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Resume Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Resume Cheat Sheet for Job Seekers Unlock the power of a winning resume with this handy cheat sheet! Crafted by an experienced copywriter, this guide simplifies the art of resume writing, ensuring you stand out to potential employers, secure that dream interview, and earn the salary you deserve.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Things to Note

1. First Impres­sions Matter: Recruiters spend just about 6 seconds on your resume, so make it count.

2. Strategic Marketing Tool: Your resume is a powerful marketing document, so use it wisely.

3. Killer Resume Formula: A killer resume combines result­s-d­riven content with a sleek format.

4. Keep It Concise: Limit your resume to one page if you have less than 10 years of work experi­ence.

5. Add Hyperlinks: Include clickable email and LinkedIn profile links for a profes­sional touch.

6. Adapt to Company Culture: Tailor your language and tone to match the company's culture.

7. Prioritize Important Experience: Highlight your most relevant experi­ences promin­ently.

8. Quantify Achiev­ements: Use numbers to quantify your achiev­ements; it makes your resume more convin­cing.

9. Dates and Consis­tency: Include both months and years in your dates, and keep them consistent with your LinkedIn profile.

10. Summarize Vague Roles: If you've had vague job titles or worked for lesser­-known companies, provide a brief overview before listing accomp­lis­hments.

11. Strategic Content: Select resume content strate­gically to align with the role you're applying for.

12. Prove Your Skills: Use quanti­fiable results as proof points instead of making vague claims.

13. Engage the Reader: Your resume should be brief, well-o­rga­nized, and visually appealing to hold the reader's attention.

14. Contin­uously Improve: Your resume should evolve with your career; it's a work in progress.

15. LinkedIn Matters: Your LinkedIn profile is often checked by recrui­ters, so keep it consistent with your resume.

16. Start Early: Begin crafting your resume well in advance and leave time for revisions before applying.

17. Highlight Impact: Emphasize the results and impact of your actions in your roles.

18. Show, Don't Tell: Use real data and numbers to demons­trate your skills and achiev­ements.

19. Seek Feedback: Share your resume with trusted indivi­duals who can provide valuable feedback.

20. Be Unique: Person­alize your resume to tell your unique career story.

These tenets should help you create effective and impactful resumes that catch the attention of recruiters and potential employers.

How To Identify Resume­-Worthy Achiev­ements

Step 1: Create Your Ultimate Achiev­ement List
- Start by reflecting on your past roles and jot down everything you were involved in, from projects to daily tasks. This is your founda­tion.
- Think of it as creating your personal treasure trove of experi­ences. It's a real time-saver when you're applying for different jobs because you can pick the most relevant ones.

Step 2: Tap into Your Strengths
- Take a moment to remember what you were genuinely good at in your previous positions. What tasks did you excel in, and where did you shine?
- This step helps you not only recognize your skills but also opens your horizons to different types of work that you might enjoy.

Step 3: Celebrate Your Achiev­ements
- Now, let's shift our focus from respon­sib­ilities to achiev­ements. Ask yourself, "What did I accomplish in each role?"
- Transform your day-to-day tasks into meaningful achiev­ements. This is where you tell the story of how you made a differ­ence.

Step 4: Say Goodbye to the "­Bac­kwards Job Posting Resume­"
- Your resume should be a reflection of your impact, not just a list of duties. Instead of just saying what you did, show what happened as a result.
- Use numbers and specific examples to paint a vivid picture of how you contri­buted and left a positive mark.

By following this framework, you'll not only find your resume­-worthy achiev­ements but also convey your authentic self to potential employers, making a lasting impres­sion.

Templates to Outcom­e-O­riented Resume Statements

## Template 1: [Action Verb] [Noun] that led to [Quant­ifiable Result] in [Time-­Frame]

Example 1:

- Implem­ented an Agile develo­pment approach that led to a 30% increase in project efficiency within a 3-month timeframe.

Example 2:

- Designed and deployed a new user interface that resulted in a 20% reduction in bounce rates within the first month.

Example 3:

- Completed a coding internship program that led to a 100% job placement rate for program graduates within 6 months.

## Template 2: [Action Verb] [Noun] by [Quant­ifiable Data] in [Time-­Frame] by [Action Verb] [Noun]

Example 1:

- Enhanced website security by reducing cybers­ecurity vulner­abi­lities by 40% in 6 months through proactive monitoring and patching.

Example 2:

- Increased system perfor­mance by optimizing database queries, resulting in a 25% reduction in response time within 4 months by conducting daily perfor­mance checks.

## Template 3: [Action Verb] [Noun] for [People Group/­Pro­ject] to [Quant­ifiable Result]

Example 1:

- Led a team of junior developers to develop and launch a mobile app, achieving 50,000 downloads and a 4.7-star rating on app stores.

Example 2:

- Managed IT support for a non-profit organi­zation, resulting in a 20% reduction in IT-related costs while ensuring uninte­rrupted operations for the organi­zation.

Example: To find Resume Worthy Aspects

Imagine you're a junior developer or someone transi­tioning to the IT industry, and your previous job was in a different field. Your old resume might look like this:

Customer Service Repres­ent­ative
Handled customer inquiries and resolved issues through various commun­ication channels, including phone, email, and chat.

This type of resume doesn't reveal much about your potential as a junior developer or your unique skills. To help you identify more "­res­ume­-wo­rth­y" IT aspects, here are some questions to consider:

1. Coding Experience: Have you written any code, even for personal projects? If so, what languages did you use, and what kind of applic­ations or websites did you build?

2. Proble­m-S­olving: Can you share an example of a challe­nging problem you encoun­tered while learning to code or working on a project? How did you approach and solve it?

3. Projects and Tools: Have you completed any online courses, tutorials, or coding bootcamps? What projects did you work on, and what tools or techno­logies did you become proficient in?

4. Collab­oration: Did you collab­orate with others on coding projects or contribute to open-s­ource projects? Describe your role and contri­but­ions.

5. Learning Journey: How do you keep up with the fast-paced IT industry? Do you regularly read tech blogs, follow industry news, or partic­ipate in online forums and commun­ities?

By answering these questions, you can uncover the "­golden nugget­s" that showcase your potential as a junior developer or someone making a shift to the IT industry. Your tailored resume will then focus on these achiev­ements and use approp­riate language to describe them.

The key is to highlight your coding experi­ence, proble­m-s­olving skills, profic­iency with relevant tools and techno­logies, collab­orative efforts, and your commitment to continuous learning. This way, you'll present yourself as a strong candidate for IT positions.


List any core papers and thesis topics that would be most relevant for the role, adding more keywords to the mix. You can also separate out Certif­ica­tions - which could also be called Profes­sional Develo­pment or similar. This is a great place to mention any company trainings you've attended or MOOCs (massive open online courses) you've completed of your own volition. It shows you like to keep your know-how up to date and are invested in your profes­sional growth

Relevant Academic Papers and Thesis Topics:
- Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Predictive Analytics (Keywords: Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Algori­thms, Data Science, Artificial Intell­igence)
- Cybers­ecurity in the Age of IoT: Vulner­abi­lities and Mitigation Strategies (Keywords: Cybers­ecu­rity, IoT, Vulner­abi­lities, Mitiga­tion, Inform­ation Security)
- Blockchain Techno­logy: Applic­ations and Implic­ations in Financial Services (Keywords: Blockc­hain, Financial Services, Distri­buted Ledger, Crypto­cur­rency, Fintech)

Certif­ica­tions and Profes­sional Develo­pment:
- Completed 'Advanced Data Analysis' course by XYZ Univer­sity. (Keywords: Data Analysis, Course, Profes­sional Develo­pment, XYZ Univer­sity)
- Attended 'Cyber­sec­urity Essent­ials' training at ABC Company. (Keywords: Cybers­ecu­rity, Training, ABC Company, Inform­ation Security)
- Succes­sfully completed 'Machine Learning Fundam­entals' MOOC. (Keywords: Machine Learning, MOOC, Profes­sional Growth, Online Courses)

Technical Skills

List hard skills with an indication of profic­iency level, that are specif­ically relevant for the role (notice how it doesn't mention Microsoft Word or PowerP­oint, Captain Obvious?)

Fonts To Use

- Arial
- Garamond
- Calibri
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Century Old Style

Kind Words

Kind Words: is a unique way to have someone else (a client, manager, professor) sell you on your behalf - pretty sweet deal!

Words To Avoid

- tries
- objectives
- references available
- respon­sib­liities include
- upon reqeust
- loves


Always include these if you speak more than one, listed in skill level.

English - Proficient
Bengali - Native
Hindi - Average

Action Words

- designs
- generates
- recruits
- critiques
- esatbl­ishes
- coaches
- examines
- improves
- invents
- influences
- oversees
- illust­rates
- advises
- compiles
- resolves
- prepares
- advises
- orders

Common resume mistakes to avoid

1) Incons­istent punctu­ation and capita­liz­ation (look at your bullets, dashes, and spaces)
2) Gramma­tical errors
3) Incons­istent formatting
4) Outdated contact inform­ation