from having a superior workforce.

DISC Tech Cont.

Direct, Results, Aggressive
Friendly, Persua­sive, Influe­ntial
Delibe­rate, Depend­able, Good Listener
System­atic, Logical, Perfec­tionist
Sudden Change
Public Praise
Non demanding, Mild, Accomm­odating
Reserved, Serious, Probing
Mobile, Alert, Restless
Strong willed, Stubborn, Indepe­ndent

Balanced Scorcard

revenue growth and – mix, costs, profit, asset utiliz­ation
customer satisf­action, customer retention, acquis­ition of new clients, profit­ability per customer, and market share
Internal Business Process
innovation (ident­ifying customer needs, new market segments and new products), operat­ional (produ­ct/­service delivery) and after-­sales service
Learning & growth
skills of employees, management inform­ation systems, HR procedures with respect to motiva­tion, empowe­rment and organi­zation culture

Role of Line Manager

Increased respon­sib­ility for many HR areas in relation to managing their staff

Unfort­una­tely, some organi­zations do not always see the necessity for perfor­mance management or consider that it is not a key aspect of their job.

Line managers need to:

Understand the relevance of perfor­mance management to the perfor­mance of their team and that it can make a difference in meeting their targets and improving their team perfor­mance.
Ensure that the people or teams they manage
Know and understand what is expected of them
Have the skills necessary to deliver on expect­ations
Are supported by the organi­zation to develop the capacity to meet expect­ations
Are given feedback on perfor­mance
Can discuss and contribute to individual and team aims and objectives

Perfor­mance Management

A process which

Contri­butes to the effective management of indivi­duals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organi­sat­ional perfor­mance

Establ­ishes shared unders­tanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure it is achieved
Guide and motivate organi­sation and employees to reach the desired results
How? Through a cycle of interviews about expect­ations, goals, desired behavi­ours, develo­pment actions and realiz­ation of these actions
Within a framwework with structured steps and objective criteria Ideally linked to Compen­sat­ion/pay
Organi­sation goals-> department goals-> individual goals


Programs set up by a company to reward perfor­mance and motiva­te ­emp­loy­ees on individual and/or group levels

A review and restru­cturing of the reward system might enable an organi­sation to attract and retain an effective workforce

Examine pay levels and the attrac­tiv­eness of their benefits packages and terms and condit­ions:
What is the compet­ition doing?
Linking both financial and non-mo­netary rewards to the achiev­ement of corporate goals

Open Hiring strategy

a recrui­tment approach where you write your name and phone number down on a list as a candidate, and if there is a vacancy, you can start immedi­ately without showing your resume or without an interview.

DISC technique

DISC looks at behavi­oural styles and prefer­ences at work, and modifi­cations to suit the needs of current job situation.

Dominance: relating to control, power and assert­iveness
Influence: relating to social situations and commun­ication
Steadi­ness: relating to patience, persis­tence, and though­tfu­lness
Compli­ance: relating to structure and organi­zation
Some companies, like Thomas Intern­ational offers a profes­sional PPA report- other free tests on internet give basic insight

DISC is based on Dr William Marston’s theory on Emotions of Normal People

Evaluation of DISC

There are no “good” or “bad” person­ality profile styles
Each style possesses strengths and limita­tions
A company needs to find the best “fit” for the job
DISC is a part of the selection kit- not the deciding factor!
Everyone has a mix of different styles
People can adapt their styles depending on certain situations


Input: experi­ence, knowledge, skills, education, hours
Output: status, salary, recogn­ition, chances

Reward: topics

Reward policy
Process theories
Job evaluation
Perfor­mance pay
Compen­sation & benefits

Perfor­mance Appraisal

Gives employees feedback on perfor­mance
Lack of clear purpose
Creates opport­unity to plan future objectives or workload
Links with pay
Judge and helper roles
Appraiser attacking apprai­see’s character
Relati­onship with personal develo­pment reviews - (‘one-­to-­ones’)
Being too subjective in judgement
Integr­ation of objectives and compet­encies
Linking to discip­linary process
and the Perfor­mance Management process

Goals of Perfor­mance Management

Create win-win situation between organi­sation and employees

Connect strategy of an organi­sation and its goals with motiva­tion, action, behaviour, develo­pment of employees

Instrument to:


Vacancy Analysis

Descri­ption of role and respon­sib­ilities
Introduce organi­zation

-> attractive
-> realistic job preview

What is Person­ality Profiling

Ability tests: right and wrong answers
Person­ality tests: no right or wrong. Aim: to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the indivi­dual's character pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings
Test results will largely remain the same over time
You cannot cheat
Often self- assess­ments statem­ents: least and most applicable statem­ents, with current work situation in mind

Use of Person­ality Profiling

What can a company use these tests for?

Fit with team and job
Preferred way of working

Perfor­mance Manage­ment:
Help explain poor perfor­mance
Avert problems before they happen

Career planning: approp­riate direction

Compen­sation and benefits

Primary: basic package, fixed/­fle­xible
Secondary: Employee benefits. General (holidays, working hours) or specific (travel expenses)
Tertiary: cheaper services for employees
Mortgage, insurance (banks)
Free meals (resta­urant)
In house shops (Philips)
Discounts (KLM-> flight tickets)

Flexib­ility in benefits

Care-> pension, discount insurance
Taxes-> advantage gross-net when buying a bike; 30 % rule for expats, saving
Life-work balanc­e-> extra holidays, maternity leave holidays, flexible hours, remote work, sabbatical leave, care for elderly, childcare, sports subscr­iption
Develo­pme­nt-> reimburse litera­ture, coaching fees, training, study programs
Execution of position -> lease car, company phone, scooter, additional travel expenses, laptop, reimburse company clothing
Risks of flexible reward:
Unintended behavi­our­s-> bank crisis, unacce­ptable risk taking
Selective behaviour
Difficult to measure: “Team player” “Creative”
What if you cannot influence results?

Four Barriers

The Vision Barrier
Strategy is not understood by those who must implement it
The Management Barrier
Management systems are designed for operat­ional control and little time is spent on strategy
The Operat­ional Barrier
Budgeting process is separated from strategic planning
The People Barrier
Personal goals, incentives and compet­encies are not linked to strategy
to Strategic Implem­ent­ation That Are Built Into the Way We Manage

Example: Apple Computer

Customer Satisf­action: shift from technology and product focused company to emphasis on customers

Employee commitment and alignment: how well do the employees understand the company’s strategy and if they are asked to deliver results that are consistent with that strategy.

Market share: for sales growth and to attract and retain software developers

Shareh­older value: not a driver of perfor­mance! Impact of activities for valuation and evaluate new business ventures.

Adv & Dis of LM

Line managers know about subord­inates, their jobs and their perfor­mance
Person­ality conflicts
Creates time for discussion
Gives appraisee the manager’s attention
Seen by managers as low priority


Well- prepared interview questions- STAR method
Excel tests, typing tests, IQ tests, business case, assign­ments
Reference checks
Person­ality profiling

STAR method

Well- prepared interview questi­ons­-> Situation Task Action Result
Depends on the position versus general questions for all positions (check cultural fit)
"­Share an example of a time when you faced a difficult problem at work”
“Describe a time when you were under a lot of pressure at work”
“Tell me about a mistake you've made”
“Share an example of a time you had to make a difficult / unpopular decision”

Star Method Cont.

How to check cultural fit

“In what type of work enviro­nment are you most productive and happy?”
“How would past co-workers best describe your work style?”
“What management style motivates you to do your best work?”
“When working with a team, what role are you most likely to play?”
What are the values of the company? -> translate them into suitable questions that are applicable for all jobs

Special attention to 21st Century Skills

The ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possib­ilities to life
Critical thinking
Intrinsic Motivation (curious, persis­tent, and willing to take risks)

Training & Develo­pment

Learning methods
Core compet­ences of an organi­zation
Compet­ences of employees

Learni­ng/­dev­eloping methods

Internal traini­ngs­/wo­rkshops -> corporate univer­sities
Learning by doing-> informal learning in work situation
Group trainings intern­al/­ext­ernal
Individual coaching
Mentoring (learn from each other/­older person)
Learn through networking
Learn on the job by innova­tions and projects
Formal learning on the job
E-learning -> Goodha­bitz, MOOC
-> Management Develo­pment

Core compet­ences of an organi­sation

Unique charac­ter­istics, differ­entiate from compet­itors, basis for generating value now and in the future.
Advantages for customers who value products / services
Difficult to imitate
Rare, and different outlets to profit from in markets/ products

Perfor­mance evalua­tion: conseq­uences

Dismissal, improv­ement plans
Salary increases


Recency effect
10 percent-90 precen­t e­ffect
Halo / Horn-e­ffect
Avoiding extreme judgements
Own prefer­ences, prejud­ices, likes, dislikes


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