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jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. ( )

Basic filters

.foo .foo?
Value of "foo" key
.[] .[]?
Array iterator. Produce each element of an input array, or each value of an object
nth element of an array (n can be negative : -1 -> last elemen­t...)
Array slice : array containing nth (inclu­sive) to mth (exclu­sive) elements
Produces output of filter A then B (both A and B are fed with the same input)
Output of A is sent to B's input
( A )
Grouping operator

Types and Values

[ ], { }
Array (resp. Object) constr­uction
Recursive descent
+ - * / %
Basic arithmetic / string / array / object operators
string / array / object length
keys | keys_unsorted
The sorted­/un­sorted set of the input object keys.
has( KEY )
Whether the input object as the given KEY.
in( A )
Whether the input key is in the given A object.
map ( A )
Run the A filter for each element of the input array. Equivalent to [.[] | A]
map_va­lues( A )
Run the A filter for each element of the input object. Equivalent to .[] |=A
del ( x )
Removes a key and its value from an object
select ( foo )
Produces input unchanged if foo is true for that input.
Returns the type of its argument as a string.
arrays, objects, iterables, booleans, numbers, normals, finites, strings, nulls, values, scalars
These built-ins select only inputs that are arrays, objects, iterables (arrays or objects), booleans, numbers, normal numbers, finite numbers, strings, null, non-null values, and non-it­era­bles, respec­tively.
Produces no output.
Produces an object with a “file” key and a “line” key
Produces the summed elements of the input array
any, any( foo )
Produces true if any of the elements of the input array (resp foo) is true
all, all( foo )
Produces true if all of the elements of the input array (resp foo) is true
range( [from ;] upto [; by] )
Produces a range of numbers (upto is exclusive)
floor, sqrt
Returns the floor (resp square root) of its numeric input
Converts into to number
infinite, nan, isinfi­nite, isnan, isfinite, isnormal
Returns true depending of the input
sort | sort_by( foo )
Sorts the input array (null < false < true < numbers < strings < arrays < objects)
group_by( foo )
Groups the elements of the input array having the same foo value into separate arrays (sorted by foo values)
min | max | min_by( foo ) | max_by(foo)
Finds the minimum (resp maximum) element of the input array
unique, unique_by( foo )
Produces an array of unique element of the input array.
Reverses an array
contains( foo )
Produces true if foo is completely contained within the input.
indices( foo )
Outputs an array containing the indices in . where foo occurs.
inside( foo )
produce true if the input is completely contained within foo
Production all combin­ations of an array

SQL-Style Operators


String manipu­lation

JSON-e­ncode input as a string
Interp­olates foo inside a string
index( foo), rindex( foo )
Outputs the index of the first (index) or last (rindex) occurrence of foo in the input.
starts­with( str )
Outputs true if . starts with the given string argument.
endswith( str )
Outputs true if . ends with the given string argument.
ltrimstr( foo ), rtrimstr( foo )
Outputs its input with the given prefix (resp. suffix) string removed, if it starts (resp. ends) with it.
Converts an input string into an array of the string’s codepoint numbers.
The inverse of explode.
split( foo )
Splits an input string on the separator argument.
join( foo )
Joins the array of elements given as input, using the argument as separator.
ascii_­dow­ncase, ascii_­upcase
Emit a copy of the input string with its alphabetic characters (a-z and A-Z) converted to the specified case.

Path & object manipu­lation

path ( x )
Output the array repres­ent­ation of x : (keys/ indices, values)
getpath( PATHS )
Outputs the values in . found at each path in PATHS
setpath( PATH; VALUE )
Set the PATHS in . to VALUE
delpaths( PATHS )
Removes the key at the paths in PATHS
Converts from object to an array of "­key­"­:"va­lue­"
Converts from an array of "­key­"­:"va­lue­" to an object
with_e­ntries( foo )
Shortcut for to_entries | map(foo) | from_e­ntries
flatten, flatten( depth )
Produces a flat array in which all arrays inside the original array have been recurs­ively replaced by their values.

Loop control

while(­cond; update)
repeatedly apply an update to . until cond is false.
until(­cond; next)
repeatedly apply the expression next, initially to . then to its own output, until cond is true.
recurse( foo [ ,cond ] )
search through a recursive structure, and extract data from all levels.
walk( foo )
applies foo recurs­ively to every component of the input entity.
bsearch( foo )
conducts a binary search for foo in the input array.

Regular expres­sions

test( RE [; FLAGS] )
True if input string matches the given RE
match( RE [; FLAGS] )
outputs an object for each match it finds.
capture( RE [; FLAGS] )
Collects the named captures in a JSON object, with the name of each capture as the key, and the matched string as the corres­ponding value.
scan( RE [; FLAGS] )
Emit a stream of the non-ov­erl­apping substrings of the input that match the regex in accordance with the flags, if any have been specified.
split|­splits( RE [; FLAGS] ), splits()
Splits an input string, and provides an array (resp. stream)
sub|gsub( RE ; tostring [; FLAGS])
Emit the string obtained by replacing the first (resp. all) match of regex in the input string with tostring, after interp­ola­tion.
FLAGS is any of "g, i, m, s, p, n, l, x"


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