Men |
Cleric, Warrior, Thief, or Wizard |
Lir |
Halfling |
Terali |
Dwarf; Access to Gunpowder |
Perali |
Elf; Access to Perali Bow |
Agualan |
Dwarf; Amphib, Resist, Xform |
Fel |
Thief; Unlucky, Claws, Hunter |
WIP: Lazuri, Mawla, Nein, Vrawk, Xern
Half Levels
Spend an Advance to gain a half level |
Cleric |
2 Spells |
0/0/+1 |
d6/III |
Caster Level is 0, Turn Unholy is gained, Lay on Hands with -1 die of effect. |
Thief |
d2 Luck |
+1/0/0 |
d5/II |
Skill bonus for all thief skills are one half the listed 1st level value, rounded down. Cast spell from scroll is 1d10 |
Warrior |
d2 Deed |
0/+1/0 |
d8/III |
Half level Warrior cannot perform Mighty Deeds; may choose Lucky Weapon |
Wizard |
2 Spells |
0/0/+1 |
d4/I |
Caster Level is 0 |
Additional Rules
Wild Attack: +2 Attack, -2 AC |
Cunning Escape: Thieves and Halflings can burn a luck point to avoid equal # of combat withdrawal attacks. |
Improving Stats: At level up, roll 4d6 and drop lowest. Pick one stat lower than roll and improve by +1, else improve Luck by +1. |
Splintered Shields: Sacrifice shield (any) or helm (head) to prevent a critical hit. |
Gods and Boons for Clerics
Weapon Proficiencies: Clerics is encouraged choose weapons and armor in line with the nature of the god. Sword for Artol etc. |
Turning Unholy works per RAW, but list of unholy creature is same for all: Kur, giantkind, oozes, goblinkind, giant poisonous bugs, serpentkind, head hunters, tyrants, pirates, torturers, slavers, shapeshifters, troglodytes, giant toads, demons, and any other tainted chaotic horrors |
Boons: Clerics and Paladins of the gods of Shadora gain a +2 boon on the spells and abilities that their god originally contributed. |
Additional Melee Weapons & Armor
• Lg Shield: +2 AC, -2 Chk, -5", F d10, 35 gp
• Trident: As spear
• Maul: d10, 2H d16 for Init, 8 gp
• Fighting Claw d4, 1gp |
Wizard and Elf Patrons
Alignment: Wizards pursue magical arts according to their natures. Chaotic wizards study black magic. Neutral & lawful wizards seek control over elements. |
Bobugbubilz, lord of amphibians - Tsarog |
Azi Dahaka, lord of wastelands - Orolorm |
Sezrekan the Elder, the wicked - JM |
Witch King Halgaz Bekur - JM (Adbb) |
Hecate, Queen Of Witches - JM (Adbb) |
Ptah-Ungurath, Opener Of Ways - JM (Adbb) |
The Arm Of Vendel Re'yune - JM (Adbb) |
The King of Elfland - husband of Peral |
The Three Fates - Ratrona’s Children |
Yddgrrl, the World Root - Avatar of Peral |
Obitu-Que, Lord of the Five - Kargob |
Ithha, prince of elemental wind - Vorthod |
Enzazza, Hive Queen - Simkim (Adbb) |
Four Maidens - Daughters of Demelna (Adbb) |
Hhaaashh, Lord of Reptiles - Nabyss (Adbb) |
Lavarial, Temple Angel - Garathis (Adbb) |
Logos, The Perfect Form (Adbb) - Teral |
Radu, King Of Rabbits (Adbb) - Dagaral |
Set-Utekh The Destroyer (Adbb) - Barnor |
Umwansh, Wave Father (Adbb) - Kasharos |
Yan Oshoth, The Ancestor (Adbb) - Dagaral |
Additional Ranged Weapons
• Net: 0, 5/10/15, 8gp; REF18 | cut 5 dam
• Bola d3, 20/40/60, 5 sp; REF12 | cut 3 dam
• Wetbow: Agualan under water crossbow
• Hand Crossbow d4, 30/60/90, 10gp
• Perali Bow: d8, 100/200/300
• Grenade: 2d6@5” d6@10”, 20/40/60, 50gp
• Pistol: d8, 3r reload, 50/100/150, 100gp
• Rifle: d10, 3r reload, 80/160/240, 250gp
• Ammo: 1 gp/shot |
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