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Anti-hypertensives Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Drug classes, side effects

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Osmotic diuretics

Given in high concen­tra­tions to increase osmotic pressure in urine and increase its secretion into urine along with water.
Decreases IOP
1. Glycer­ine­/gl­ycerol
2. Mannitol: Taken IV; Safe on kidney so for renal function diagnosis, acute renal failure or cerebral edema
3. Sorbitol (D-glu­cit­ol)­/Is­oso­rbide

Renal tubular inhibitory diuretics

Thiazide or thiazi­de-like diuretics
Loop diuretics
K sparring diuretics
Decreases H+ and Na ion exchange so Na remians in lumen and gets excreted with HCO3- and water.
Hydroc­hlo­rot­hiazide or Indapamide; thiazide like
Drug design concept originates from anti-b­act­erial sulfan­ilamide (weak CAI)
Two groups:
1. Hetero­cyclic sulfon­amides; Acetaz­ola­mide, Methaz­olamide
2. Metadi­sul­famoyl benz deriv.; Dichlo­rph­ena­mide, Chlora­min­oph­enamide
NOT given to sulpha­-al­lergic patients: CAI- Thiazide Diuretics- Loop diuretics except ethacrynic a'