Code snippets, maybe helpful partial or merged, to starting faster in creating simple scripts.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
I know the tools and the syntax. But I don't use it every day and when I have to use it, I'm starting nearly at the beginning. I hope the following (partial or merged) helps me to get an idea and start faster to find a solution. Maybe you too?!
Simple try it and look what you get :)
Made with current versions in 2025 (Ubuntu LTS; GNU utilities for Windows |
AWK (octal, hex)
From: To:
yin & yang yin and yang
Lnx: echo -e yin '\0046' yang | awk '{gsub(/\x26/, "and"); print $0}'
Win: echo.exe yin \046 yang | gawk.exe "{gsub(/\x26/, \"and\"); print $0}" |
SED (octal, hex)
From: To:
yin & yang yin and yang
Lnx: echo -e yin '\0046' yang | sed 's/\x26/and/'
Win: echo.exe yin \046 yang | sed.exe "s/\x26/and/" |
AWK (Conditions)
From: To:
1 Line 2: 2
2 Line 3: 3
3 Line 5: 5
Lnx: echo -e '1\n2\n3\n4\n5' | awk '{if($0 > 1 && $0 <= 5 && NR != 4) print "Line " NR ": " $0}'
Win: echo.exe 1\n2\n3\n4\n5 | gawk.exe "{if($0 > 1 && $0 <= 5 && NR != 4) print \"Line \" NR \": \" $0}" |
AWK (Substring)
From: To:
Lnx: echo | awk 'BEGIN{FS="."}{print $0; print $2; print substr($2, 1, 2)"-away"}'
Win: echo.exe | gawk.exe "BEGIN{FS=\".\"}{print $0; print $2; print substr($2, 1, 2)\"-away\"}" |
SED (Substring)
From: To: go-away
Lnx: echo | sed 's/^.\.\(..\).\..*/\1-away/'
Win: echo.exe | sed.exe "s/^.\.\(..\).\..*/\1-away/"
AWK (System call)
From: To:
Time: Time: hh:mm
Lnx: echo "Time: " | awk '{system("date +%R" | getline m); print $0 m}' 2>/dev/null
Win: echo.exe Time: | gawk.exe "{system(\"time /t\" | getline m); print $0 m}" 2>NUL |
AWK (Substitution, mult.)
From: To:
E4-54-E8-6D-31-AA [subst cnt] e4:54:e8:6d:31:aa
Lnx: echo E4-54-E8-6D-31-AA | awk '{print gsub("-", ":"); print tolower($0)}'
Win: echo.exe E4-54-E8-6D-31-AA | gawk.exe "{print gsub(\"-\", \":\"); print tolower($0)}" |
SED (Substitution, mult.)
From: To:
E4-54-E8-6D-31-AA e4:54:e8:6d:31:aa
Lnx: echo E4-54-E8-6D-31-AA | sed 's/-/:/g; s/^\(.*\)$/\L&/'
Win: echo.exe E4-54-E8-6D-31-AA | sed.exe "s/-/:/g; s/^\(.*\)$/\L&/" |
AWK (printf)
From: To:
dummy1-dummy2 Six \ Two = 3.00
123456789 123456 1234567
Lnx: echo dummy1-dummy2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="-"; equ="="; bsl="\\"}{V1="Six"; V2="Two"; V3=3; printf(" %+9s %s %-6s %s %7.2f\n", V1, bsl, V2, equ, V3)}END{print " 123456789 123456 1234567"}'
Win: echo.exe dummy1-dummy2 | gawk.exe "BEGIN{FS=\"-\"; equ=\"=\"; bsl=\"\\ \"}{V1=\"Six\"; V2=\"Two\"; V3=3; printf(\" %+9s %s %-6s %s %#7.2f\n\", V1, bsl, V2, equ, V3)}END{print \" 123456789 123456 1234567\"}" |
VIM (Sort file, system call)
From: To:
bravo alpha
delta bravo
alpha bravo
bravo charlie
charlie delta
echo echo
foxtrot echo
echo echo
echo foxtrot
Lnx/Win: :1,$ !sort |
VIM (Remove duplicate lines from sorted file)
From: To:
alpha alpha
bravo bravo
bravo charlie
charlie delta
delta echo
echo foxtrot
Lnx/Win: :%s/^\(.*\)\(\n\1\)\+$/\1/ |
VIM (Rearrangement, assign states to regions)
From: To:
AMER tab Canada AMER tab Canada
APAC tab China APAC tab China tab Japan
APAC tab Japan EMEA tab Lebanon tab Senegal tab Spain
EMEA tab Lebanon
EMEA tab Senegal
EMEA tab Spain
Lnx/Win: :%s/^\(..\)\t\(..$\)\(\n\1\)\+\t\(..*$\)/\1\t\2\t\4/
[Repeat until "Pattern not found"] |
Some Bash script
hh=`date +%H`
echo "Current hour:" $hh
read -p 'Hour to search for (x=Exit)?: ' hour
# \< \> to supress hits of a single digit in a two digit hour
echo $hh | grep "\<$hour\>" >/dev/null
if [ $hour == "x" ]; then
elif [ $RetCode -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$hh eq $hour Hit"
elif [ $RetCode -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$hh neq $hour noHit"
a=`expr $hour + 1`
echo -e "$hour + 1 =" $a "\n" |
Some Batch script
@echo off
REM Some echo. commands would make it nicer ...
set hh=%time:~-11,2%
if %hh% LSS 10 set hh=0%time:~-10,1%
echo Current hour: %hh%
set /P hour=Hour to search for (x=Exit)?:
:: Brackets to identify blank input.
if [%hour%]==[x] goto :EOF
echo %hh% | find "%hour%" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 echo %hh% neq %hour% noHit
if not errorlevel 1 echo %hh% equ %hour% Hit
for /f %%d in ('date /T') do set dat=%%d
echo %dat%
if %dat% NEQ "01.01.1970" set /a sum=1+1
echo 1+1=%sum%
pause |
Some Vim script
" Execute: vim -S this.script
:function! IN()
: call inputsave()
: let @i = input('Hour to search for?: ')
: call inputrestore()
:let hh=strftime("%H")
:echo "Current hour:" hh
:call IN()
:let hour = @i
:if hh == hour
: echo "\n" hh "equ" hour "Hit"
:elseif hh != hour
: echo "\n" hh "neq" hour "noHit"
:let a = hour + 1
:echo hour "+ 1 =" a |