Basic filters
. |
IDentity |
.foo .foo? |
Value of "foo" key |
.[] .[]? |
Array iterator. Produce each element of an input array, or each value of an object |
.[n] |
nth element of an array (n can be negative : -1 -> last element...) |
.[n:m] |
Array slice : array containing nth (inclusive) to mth (exclusive) elements |
A,B |
Produces output of filter A then B (both A and B are fed with the same input) |
A|B |
Output of A is sent to B's input |
( A ) |
Grouping operator |
Types and Values
[ ], { } |
Array (resp. Object) construction |
.. |
Recursive descent |
+ - * / % |
Basic arithmetic / string / array / object operators |
length |
string / array / object length |
keys | keys_unsorted |
The sorted/unsorted set of the input object keys. |
has( KEY ) |
Whether the input object as the given KEY. |
in( A ) |
Whether the input key is in the given A object. |
map ( A ) |
Run the A filter for each element of the input array. Equivalent to [.[] | A] |
map_values( A ) |
Run the A filter for each element of the input object. Equivalent to .[] |=A |
del ( x ) |
Removes a key and its value from an object |
select ( foo ) |
Produces input unchanged if foo is true for that input. |
type |
Returns the type of its argument as a string. |
arrays, objects, iterables, booleans, numbers, normals, finites, strings, nulls, values, scalars |
These built-ins select only inputs that are arrays, objects, iterables (arrays or objects), booleans, numbers, normal numbers, finite numbers, strings, null, non-null values, and non-iterables, respectively. |
empty |
Produces no output. |
$__loc__ |
Produces an object with a “file” key and a “line” key |
add |
Produces the summed elements of the input array |
any, any( foo ) |
Produces true if any of the elements of the input array (resp foo) is true |
all, all( foo ) |
Produces true if all of the elements of the input array (resp foo) is true |
range( [from ;] upto [; by] ) |
Produces a range of numbers (upto is exclusive) |
floor, sqrt |
Returns the floor (resp square root) of its numeric input |
tonumber |
Converts into to number |
infinite, nan, isinfinite, isnan, isfinite, isnormal |
Returns true depending of the input |
sort | sort_by( foo ) |
Sorts the input array (null < false < true < numbers < strings < arrays < objects) |
group_by( foo ) |
Groups the elements of the input array having the same foo value into separate arrays (sorted by foo values) |
min | max | min_by( foo ) | max_by(foo) |
Finds the minimum (resp maximum) element of the input array |
unique, unique_by( foo ) |
Produces an array of unique element of the input array. |
reverse |
Reverses an array |
contains( foo ) |
Produces true if foo is completely contained within the input. |
indices( foo ) |
Outputs an array containing the indices in . where foo occurs. |
inside( foo ) |
produce true if the input is completely contained within foo |
combinations |
Production all combinations of an array |
String manipulation
tostring |
JSON-encode input as a string |
"\(foo)" |
Interpolates foo inside a string |
index( foo), rindex( foo ) |
Outputs the index of the first (index) or last (rindex) occurrence of foo in the input. |
startswith( str ) |
Outputs true if . starts with the given string argument. |
endswith( str ) |
Outputs true if . ends with the given string argument. |
ltrimstr( foo ), rtrimstr( foo ) |
Outputs its input with the given prefix (resp. suffix) string removed, if it starts (resp. ends) with it. |
explode |
Converts an input string into an array of the string’s codepoint numbers. |
implode |
The inverse of explode. |
split( foo ) |
Splits an input string on the separator argument. |
join( foo ) |
Joins the array of elements given as input, using the argument as separator. |
ascii_downcase, ascii_upcase |
Emit a copy of the input string with its alphabetic characters (a-z and A-Z) converted to the specified case. |
Path & object manipulation
path ( x ) |
Output the array representation of x : (keys/ indices, values) |
getpath( PATHS ) |
Outputs the values in . found at each path in PATHS |
setpath( PATH; VALUE ) |
Set the PATHS in . to VALUE |
delpaths( PATHS ) |
Removes the key at the paths in PATHS |
to_entries |
Converts from object to an array of "key":"value" |
from_entries |
Converts from an array of "key":"value" to an object |
with_entries( foo ) |
Shortcut for to_entries | map(foo) | from_entries |
flatten, flatten( depth ) |
Produces a flat array in which all arrays inside the original array have been recursively replaced by their values. |
Loop control
while(cond; update) |
repeatedly apply an update to . until cond is false. |
until(cond; next) |
repeatedly apply the expression next, initially to . then to its own output, until cond is true. |
recurse( foo [ ,cond ] ) |
search through a recursive structure, and extract data from all levels. |
walk( foo ) |
applies foo recursively to every component of the input entity. |
bsearch( foo ) |
conducts a binary search for foo in the input array. |
Regular expressions
test( RE [; FLAGS] ) |
True if input string matches the given RE |
match( RE [; FLAGS] ) |
outputs an object for each match it finds. |
capture( RE [; FLAGS] ) |
Collects the named captures in a JSON object, with the name of each capture as the key, and the matched string as the corresponding value. |
scan( RE [; FLAGS] ) |
Emit a stream of the non-overlapping substrings of the input that match the regex in accordance with the flags, if any have been specified. |
split|splits( RE [; FLAGS] ), splits() |
Splits an input string, and provides an array (resp. stream) |
sub|gsub( RE ; tostring [; FLAGS]) |
Emit the string obtained by replacing the first (resp. all) match of regex in the input string with tostring, after interpolation. |
FLAGS is any of "g, i, m, s, p, n, l, x"
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