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ATAM Course - Technion (Spring semester, 2023) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheatsheet for ATAM course in the Technion.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.



In 64 bit processor, address size is 64 bit


8 bits
16 bits
Double Word (DWORD) a.k.a Long Word
32 bits
Quadruple Word (QWORD)
64 bits

Endianness (Order of storing values)

Big Endian: The most signif­icant value in the sequence is stored first, at the lowest storage address.

Little Endian: The least signif­icant value in the sequence is stored first, at the lowest storage address.

In x86-64, Little Endian is used.

Virtual Memory Layout


General Purpose Registers


Special Registers

RIP (Instr­uction Pointer)
Pointer to the next instru­ction to run
Saves the current state of the processor.
Both registers are 64 bits registers.

Assembly File Structure

The assembly file is divided into sections using "­Section Direct­ive­s".
Moreover, the file can contain Global and External declar­ations, Direct­ives, Labels, Comments, and of course, the assembly Instru­ctions.