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Bio208 Exam 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Ch 16 (Population Ecology), Ch 17 (Ecosystems and Communities), Ch 18 (Conservation and Biodiversity), Ch 19 (Plant Structure and Nutrient Transport)

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Population growth key terms

Carrying capacity (K)
Demogr­aphic transition
Moving between patterns of growth: high birth and death rates to high birth and low death rates, to low birth and death rates
Densit­y-d­epe­ndent factors
Limited resources limit population growth: food, space, mates, etc.
Densit­y-i­nde­pendent factors
Indisc­rim­inate forces that limit popula­tion: floods, earthq­uakes, fires, and other weather or geolog­y-based calami­ties.
Expone­ntial growth
r * N
Logistic growth
r * N ((K - N) / K)
Maximum sustai­nable yield
Half the carrying capacity (K / 2)

Carbon Cycle

How water moves through plants

pp. 596-598


Tiny, thread­-like fungi trap water like a sponge and hold it around the roots. The fungi’s huge surface area dramat­ically increases the amount of water and minerals that can be absorbed. In exchange, they receive sugars, amino acids, and vitamins from the plant.

Chemical transport

p. 594

Plant tissues and structures

Guard cells
Form the stoma, allowing gas exchange
Flows sugar down to roots through sieve tubes and distri­butes water and nutrients to cells in need
Dead cells that provide main structural support while moving water and nutrients up to the plant
Cork cells
Create outer bark in trees, providing fire protection to inner living tree.
Apical meristems
Think: APEX, at the top (upward, elongating growth occurs)
Lateral meristems
Think: Lats get swole (lateral layers of cambium growth)
Inner stem tissue
Outer stem tissue



Energy flow

Plants which convert light energy into food through photos­ynt­hesis (Most abundant and energy­-ef­ficient food sources)
Primary consumer
Herbiv­ores- eat producers (most abundant consumer, second most energy)
Secondary consumer
Carniv­ores- eat primary consumers (fewer than primary consumers)
Tertiary consumer
Top carniv­ores- eat other carnivores (very few in number, most energy­-ex­pen­sive)
Quarte­rnary consumer (and so on)
APEX predators- very energy­-ex­pensive and seldom exist in typical ecosystems

Nitrogen Cycle

Vascular plant structure

Ground tissue

Q & A plants

Which modified structure are all of the following examples of? Potatoes, runner vines, asparagus spears, daffodil bulbs
Why do carniv­orous plants thrive in low-nu­trient enviro­nments?
When given more nutrients, plants focused on building larger photos­ynt­hetic leaves and smaller or no carniv­orous struct­ures. When given little to no nutrients, plants focused more on building carniv­orous struct­ures.

Leaf structure

p. 584

Plants and Bacteria


Energy Transfer

Phosph­orous Cycle

Plant tissue types

P. 577-578 in textbook goes over this, guard cells, cork cells, and epidermis

Nitrogen Fixing

Monocots v Eudicots

Some common monocots are palm trees, orchids, lilies, and all of the grasses, including most grains used in food products. Common eudicots include roses, daisies, coffee, potatoes, apples, strawb­erries, and most large trees, including maples and oaks.

Soil contains:

Minerals- 50% (in the form of weathered rock particles ranging in size from sand, silt, and clay)
Water and air- 45-50% (fills space in-between particles)
Organic materials- 1-5% (Humus- decomposed or partially decomposed bits of carbon­-co­nta­ining plants or animals)

Ocean Currents

Think: Red to blue, wet for you. Blue to red, dry ahead.

Plants and Bacteria

Plants require...

Plants techni­cally do not require soil, as hydroponic gardening is a possib­ility. They do require these other nutrients in trace amounts, however: chlorine, iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybd­enum.

Q & A

Why is it so much colder at the poles than at the equator?
The curvature of the Earth causes sunlight exposure to spread out over further swaths as it gets closer to the poles.
Why is there so much more biodiv­ersity along the equator?
1. The concen­tration of sunlight provides a lot of energy 2. Warm air holds more moisture than cold air, which increases the water circul­ating near the equator, and causes deserts around 30 degree latitude.
Which holds more heat: air or water?
Water holds 10,000 times as much heat as air, meaning it takes more energy and temper­ature change to heat water, and air temper­ature fluctuates more easily.
What is the rain shadow effect?
Water travels from the ocean over land through warm air. As the air moves up over mountains, the temper­­ature drops, forcing the moisture out as precip­­it­a­tion. A rain shadow is left when the air drops back down behind the mountain and warms again, creating more arid climates with little annual rainfall.
How do ocean currents work?
Ocean currents warm slowly as they travel through warmer areas and cool slowly as they travel through cooler climates. The currents travel in large, circular motions warming cooler land with warm currents and cooling warmer land with cool currents.