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How to fix black screen on your PC Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

How to fix black screen on your PC?

If you see a black screen during the instal­lation process, depending on your hardware and data on your device the operating system may still working in the backgr­ound. Sometimes it could take several hours to complete the process.
In your device the operating system may still working in the backgr­ound. Sometimes it could take several hours to complete the process.

How to fix black screen problem on Windows 10?

windows 10 has already proven to be a reliable operating system, but like with any piece of software unexpected things always will happen. Perhaps one of the worse issues you can come across is a black screen on your Windows 10 computer, because you don't get an error code or message giving you an idea where to start troubl­esh­ooting.

An unexpected black screen can occur in a number of scenarios on Windows 10, stemming from issues with the graphics driver, a connection problem between with your display, during the instal­lation of the operating system, updates… or it just can happen randomly at any time.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through a series of steps to help you troubl­eshoot and fix the black screen problem on your device.
An unexpected black screen can occur in a number of scenarios on Windows 10,

Double­-check your video connec­tions

If your computer gets a black screen before you sign into Windows 10, it could be a connection problem between your PC and the display.

In the case that you're using a desktop computer, double­-check your display is connected properly to a power outlet and your computer.

When possible it's also a good idea trying to switch to a different video output. A lot of times a video driver can change and without a particular reason it can send the video signal to a different output port (e.g. DVI, HDMI, Displa­yPort, Thunde­rbolt, VGA) or adapter.

If you installed a discrete graphics card, but your computer also includes an integrated video processor, you can also try switching the video connection to the integrated graphics as it could be a problem with the discrete card.