conceptual structure within which a R is conducted, in Underbuilt for collection, measurement and analysis of data; a framework for R plan of action |
characteristics of R Design - Neutral, Reliable, Valid, Generalisable |
Two Approaches to R Design: Qualitative & Quantitative |
Types of R Designs |
Descriptive Research Design - explanation of situation/case in depth explanation of situation/case in depth; theoretical basis; presentsdata in an understandable manner ; no control/change in variables ; only observational.Do customers prefer product A, B or C ? |
Experimental R Design- manipulation of variable to observe changes in another variable; controlled and randomized. Include DV, IV, hypothesis, operational definition |
Correlational R Design - relationships between two/more variables ; non experimental ; no manipulation of variables ; gives a + or - or 0 correlation; result presented with numerical value called correlation coefficient |
Explanatory R Design - explores when limited information is available; helps increase understanding of a topic; answers why, how; predicts future occurrences; cause and effect model ; improved understanding of previously unresolved problem. |
Types : cross sectional- studying one particular section of society at a given point in time. ex. tracking social media use in Gen Z in Netherlands. Longitudinal - extended period of time on a group of people. ex. cyber bullying from 2022-2024 Normative-comparison of result with an existing norm Correlational- find out relationship between variables. Ex video games and mental health Comparative- Comparison of two or more. Ex salary of emploees at teo different companies Classification- arrange data into categories. Ex classifying customers based on their buying beh Archival- search for past records and get info. Ex tracking company sales over years |
Types:True experimental pretest posttest design w/o control group pretest posttest with control group posttest with control group design , Quasi-experimental |
Types: Naturalistic observation Survey Archival Research |
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