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Data Structures Course - Technion Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A cheat sheet for the Technion course "Data Structures 1 (234218)"

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Binary Search Tree (BST)

Binary Search Tree is a Binary Tree where for every node
in the tree:
v.left.value < v.value < v.righ­t.value
Current | Left | Right
Left | Current | Right
Left | Right | Current
Level Order Traversal:
- Create a queue and insert the root into it.
- Iterate over the queue until it's empty.
- In every iteration, we will pop from the top of the queue and perform the wanted action on the popped node. Then, we will add its left and right sons to the end of the queue.
Inorder traversal go over the values in a sorted order.
Time Complexity
Traver­sals: O(n) where n is number of nodes
Find, Insert, Delete: O(h) where h is the tree's height

AVL Tree

An AVL Tree is a balanced Binary Search Tree. That is, for every node
in the tree:
|BF| = |left.h­eight - right.h­eight| ≤ 1
An AVL Tree is kept balanced by performing rotations whenever needed.
There are 4 types of rotations: LL, RR, LR, RL.
RR and LL are the base rotations and can be used to perform the other two.
The Height of an AVL Tree: h = O(logn)

AVL Base Rotations

Time complexity for every rotation: O(1)

BST Successor Algorithm

Successor algorithm finds the minimal value in a BST which is greater than a given value k.
The Algorithm:
- Initialize a varriable:
successor = null
- Initialize a variable
current = root
- While
current != null
- If
k < curren­t.value
, set
successor = current
and go to
. Otherwise, go to
- Finally, return
Time Complexity
The algorithm goes from the root to a leaf in the worst case, so the time complexity is: O(h).
If the tree is balanced (like AVL Tree) then the time complexity is: O(logn).