A form of government where a corporations, or government entities with private components control the country. The U.S. is falling towards this direction. |
Government of the people, from the people, for the people. |
Rule by a totalitarian and corporatist government. |
Rule by women, or a government which regards female humans as entitled to rule and to exercise power over men. |
Government by a usually hereditary class of military landowners, who exact goods and services from a peasant class in exchange for protection. Usually features complex webs of loyalties and ranks. |
A form of government (or lack thereof) with no ruling hierarchy, instead decisions are made at a directly democratic level: laws are created by citizens alone, although they may be enforced by institutions that are not publicly controlled. |
Anarchy is lack of a central government, as there is no one recognized governing authority. |
A realm which primarily exercises power over the sea via naval power, as opposed to a tellurocracy which rules land. |
A utopian type of society and government in which people of rank, including those holding political office, are those who possess epistemic humility. |
Mobocracy or ochlocracy
Rule by mob or a mass of people |
A political ideology which maintains that the state's only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggression. |
A form of government in which the political power is held by a single, self-appointed ruler. This should be distinguished from monarchy, which involves some traditional basis for that power, usually birth, and is often weakened (especially in modern times) by the presence of countervailing institutions, like a Parliament. |
Rule by men, or a government which regards male humans as entitled to rule and to exercise power over women. |
Any of a wide variety of non-monarchical governments where eligibility to rule is determined by law. |
A form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil ruler. |
Rule by an all-powerful individual. A less polite term for "autocracy." |
A government wherein appointments are made and responsibilities are given based on demonstrated talent and ability, usually encouraging "merit". |
A form of government in which power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by royal, wealth, intellectual, family, military or religious hegemony. |
A system of government in which there is no distinction between the military and the civil power. |
A stateless society composed of sovereign individuals living within the constraints of a corporatist market. |
Rule by goat. Without a doubt, the most superior form of governance known to any creature ever. |
Rule by a selfish or otherwise bad single ruler. Prime example: North Korea. |
Rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. |
A hypothetical stateless entity that follows after socialism as according to Marxist theory. |
System of government proposed by economist Robin Hanson based on the idea of voting on a certain outcome and then figuring out how to achieve it. |
Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled people, "Government by the worst." |
A government that operates under the rules of a dead ruler. |
Rule by those who are strong enough to seize power through force or cunning. |
A form of government in which engineers, "scientists", and other technical "experts" are in control of decision making in their respective fields. |
Aristocracy (from the Greek "rule of the best") is government rule by a few elite citizens. Usually the "elite" positions in question are hereditary. It was one of the six forms of government identified by Aristotle, and he said it was the second best, after monarchy but before constitutional government. Moreover, if corrupted, it resulted in only the second worst form of government, oligarchy. |
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