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Paediatric Neurological Disorders Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Common paediatric neurological disorders

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Non- Epileptic
Recurrent seizures within the brain
Arising from some other physiology
Therap­eutic Manage­ment: medica­tiosn (antie­lip­tics), diet (keto), surgery (vagal nerve stimul­ato­r/l­obe­ctomy)
Therap­eutic manage­ment: Find source of seizure and treat
-infantile spasms, genera­lized seizures, localized seizures & Status Epilep­ticus
-febrile, neonatal, and somati­zation
Infantile spams
Presents as symmet­rical flexing or extending of neck, arms, legs, and trunk
common between 6mo-5yrs, usually associated with infxn fever
not dependant on how high fever is, but how fast it develops
TM: control fever, viral illness mngmt, family support
Originates an engages both hemisp­heres of the brain
Can be tonic-­clonic, absence, clonic, tonic, atonic, and myoclonic
Changes in LOC
High incidence with (prema­ture) neonates gestation of GA 32-36wks d/t immature brain
TM: treat aggres­sively & treat underlying cause
Originates and stays within one hemisphere of brain
Can evolve into genera­lized seizure
unilateral symptoms
A physical expression of stress & emotions through mind-body connection
psycho­logical help
Status Epilep­ticus
Prolonged or clustered seizures, w/ consci­ousness not returning inbetween
TM: prompt medical interv­ention (ABCs)
Seizure Education
-Stay calm: relieve anxiety
-Position child: ease child to ground & position in recovery position (on side & open airway)
-ABC's: if not breathing call 911
-Time: time and document the seizure episode + any admini­str­ation of meds{{nl}-Talk to the patien­t:r­emain w/ patient, take hx, stay calm to keep them calm
-Call for help if: first seizure, if lasts >5min, child is unresp­onsive to painful stimuli following seizure, any injury has occurred

Structural Defects

Neural Tube Defects
serious defects of brain and spinal cord