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Olfactory (CN I) + Disorders Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Olfactory CN1 and their disorders

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


CN I is respon­sible for the sense of smell
Located in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone (top of nose)
Transmits to olfactory bulb located inferiorly in the brain
Synapses with neurons of the olfactory tract
Axons partially decussate into olfactory track to piriform area of the temporal lobe




Head Injury - cribriform plate f#
Viral infections
Parkin­son­s/A­lzh­eimers + other neurod­ege­ner­ative diseases
Drugs - penici­llamine
Endocrine: Addiso­ns/­Thy­rot­oxi­cosis
Tumours - Meningioma in olfactory groove
Aneurysm - anterior commun­ica­ting, ophthalmic
Raised ICP
Anosmia can present unilat­era­lly­/bi­lat­erally and can be perman­ent­/te­mporary

Foster­-Ke­nnedy Syndrome (Rare)

Ipsila­teral anosmia + Ipsila­teral optic atrophy, contra­lateral papill­oedema
Caused by a massive lesion - usually a olfactory groove meniogioma - TRUE Foster­-Ke­nnedy
Pseudo­/False Foster­-Ke­nnedy = no mass lesion present

Olfactory Halluc­ina­tions

Smelling smells that aren't there
Occurs with complex partial seizur­es/­mig­rai­nes­/ne­uro­bla­stoma
Can be bi/uni­lateral