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Castles & Crusades Cheat Sheet by

A brief rules cheatsheet for the **Castles & Crusades** RPG.

How to Make an Attribute Roll

Attribute mod + Character Level + 1d20 vs. Challenge Base (12 or 18) + Challenge Level

Challenge Base

Challenge base = 12 if the attribute beings used is a Prime Attribute.
Challenge base = 18 if the attribute being used is a Secondary Attribute.

Challenge Level

CL can equal the level or the HD of the NPC or the monster being opposed.
A spell's challenge level is equal to the level or HD of the caster.
A trap's challenge level is is equal to the level of the person who set it.
CL 1 to 5 = easy tasks
CL 6-10 = difficult tasks
CL 11-15 = very difficult tasls
CL 15-20 = heroic tasks

Adding Character Level to Checks

C&C recommends that PCs not be allowed to attempt an action that intrudes on the realms of the class ability of another character class.
If the GM does decide to allow this then any such rolls should not have the Character Level added to them,

Death & Dying

In general when a character reaches 0 Hit Points they pass out. They are not dead, but are incapable of acting whilst passed out due to blood-loss and/or damage sustained.
Those with 0 Hit Points recover consci­ousness in 1D6 hours, after which they can move at 1/4 of their normal movement rate, but cannot partic­ipate in combat, cast spells, turn undead or any strenuous or demanding activity. The full effect of magical healing of characters reduced to 0 Hit Points is immediate.
At -1 to -6 hit points: the character is uncons­cious and grievously wounded. They require bed rest to recover. Unless magically healed a character so wounded must rest 24 hours before the process of healing begins. With most magical healing the charac­ter's hit points can only be returned to 0, after which healing proceeds normally.
At -7 to -9 hit points: the character is mortally wounded and loses one hit point per round after reachiing -7 hit points. Aid admini­stered to the wounds stops this loss. This takes at least one full hour, during which no hit points are lost. After 24 hours have passed the normal healing process described for -1 to -6 hit points begins.
At -10 hit points: Death occurs immedi­ately. Only resurr­ection or reinca­rnation can bring back the otherwise slain character.


In general, Hit Points heal at a rate of one point per day and only if the character is resting, well fed, kept warm and the wounds are tended to. After seven days the rate of healing increases to include the Consti­tution bonus, if any. After 14 days, the rate of healing doubles and after thirty days it triples.
Rates of healing can be adjusted by magical healing, herbs, diet, level of care or other factors the Castle Keeper deems approp­riate.






Each partic­ipant rolls 1D10, play order proceeds in rounds with the highest roll taking their action first.
In the case of a tie the partic­ipant with the highest Dexterity goes first,
In the case of equal Dexterity, both actions occur simult­ane­ously.

Combat Actions

In a combat round characters can perform one of five types of action:
Attack: A character can normally make a single attack per round, either melee or missile. Moving further than one-half movement negates the ability to make an attack.
Cast a spell: A character can cast one spell a round. A character may not move any distance and cast a spell in the same range unless the spell descri­ption says otherwise.
Move: If no other action is taken a character or monster can walk a distance equal to their full movement rate. Full movement also includes jogging (twice the normal movement rate) and running (quadruple the normal movement rate).
Use an ability: A character may perform one class or racial ability each round.
Use an item: An item that is readied and carried can be used.

Movement in the Combat Round

Once initiative or surprise is determined each character or monster involved is allowed an action. Base movement rates are listed in each racial or monster descri­ption.
Base movement rate is listed in feet that can be moved in a combat round. To translate this into inches, hexes, squares or centim­eters, divide the movement rate by 5.


Charging is a special, moveme­nt-­based combat maneuver. When charging a character precedes a melee attack by jogging or running. A successful charge attack inflicts +2 bonus damage, but gives a -4 to the attackers AC for the entire combat round.
Charging characters must move a minimum of their full movement rate in order to be considered charging and be eligible for the bonus described.

Melee Combat

Attacker rolls 1D20, adds their basic to hit bonus plus any strength modifier. A monster's basic to hit bonus is equal to its total number of HD.
If the total is greater than or equals the defender's AC than damage has been inflicted.

Ranged Combat

The attacker rolls 1D20 and adds their basic to hit bonus plus any dexterity modifier (if applic­able). A monster's basic to hit bonus is equal to its total number of HD.
If the total rolled is greater than or equal to the defender's AC then the attack has landed and damage has been inflicted.

Combat Modifiers

Defender prone or blind
Defender prone and defenc­eless
Defender at lower elevation
Defender invisible or attacker blind
Melee attack from mount or unstable platform
Ranged attack from mount or unstable platform
Defender 1/4 concealed (light fog)
Defender 1/2 concealed (dense fog)
Defender 3/4 concealed (near darkness)
Defender completely concealed


Armour: Each armours adjustment is described in the equipment list. Chain mail for example has a +5 adjustment to AC. This gives the individual wearing it a 15 AC (10+5).
Shields: Every shield gives a +1 modifier to AC, but the size of the shield determines how many opponents it applies against. Small shields offer the adjustment against one attacker, medium shields against two attackers and large shields against three attackers.
Helms: AC adjust­ments for helmets apply to strikes against the head only.
Dexterity: Dexterity modifies a charac­ter's AC if that character can physically react to the oncoming attack.


AC Modifier
1/4 cover
+2 AC
1/2 cover
+4 AC
3/4 cover
+6 AC
Full cover
+10 AC

Combat Maneuvers

Characters can dodge up to three attacks in a round that originate from an attacker they are facing and aware of. If dodging the character sacrifices their action that round. The character gains +2 AC while dodging.
Diseng­aging from Combat
If a character leaves combat and expands all effort to do so they may move as far as possible up to their max running distance but suffer a -2 AC and their opponent gets to attack them as they run away. For a more careful withdrawal the character moves one-half their movement, they suffer no penalty to AC but cannot take any other action that round.
The character must succes­sfully hit an AC equivalent of 18 plus the HD or level of their opponent to disarm them.
If character is evading they sacrifice their action in that round. The character can evade one opponet they are facing that round and gets a +4 AC bonus against them for that round.
Flank Attacks
A flank attacks confers a +1 bonus to hit.
Rear Attack
A rear attack confers a +2 bonus to hit. Rogues and assassins do not get this in addition to their back attack bonus - it is already figured in.


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