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Pushpamitra sunga Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

describe in brief the achievements of pushpamitra sunga

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.



origin of sungas

obscure, not clear
sources clearly point that they were brahmins
ruled for 36 years


sungas had 10 rulers
the last ruler was Devabhuti
He was killed by his own minister Vasudev Kanva who establ­ished Kanva Dynasty


sungas had 10 rulers
the last ruler was Devabhuti


first dynasty to occupy magadha after the fall of mauryas
founder- p. sunga
p. sunga was commander in chief of Mauryan empire

P. sungas achiev­ements

1)conquest in vidharba: it was ruled by yajnasena who was related to Brihad­atta. P. sunga's son agnimitra led the campaign and defeated the king
2) Greeks: defeated the greeks after the fall of mauryan empire
3)He brought political stability after mauryas
4) P. Sunga performed ashwam­edha- revival of hinduism after the fall of mauryas


last king of mauryan empire- brihadatta
weak king, ineffi­cient admini­str­ation, welfare
chaotic situation in magadha, military was neglected
Bri. followed Hinduism and was against buddhism

Policy of Religion- 2 opposing views

1) He was intolerant of buddhism
2) Patron of Buddhism
According to some sources he killed buddhist monks and destroyed monast­eries
Some historians believe that he was a great patron of art and archit­ecture
viharas and stupas were built during his reign