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Anatomy and Physiology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Anatomy and physiology are two related biology disciplines that study the structure and function of body parts and the body as a whole. Anatomy is the study of the structure and relationship between body parts, their organization, and their identity. Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and their interactions within a living system.

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Anatomy and physiology are two related biology discip­lines that study the structure and function of body parts and the body as a whole. Anatomy is the study of the structure and relati­onship between body parts, their organi­zation, and their identity. Physiology is the study of the function of body parts and their intera­ctions within a living system.

Subdiv­ision of Anatomy

Surface Anatomy
the study of form and markings of the body structure explored through visual­ization without any cutting.
Gross Anatomy
the study of the anatomical structures visible to unaided eye. The gross dissection proceeds through cutting after making surface marking.
Develo­pmental Anatomy
the study of the fertilized egg developing into its adult form.
the study of cells
the study of tissues
the study of anatomical changes due to disease


basic unit of structure and function in all living things.
group of similar cells carrying out similar or related functions.
collec­tions of tissues grouped together performing a common functions.
Organ System
group of organ working together to perform a specific function for the organism.
any living thing.

Single­-celled organism
an organism made up of only one cell; organelles carry out life functions. Ex. Amoeba
Multi-­cel­lular organism
made up of many different types of cells; organ system carry out life functions. Ex. Human


is the sum total of all bodily activities of an organism
is a charac­ter­istic that distin­guishes physical entities that have biological processes from those that do not have.

Charac­ter­istics of Life

ability of sense change and react
2. Movement
change in position of an organism
3. Reprod­uction
process of making a new organism
4. Respir­ation
the process of getting oxygen
5. Growth
an increase in body size
6. Digestion
complex material changes
7. Absorption
the passage of a substance through a membrane
8. Assimi­lation
putting molecules together to make a more complex substances
9. Circul­ation
movement of material
10. Excretion
getting rid of material

Major Needs of Organism

1. Water
Most abundant substance in the body
2. Food
Provides energy for body
3. Oxygen
Makes up 20% of atmosp­heric air we breath 78% is nitrogen 2% other gases
4. Heat
we get heat from muscle activity Normal temp-98.6 °F or 37 °C
5. Pressure
a. Hydros­tatic pressure- example would be the blood moving under the pressure of the heart 120/80 is normal
b. Atmosp­heric pressure- comes from the air around us and allows us to breath

Body Systems

Integu­mentary system
skin and anything in skin protects. The skin is your largest organ.
Skeletal system
bones support, protect and make blood cells.
Muscular system
move the body and produces heat
Nervous system
brain, spinal cord, and nerves­…helps you to commun­icate
Endocrine system
made up of hormones and glands­-ho­rmones affect target cell Example of endocrine glands are pancreas, thyroid, and adrenalin gland
Digestive system
breaks down food stomach, intestine, liver and gall bladder
Respir­atory system
intake and output of gases…­lungs
Circul­atory system
transports gases, nutrients, and other things­…heart and blood vessels
Lymphatic system
cleans up lymph fluid…­spleen and lymph nodes
Urinary system
gets rid of waste kidney, ureters, and urethra
Reprod­uctive system
produces offspring testes and uterus

Anatomical Terms

toward the front
toward the back
close to the midline of body
toward sides of body
closer to the point of attachment
further away from the point of attachment
near the surface

Vertebral Cavity

Vertebral cavity contains three cavities
1. Thoracic cavity- which is the chest cavity contains heart and lungs (Diaphragm separates thoracic and abdominal)
2. Abdominal cavity- contains stomach, liver, pancreas, intest­ines, gall bladder, and spleen
3. Pelvic cavity- contains bladder and uterus

Dorsal Cavities

Dorsal cavity contains two cavities
1.Cranial (skull)- brain
2.Vert­ebral (spinal)- spinal cord

Body Cavities


A tissue is defined as a group of cells, organized to perform a specific function.
Types of Tissues
1. Epithelial Tissue
2. Connective Tissue
3. Muscle Tissue
4. Nerve Tissue

Connective Tissue

binds and supports body parts
Three Components of Connective Tissue
Specia­lized Cells
Protein Fibers: elastin & collagen
Ground Substance: non-ce­llular material separating cells
Types of Connective Tissue
1. Loose Fibrous Connective Tissue
contains fibroblast
Matrix: ground substance + fibers
Protective covering for muscles, blood vessels, nerves
2. Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue
collagen fibers packed together
Tendons: connect muscle to bone
Ligaments: connect bone to bone
3. Fibrous Connective Tissue
Adipose Tissue- cells stores fat
Found under the skin, around kidneys and heart
4. Supportive Connective Tissue
solid and flexible
cells located in chambe­rs-­lacunae
Types of Cartilage
a. Elastic cartilage- elastin fibers, more flexible and located in the outer ear
b. Hyaline cartilage- most common and contains fine collagen fibers. It is located in the nose, ends of long bones and ribs, walls of respir­atory passages.
c. Fibroc­art­ilage- strong collagen fibers located in between vertebrae and in knee joint.
solid, rigid matrix of calcium salts arond collagen fibers
in compact bone, cells are located in spaces between rings of matrix
Types of Bone
a. Compact bone
c. Spongy bone
5. Fluid Connective Tissue
Liquid matrix­=plasma
dissolved substa­nces, eg. gases and ions
suspended substa­nces, eg. proteins
Formed elements: cells and cell fragments
Red blood cells - transport oxygen
White blood cells - fight infection
Platelets - cell fragments that aid in blood clotting
Liquid matrix­=ly­mphatic fluid
contains white blood cells


Blood making
Hemato­poietic refers to the formation of blood cells. Hemato­poiesis is the process through which the body manufa­ctures blood cells. It occurs within the hemato­poietic system, which includes organs and tissues such as the bone marrow, liver, and spleen.

Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial tissue is a thin tissue that covers all the exposed surfaces of the body. It has different functions, such as protec­tion, absorp­tion, secretion and movement of substa­nces.
The cells making up epithelia are often closely bound to one another through specia­lized structures called tight junctions.
Classi­fic­ation of Epithelial Tissue
flattened cells
one layer
appears as multiple layers
multiple layers
cube-s­haped cells
elongated cells

Muscular Tissue

Cells are called muscle fibers
Cells contain protein filaments called actin and myosin
Types of Muscular Tissue
a. Skeletal Muscle
striation and nucleus
b. Smooth Muscle
cell and nucleus
c. Cardiac Muscle

Nerve Tissue

conduct nerve impulses
support and nourish neurons

Integu­mentary System

The integu­mentary system, which includes the skin, hair, and nails, provides protec­tion, sensat­ions, thermo­reg­ula­tion, and allows sunlight for vitamin D synthesis.
Epidermis is the outermost and thinnest layer of the skin. It protects the body from harm, keeps the body hydrated, produces new skin cells and contains melanin, which determines the color of the skin.
The Four Layers of Epidermis
stratum basale - the deepest layer of your epidermis. New skin cells develop in this layer. It also contains the kerati­nocyte stem cells, which produce the protein keratin. It also contains melano­cytes, which are respon­sible for producing melanin, which provides the pigment of your epidermis.
stratum spinosum - This layer mostly consists of kerati­nocytes held together by sticky proteins called desmos­omes. The stratum spinosum helps make the skin flexible and strong.
stratum granulosum - Kerati­nocytes have granules within them, which are visible under a microscope in this layer.
stratum lucidum - It’s a thin, transp­arent layer of kerati­nocytes that are becoming less round and have a flatter shape.
stratum corneum - the top layer of the epidermis. This is where kerati­nocytes become corneo­cytes. Corneo­cytes are strong, dead kerati­nocytes that protect you from harm, including abrasions, light, heat and pathogens.
Dermis is a vital layer containing blood vessels, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and various receptors that allow us to sense touch, pain, and light.
Hypodermis, or subcut­aneous layer, provides insulation and padding with its abundance of connective tissue and fat cells.

Accessory Structures

Skeletal System

Functions of the Skeletal System
Supports the body
Protects soft body parts
Produces blood cells
Stores minerals and fat
Permits flexible body movement
Tissues of the Skeletal System
Bone cells= osteocytes
compact bone - dense matrix of salts (calcium phosphate)
spongy bone - thin plates with open spaces
bone marrow - red: produces blood cells, yellow: stores fat
Cartilage cells=­cho­ndr­ocytes
hyaline - firm yet flexible. At ends of long bones, ribs, in nose
fibroc­art­ilage - strong for support. Found in knee and disks between vertebrae
elastic cartilage - most flexible and found in ear flaps
Fibrous connective tissue
periosteum - covers long bones. It contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves
ligaments - connect bone to bone
tendons - connect muscles to bones at joints

Cells Involved in Bone Growth and Repair

Bone Develo­pment and Growth

Bone formation =
Bones of the skull form by Intram­emb­ranous ossifi­cation
Bones develop between sheets of fibrous tissue
Most bones form by Endoch­ondral ossifi­cation
Cartilage models are formed first
At ossifi­cation centers, cartilage is gradually replaced by bone

Endoch­ondral Ossifi­cation

Axial Skeleton: Midline of the Body

Bones of the Skull

The skull is divided into cranial and facial bones, with sutures connecting them. It also contains foramina for nerves and vessels, as well as ear and nasal cavities and orbits for the eyes.

The Vertebral Column

The vertebral column is a flexible structure supporting the skull to the pelvis. It consists of cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx vertebrae, with interv­ert­ebral discs acting as shock absorbers.

The Rib Cage

The thoracic cage, made up of the sternum and ribs, protects the organs in the chest and supports respir­ation.

Append­icular Skeleton

Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles and the Limbs
It consists of the bones of the limbs (or append­ages), and the bones that attach the limbs to the rest of the body. It includes a total of 126 bones, including those in the arms, legs, and shoulder and pelvic girdle bones.

The pectoral and pelvic girdles attach the upper and lower limbs to the axial skeleton. The pectoral girdle has the clavicle and scapula, while the pelvic girdle consists of the hip bones.

Bones of Pectoral Girdle, Arm, Hand

Bones of Pelvic Girdle, Leg, Foot

The bones in the lower limb are thicker and sturdier, allowing for effective running and jumping. The foot has tarsals, metata­rsals, and phalanges similar to the hand.

Knee Joint

Joints play a crucial role in the movement and stability of the skeleton. Ligaments and interv­ert­ebral discs help connect and support the bones in the spine.

Joints: Articu­lations between Bones

Fibrous joints: immovable
Cartil­aginous joints
connected by hyaline or fibroc­art­ilage cartilage
slightly movable
Synovial joints
separate the bones by a cavity
freely movable

Movements Permitted by Synovial Joints

Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System

is a broad term for joint inflam­mation, with various forms like osteoa­rth­ritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It causes constant joint pain and damage.
is charac­terized by the deposition of uric acid crystals in joints, leading to swelling, loss of function, and severe pain.
Myasthenia gravis
is an autoimmune disease that affects muscle strength and causes fatigue. It primarily affects eye muscles and may lead to difficulty swallowing and slurred speech.
Muscular dystrophy
refers to a group of genetic disorders that progre­ssively weaken muscles, impairing locomo­tion. It primarily affects skeletal muscles.
is the involu­ntary contra­ction of muscles due to low calcium levels. Muscle cramps and spasms are long-l­asting and painful.
is a condition where bone mineral density decreases, resulting in fragile bones and an increased risk of fractures, especially in postme­nop­ausal women.
Aging, lack of exercise, and family history are signif­icant risk factors for these disorders. Early diagnosis and approp­riate management are crucial.

These conditions lead to joint inflam­mation, muscle weakness, decreased mobility, and increased fracture risk.

Muscular System

The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle.
Skeletal muscle - the only organ of the muscular system
Skeletal muscle is composed of skeletal muscle tissue and also contains nervous tissue, blood vessels and connective tissue
Half of the body’s weight is muscle tissue
– Skeletal muscle = 40% in males
– 32% in females
– Cardiac muscle = 10%
Muscles are excitable, contra­ctable, extens­ible, and elastic. They can adapt and change based on usage.
There are five types of muscle movements: adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, and rotation.
The muscular system consists of over 600 muscles with various functions and proper­ties.

Functions of the Muscular System

Supports the body
Makes the bones move
Helps maintain constant body temper­ature
Assists movement in cardio­vas­cular and lymphatic vessels
Helps protect internal organs and stabilize joints

Three Types of Muscular Tissue

Charac­ter­istics of Skeletal Muscle

Most are attached by tendons to bones
Cells are multin­ucleate
Striated – have visible banding
Voluntary – subject to conscious control
Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective tissue
Allow for movement, facial expres­sions, breathing, swallo­wing, writing, talking and singing, posture, heat produc­tion, joint stability

Skeletal Muscle Attach­ments

Epimysium blends into a connective tissue attachment
Tendon – cord-like structure
Aponeu­roses – sheet-like structure
Sites of muscle attachment
Connective tissue coverings

Charac­ter­istics of Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle Charac­ter­istics

Muscle Cell Type

1. skeletal (or volunt­ary­/st­riated) muscle
the most abundant tissue in the human body, producing movement.
2. smooth (or visceral) muscle
forming the muscle layers in the walls of the digestive tract, bladder, various ducts, arteries and veins, and other internal organs.
3. cardiac (or heart) muscle
a cross between the smooth and striated muscles, comprising the heart tissue.

Structure of Skeletal Muscle

Four Different Connective Tissue Coverings

1. Deep fascia
Surrounds entire skeletal muscle and extends beyond its length
2. Perimysium
Surrounds each fascicle
3. Epimysium
Closely surrounds skeletal muscle, binds fascicles together
4. Endomysium
Surrounds each muscle fiber (cell)

Fascicles are arranged bundles of skeletal muscle fibers (cells). Fascicles are bound by connective tissue.

Specia­lized Organelles of Skeletal Muscle

Sarcop­lasmic Reticulum (SR)
a type of ER.
Surrounds each myofibril, running parallel to it.
Stores calcium, when stimul­ated, calcium diffuses into sarcop­lasm.
Transverse Tubules (TT)
Extends into sarcoplasm as invagi­nations continuous with sarcolemma
T tubules run between cisternae of SR
Filled with extrac­ellular fluid
Cisternae of SR and TT form a triad near where thick and thin filaments overlap

Skeletal Muscle Contra­ction

Motor Neuron
Nerve cell that innervates skeletal muscle tissue
Receives inform­ation
Transmits inform­ation
Has vesicles containing neurot­ran­smitter that will stimulate or inhibit muscle contra­ction
Neurom­uscular Junction
Site where branch of motor neuron (motor nerve ending) comes in contact with sarcolemma of skeletal muscle fiber
A type of synapse
Muscle contra­ction occurs through a complex process involving sarcom­eres, action potent­ials, and the neurom­uscular junction. The sliding filament model of contra­ction explains how myosin and actin interact to produce muscle movement. The process is initiated by a signal from the nervous system, which triggers the release of acetyl­choline at the neurom­uscular junction. This leads to depola­riz­ation and the generation of an action potential, causing calcium ions to be released and allowing for the intera­ction of myofil­aments. The myosin heads bind to actin, resulting in the sliding of filaments and muscle contra­ction. Once calcium levels deplete, the muscle fiber relaxes. Unders­tanding these basic concepts is important before delving into more detailed aspects of muscle contra­ction.

Structure of the Sarcomere

Muscle has light and dark bands (stria­tions) corres­ponding to the placement of myofil­aments in the sarcomere.
Sarcomere exists from Z-line to Z-line
• A-Band is dark middle band
– Overla­pping think and thin filaments
• I-Band – ends of A-Band, thin filaments only
• Z-line is in the middle if the I-Band
• Myosin filaments are held to the Z-line by titin proteins

Contra­ction in the Sarcomere

• A band stays the same
• I band gets smaller
• H zone gets smaller
• Sarcomere shortens

Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contra­ction

Sliding Filament Theory
• Sarcomere is the functional unit of skeletal muscle
• When a skeletal muscle contracts, sarcomeres shorten
• This is described by the sliding filament theory

Sliding Filament Theory

• Sarcomeres shorten because thick and thin filaments slide past one another
• Thin filaments move towards the center of the sarcomere from both ends

Whole Muscle Contra­ction

Energy for Muscle Contra­ction

Skeletal Muscles Work in Pairs

• Muscles contract (shorten) or relax
• Muscle contra­ction pulls on an attached bone
• Prime mover = muscle doing the most work
• Synergists = muscles assisting prime mover
• Antagonist = muscle with action opposite to prime mover

Ways to Name Muscles

Slow-a­nd-Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers


Nervous System

Functions of Nervous System
Transm­ission of signals for commun­ica­tion, regulation and coordi­nation of body systems
Sensing the world (vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch
Neurons - The functional unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell
They send electr­och­emical messages around the body
Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons

Structure of a Neuron

Parts of Nerve Cell

receive chemical signals from neighb­oring cells.
Cell Body
contains the nucleus & organelles
long extension that carries electrical messages away from the body to the terminal axons
Terminal Axons
passes the signal to the next cell.
Myelin sheath
Protective covering for axon

Types of Neurons

3 main types of neurons:
Sensory neuron = detect stimuli
Inter­neurons = relay sensory signals to brain then return message back to motor neurons.
Motor neuron = pass message from brain to rest of body for muscle response
 This coordi­nated pathway is known as the REFLEX ARC

Reflex Arc

"What happens when you step on a nail?"
Reflexes are automatic
The Stimulus (nail ) is received by the sensory neurons in the foot
This info travels to the spine, where the intern­euron is triggered
The intern­euron transmits signal to brain (through the spinal cord)and carries message back and stimulates the motor neuron, to move the foot

Nerve Impulse

A progre­ssive wave of electric and chemical activity along a nerve fiber that stimulates or inhibits the action of a muscle, gland, or other nerve cell
This is how the inform­ation moves from sensory neurons to intern­euron to motor neurons

Transm­ission of Nerve Impulse Along a Neuron

 Involves a change in charge across the neuron’s membrane, caused by the movement of ions
 Action Potential = rapid depola­riz­ation and repola­riz­ation of membrane

Resting Potential Depends on Ionic Gradients

• Potassium ions are pumped into cell
• Large organic molecules cannot pass through membrane

•Sodium ions are pumped out
•Chloride ions found in extra-­cel­lular fluid

Action Potential

Transm­ission of Nerve Impulses Between Neurons

Signal is carried by neurot­ran­smi­tters that diffuse across the space between neurons.
Synapse: junction between neurons
Synaptic cleft: space between neurons
Neurot­ran­smi­tters bind to receptors on next neuron, opening ion channels

Structure and Operation of the Synapse

Transm­ission Between Neurons

Neurot­ran­smi­tters can be
Excita­tory: initiate action potential - Acetyl­choline
Inhibi­tory: prevent action potential - Dopamine
After acting on the post-s­ynaptic neuron, neurot­ran­smi­tters are removed from the synaptic cleft
Acetyl­cho­lin­est­erase breaks down acetyl­choline

Neurot­ran­smi­tters carry signals to muscle cells to stimulate contra­ction.

Disorders of the Nervous System

Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune disease leading to breakdown of neuron myelin sheaths
Parkin­son’s Disease
Degene­ration of neurons that produce dopamine
Alzhei­mer’s Disease
Extensive death of neurons and loss of brain tissue

Neurons, the main cells in the nervous system, have an incredible amount of branching within each cell, allowing them to respond to stimuli and transmit electrical impulses over long distances. They are amitotic and can live for a hundred years or more.
Neuroglia, or glial cells, are supporting cells in the nervous system that wrap around delicate parts of neurons to provide protec­tion. They do not transmit electrical impulses like neurons but play a crucial role in mainta­ining the health and functi­oning of neurons.
Neurons can be classified by their structure or function. Struct­urally, they can be unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar, depending on the number of processes extending from the cell body. Functi­onally, they can be sensory, motor, or intern­eurons, depending on the direction of signal transm­ission.
Neurons have distinct regions: the receptive region where stimuli are received, the trigger zone where electrical signals are initiated, the conducting region where signals travel along the axon, and the secretory region where neurot­ran­smi­tters are released at the axon terminals.
The generation of electrical impulses in neurons is dependent on changes in membrane potential and the opening of ion channels. Different types of ion channels, such as chemic­all­y-gated and voltag­e-gated channels, allow specific ions to flow in and out of the cell, generating electrical currents.
The nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which consists of nerves that extend throughout the body. The CNS is the control center where sensory inform­ation is integrated and motor outputs are determined and implem­ented.
The PNS is divided into the sensory (afferent) division, which sends signals from receptors to the CNS, and the motor (efferent) division, which sends signals from the CNS to muscles and glands. The motor division is further divided into the somatic nervous system (voluntary control) and the autonomic nervous system (invol­untary control), which includes the sympat­hetic and parasy­mpa­thetic divisions that often have opposing functions.