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Offensive Penetration Testing [OSCP] cert prep Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

a range of techniques and tools necessary for pentesting and preparing for certifications like the OSCP exam.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

file/d­ire­ctory paths in linux

Root directory
Home direct­ories for users
Home directory for the root user
System config­uration files
/bin, /sbin
System binaries
/usr/bin, /usr/sbin
User-i­nst­alled binaries
System and applic­ation logs
Temporary files that persist after a reboot
Default Apache web root directory
Device files (e.g., /dev/null, /dev/sda)
/lib, /lib64
Shared libraries
Bootloader and kernel­-re­lated files
/mnt, /media
Mounted drives and removable media
Virtual file system for system processes
Kernel­-re­lated virtual filesystem
Temporary files (cleared on reboot)
SSH config­uration files and keys
User account inform­ation
Encrypted password storage (root access required)
Local DNS resolution file
System hostname config­uration
Network interface config­uration (Debia­n-based systems)
DNS resolver config­uration
Filesystem mount inform­ation

the command line

sudo apt update
update package lists
sudo apt upgrade -y
upgrade installed packages
sudo apt install <pa­cka­ge>
install a package
sudo systemctl restart <se­rvi­ce>
restart a service
sudo systemctl enable <se­rvi­ce>
enable service at boot
passwd <us­er>
change password
shutdown -h now
shut down system immedi­ately
reboot the system