Nmap Fundamentals
Listing open ports on a remote host |
nmap [target] |
Exclude a host from scan |
nmap --exclude [excluded ip] [target] |
Use custom DNS Server |
nmap --dns-servers [DNS1],[DNS2] [target] |
Scan - no ping targets |
nmap -PN [target] |
Scan - no DNS resolve |
nmap -n [target] |
Scan specific port |
nmap -p80 [target] |
Scan an IPv6 target |
nmap -6 [target] |
Scanning Port Ranges
Scan specific port list |
nmap -p 80,443,23 [target] |
Scan specific port range |
nmap -p 1-100 [target] |
Scan all ports |
nmap -p- [target] |
Scan specific ports by protocol |
nmap -p T:25,U:53 [target] |
Scan by Service name |
nmap -p smtp [target] |
Scan Service name wildcards |
nmap -p smtp* [target] |
Scan only port registered in Nmap services |
nmap -p [1-65535] [target] |
Scanning Large Networks
Skipping tests to speed up long scans |
nmap -T4 -n -Pn -p- [target] |
Arguments: |
No Ping |
-Pn |
No reverse resolution |
-n |
No port scanning |
-sn |
Timing Templates Arguments |
Scanning is not supposed to interfere with the target system |
-T2 |
Recommended for broadband and Ethernet connections |
-T4 |
Normal Scan Template |
-T3 |
Not Recommended |
-T5 or T1 or T0 |
Nmap Specifics
Select Interface to make scans |
nmap -e [INTERFACE] [target] |
Save as text file (export) |
nmap -oN [filename] [target] |
Save as xml (export) |
nmap -oX [filename] [target] |
Save as all supported file types |
nmap -oA [filename] [target] |
Periodically display statistics |
nmap –stats-every [time] [target] |
Finding alive hosts
Default ping scan mode |
nmap -sP [target] |
Discovering hosts with TCP SYN ping scans |
nmap -sP -PS [target] |
Specific Port using TCP SYN ping scans |
nmap -sP -PS80 [target] |
Ping No arp |
nmap -sP --send-ip [target] |
IP Protocol ping scan (IGMP, IP-in-IP, ICMP) |
nmap -sP -PO [target] |
ARP Scan |
nmap -sP -PR [target] |
Fingerprinting services of a remote host
Display service version |
nmap -sV [target] |
Set probes |
nmap -sV --version-intensity 9 [target] |
Aggressive detection |
nmap -A [target] |
Troubleshooting version scans |
nmap -sV –version-trace [target] |
Perform a RPC scan |
nmap -sR [target] |
Fingerprinting the operating system of a host
Detect Operating System |
nmap -O [target] |
Guess Operating System |
nmap -O -p- --osscan-guess [target] |
Detect Operating System (Verbose ) |
nmap -O -v [target] |
Listing protocols supported by a remote host |
nmap -sO [target] |
Discovering stateful firewalls by using a TCP ACK scan |
nmap -sA [target] |
Nmap Scripting Engine
Execute individual scripts |
nmap –script [script.nse] [target] |
Execute scripts by category |
nmap –script [category] [target] |
Troubleshoot scripts |
nmap –script [script] –script-trace [target] |
Update the script database |
nmap –script-updatedb |
Script categories |
auth broadcast dos default discovery external intrusive malware safe version vuln |
Nmap Examples
Detect Service versions and OS |
nmap -sV -O [target] |
Detect Web Servers |
nmap -sV --script http-title [target] |
Scan top common ports |
nmap --top-ports 10 [target] |
Discover host using Broadcast pings |
nmap --script broadcast-ping |
Getting information from whois records |
nmap --script whois [target] |
Brute force DNS records |
nmap --script dns-brute [target] |
Scan a firewall for MAC address spoofing |
nmap -v -sT -PN --spoof-mac [Mac Address] [target] |
Run all scripts in the vuln category |
nmap -sV --script vuln [target] |
Run the scripts in the categories version or discovery |
nmap -sV --script="version,discovery" [target] |
Sniffer Detect |
nmap -sP --script sniffer-detect [target] |
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