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Git Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Assumes a central repository workflow

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Getting started

Get a copy of an extern project.
git init myProject
Creates a local new project.
git config --global "Max Muster­man­n"
Sets your displayed name (oblig­atory).
git config --global user.mail "­max­@mu­ste­rma­nn.d­e"
Sets your email address (oblig­atory).
git config --global --list
Verify global settings.
Global config­uration is saved in the file
file in your home directory. Local config­uration (
git config --local
) in each repository in the file

Exploring the repository

git status
Important command to see the current state
of the local reposi­tory.
git log
Shows the history of the project.
git log --graph
Useful option for a larger overview.
git branch
Shows the current branch and all local branches
that are available. (
for all available branches).
git blame $file
see who edited the file and when.
graphical tool to explore the history.
git gui
graphical tool for git.

Basic commands

git add $file
Adds $file to the index/­staging area
git commit
Saves all changes that are added to the index/­staging area in a commit­/sn­apshot in your local reposi­tory.
git reset $file
Removes $file from the index/­staging area. Useful when the file was added accide­ntally.
git checkout $file
Restores $file to the state of the latest commit. All local changes for this file will be deleted.
git fetch
Gets the most recent version from the remote reposi­tory. Changes won't be applied to the working directory. Might be useful when a conflict with the local version is expected.
git pull
Like git fetch, but changes are immedi­ately applied to the working directory.
git mv $name1 $name2
To move a file within Git. Should be used to preserve the file-h­istory
git rm $filename
Removes the file

Things that might be useful

How to change the editor for commit messages?
git config --global core.e­ditor=editorname
How to learn more about a certain command?
git command --help
How to specify a range of commits?
Via two dots. For example:
git log 9e45..e312

The SHA1-ID can be found in the history.
What does HEAD^2 mean?
Two commit­s(s­nap­shots) behind HEAD, the current snapsh­ot-­poi­nter. Note that
are aequiv­alent and you can combine all notations.
is equivalent to

is equivalent to
I only made small changes in each line. How can see them directly?
git diff $filename --word­-di­ff=­color
I want to introduce the same commit that was made in another branch in my branch
git cherry­-pick $ID
I know that there is a bug introduced between two far away versions. Can git help me to find the commit that introduced the bug?
Yes, read the docume­ntation for
git bisect
$IDs are hard to remember. What can I do?
If you often have to refer to a certain commit­/sn­apshot of your project you can use
git tag -a $tagname $ID
to give it a name that is easier to remember. This is especially useful to remember the commit of a published version (eg. tagname v.0.8)
How to prevent Git from committing certain files?
If the rule should apply to every developer create a file
in the repository and write in each line a pattern that should be excluded. Commit the file.
Example: *.tmp.
To exclude it locally, change the file
in your repository
These 40 character $IDs in the log are too long.
In order to refer to a ID, you only have to provide as many characters as necessary to be unique in your reposi­tory. But at least 4 charac­ters.

Resolving Conflicts

1. Run
git status
to see the files where the conflict occurs.
2. Open the file that was changed in both branches with your editor.
3. Look for passages that look like

<<<­<<<< HEAD





>>>­>>>> higher­branch

4. Decide how the file should look like. In this example you might want to have all 3 commands in the merged result or only one of them.
5. Edit the file in a way that the result makes sense. Delete all lines that were introduced by Git.
6. Save it. Add it to the index via
git add $filename
and run git status again.
7. Edit all files with conflicts until it says all conflicts are resolved. You can finish it via
git commit
There are also tools available that help you in comparing the different versions. Use
git mergetool --tool­-help
to get a list of all available tools. Run
git mergetool --tool=$toolname
to use it for resolving your conflict.

Basic workflow

1. Check if you're in the right branch to work in with
git branch
2. Get the most recent changes from the remote repository with
git pull
3. Make your changes.
4. Before adding the files with
git add $filename
you might want to check what changes you made in each file via
git diff $filename
5. Use
git status
to verify if all changed files you want to commit are added to the index.
6. If you want to check again what changes exactly you're going to submit, use
git diff --cached
to see them all.
7. Everything is fine? Use
git pull
a last time for the case that someone submitted faster than you.
8. Finally use
git commit
to open an editor to provide a helpful commit message that describes your changes.
9. Publish your changes that everybody can see them with
git push

Working with branches

git branch $branc­hname
Creates a new branch with the name $branc­hname from the current position.
git checkout $branc­hname
Change to branch $branc­hname
git checkout -b $branc­hname
Creates branch $branc­hname and switches directly to it
git merge $other­branch
Merges $other­branch to the current positon
git merge --abort
Aborts a merge in case of a conflict
git stash
Saves your current state
git stash apply
Restores the stashed state.
git stash --help
More inform­ation incl. options list, drop, pop
git stash
is useful when you want to change your branch (for example to fix something important) but don't want to commit your current work already.
When you return use
git stash --apply
to continue your work

Working with branches step-b­y-step

1. List all available branches with
git branch -a

2. If you're not in the branch from where you want to start your develo­pment, switch to it via
git checkout $branc­hname

3. You want to work on a issue or a feature concerning this branch? Create your sub-branch via
git checkout -b $yourb­ran­chname
. Please follow naming conven­tions for $yourb­ran­chname if your team agreed on any.
4. Do your changes, commit.
5. Option­ally, if your separate develo­pment takes a long time, consider to merge changes from the higher branch from time to time with
git merge $highe­rbranch
in order to reduce the number of possible conflicts at the end. Note that you have to use
git pull
inside of $highe­rbranch` before you get the most recent changes.
6. At the end of your develo­pment merge the changes that were made in the meantime from the higher­-branch as described in step 5.
7. In the case of merge conflicts, solve them. Give attention to the messages in
git status

8. Check again if everything was committed. Test your feature.
9. If you're confident that everything is correct, go to the next higher branch (where you want to have your develo­pment included) via
git checkout $highe­rbranch
and merge your feature with
git merge $yourb­ran­chname
10. There shouldn't be any conflicts in the last step. If there are, it means that someone published changes in the meantime. Use
git merge --abort
, switch back to your branch and repeat the steps beginning from 6.
Note: It is not the only way how to work with branches. It is also not the most elegant way but should be relatively safe with regard to possible errors.

Undo and rewriting history

How to add an additional file to the last commit or re-edit the commit message?
If you haven't pushed the commit yet do the following: Add the file you forgot to the index and use
git commit --amend
. In the case you only want to change the message, just type the command without adding a file to the index.
Alternative: Use
git reset --soft HEAD^
. It sets your local repository back by one commit while leaving the working directory unchanged. You can start from there to add again files and to commit again.
How to delete my last commit (locally)?
In the case you haven't pushed it yet, you can use:
git reset --hard HEAD^
to reset your local repository and your working directory to the commit before.
For the case you already published it, use the command
git revert HEAD
to create an anti-c­ommit for the last commit.
git revert
works also with older commits. In this case provide the $ID instead of HEAD.
I haven't pushed the last 4 commits yet and I want to change them into two bigger ones and to adjust the messages. How can I do it?
git rebase --inte­ractive HEAD^4
. Change the letters in front of the presented commits in the way you want to change them.
I lost something.
git reflog
. You might be able to restore it. (Checkout to an earlier reflog entry or cherry­-pick it again)
Warning: Only change commit messages or change history in the case that they are NOT published yet (via git push) or you're completely sure that nobody based his work on it.

Merged subbranch

From the (onlin­e-)book ProGit (https­://­git­-sc­m.c­om/­doc). Example of a merged issue branch.