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History of Islam in Indonesia Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is my subject of study in history class (10th grade) rn so I hope this helps!! reference taken from : - Erlangga books - New 2013 curriculum history book (2017 rev. ver) - Ruangguru | Sejarah Kelas 10

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Slight Info abt Islam!

Islam is developed in Mekkah, Arab Saudi.
This religion is believed as Allah SWT revelation through his messenger, Nabi Muhammad SAW who was born in 570 M
Around Ramadhan month on year 610 M, Muhammad was visited by Archangel Gabriel (Jibril) and long dialog happens.
The word jibril says, iqra have a meaning "to read" or "­rea­d!"

Theory of How They Got in Nusantara

What and Who?
Gujarat Theory Snouck Hurgronje
the Theori stated that Islam entered Nusantara by merchant from Gujarat around XIIth century.
Mecca Theory Jc van Leur
The Theory stated that Islam entered Nusantara around 7th century, and by Arabian merchant.
Persia Theory Husein Djajad­ini­ngrat
The Theory stated that Islam entered Nusantara around XIIIth century by Persians
Chinese Backflow Theory Jean A. Berlie
The Theory believed that Islam Nusantara along with the migration of the Chinese to Southeast Asia in the 9th century
the most solid and approved one is currently Persia Theory.

Proof where?

Samudera Pasai Sultan, Malik As-Saleh tomb. Marcopollo from Venesia descri­ption in Perlak.
on 7th century there already exist islam camps in Baros. Samudra Pasai also adhere Mazhab Syafi'i, meanwhile Gujarat adhere Hanafi. The sultans use Al Malik title.
10th Muharam or 1 Asyura memorial. Annual ritual called upacara Tabuik­/Tabut. Simmil­iar­ities of Sufi teaching. Use of Persian terms. Simili­arity of caligraphy art. Existence of Leren?­Leran villages in Giri, Gresik.
Raden Patah, the founder of the sultanate, is the son of a native Chinese Muslim. Raden Patah has a Chinese name, Jin Bun. In addition, there is an old mosque with Chinese archit­ecture in Java.

Through Dakwah thang

Sunan Gresik
come to Java around 1404 M. His arrival considered as the beginning of islam in Java.
Sunan Gunung Jati
known as Syarif Hidaya­tullah or Falatehan. He move to Demak when the reign of Trenggana goverment. The Sultan there appoint him as a war army commander in Sunda Kelapa and Cirebon, and he stays on Gunung Jati.
Sunan Ampel
born with the name Raden Rahmat around 1401 M and have his own pesantren Ampel Denta. one of pemrakarsa of Masjid Demak
Sunan Giri
real name is Raden Paku, one of Sunan Ampel santri. Have his own pesantren too (Pesantren Giri) and from Maluku. He's there to spread islam across maluku cause why not, theyre (the malukians (?)) interested too.
Sunan Bonang
real name Raden Maulana Makdum Ibrahim. was an artist that make gending Jawa, Bonang, and Durma
Sunan Kudus
real name Raden Ja'fat Shadiq and son of Sunan Ngundung from Jipang (Blora).
Sunan Kalijaga
real name Raden Said, and was a tumenggung Majapahit that convert to islam bc of Sunan Bonang. He spread islam through wayang and quite popular.
Sunan Muria
Sunan with real name Raden Umar Said and son of Sunan Kalijaga. Even tho they have the same style to spread, sunan Muria rather like small places and hang out around broke ppl while teaching them abilities that can give moneeeys (arigr­icu­lture, maricu­lture, trading [not saham]). He dakwah with Sinom and Kinanti
Sunan Drajat
real name Maunat Syarif­uddin and spread islam across East Java. Has good sosrep bc he cares broke and homeless people. He create gending Jawa, Pangkur.
quick notes: there are actually losta history I didnt mention, esp abt Sunan Giri and Sunan Kudus backgr­ound, so I recc reading abt them.

Whats with the Persian Theory?

Whats better about PT?
there is a celebr­ation of 10 Muharram in Bengkulu and West Sumatra known as the Tabot Tradition, where the tradition is to commem­orate the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Husain bin Ali, this is also known in Persia.
there found simila­rities to the tombstones of Malik al-Salih and Maulana Malik Ibrahim's graves, which have simila­rities to the tombstones in Persia.
some books contain Persian vocabu­lary, which was absorbed into Malay
whats PT weakness then?
the existing evidence is still doubtful
Iran is also not a center for the spread of Islam, and there are not as many Iranian traders in Indonesia as from China, India or Arabia.

Whats with the China Theory?

China Theory evidence?
strong influence of Chinese culture and traditions on the culture of southern Sumatra.
In addition, Raden Patah, the founder of the Kingdom of Demak, is of Chinese descent from his mother's line.
Other evidence is the discovery of mosques in several cities in Indonesia with Chinese archit­ecture. for example, Masjid Cheng Ho on Surabaya.
there is a record of writing the titles of Islamic kings written using Chinese terms
How is that weak evidence?
Chinese theory does not explain the early entry of Islam into the Nusantara.
The Chinese theory only explains the role of China in reporting that contains evidence that Islam has come to the Nusantara.

Empires of Islam in Indonesia

Samudra Pasai
XI century
Sumatra's north beach
XVI centuries (1507)
XVI centuries (1500)
Demak, Mid Java
XVI centuries (1568)
Pajang, Mid Java
XVI centuries (1586)
Kotagede, Yogyakarta
XVI centuries (1526)
XVI centuries (1528)
1257 (Te), 1322 (Ti)

Samudra Pasai Sultanate

The first Islamic kingdom in Nusantara
Located on north beach Sumatra (Aceh), near Perlak (Malay­sia).
founded by Meurah Silu; Sultan Malik Al-Saleh around 1267
historical sources:
Marco Polo news (1292) and Ibn Battuta news (1304-­1368), Hikayat or Chronicle of the Kings of Pasai, Inscri­ption on the tomb of Sultan Malik Al-Saleh.
The purpose of establ­ishing this kingdom is to dominate the spice trade, especially pepper abundant in Indonesia.
The Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai tells the origin of the naming of the kingdom on the northern coast of Sumatra. Some people believe that the word Samudra comes from Sanskrit which means sea. The word Pasai is believed to have come from Parsi, Parser, or Pase.

Aceh Sultanate


Proofs that Islam Influence Exist 'till Now


Whats with the Mecca Theory?

What about MT?
the simila­rities between the mazhab in Arabic and in Indonesia, which use the Shafi'i
the title of the kings of Pasai was al-Malik, not Shah or Khan as was the case in Persia and India
In the Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai written after 1350, it is stated that Shaykh Ismail came from Mecca via Malabar to Pasai and converted to Islam his king, Merah Silu, who later became Malik al-Salih
This theory also refutes the Gujarat Theory, which states that the influence of Islam in Indonesia came from Gujarat, India
Well, what makes MT weak?
lack of facts related to the role of the Arabs in the process of spreading Islam in Indonesia which leads, the evidence is less strong than other theories

Whats with the Gujarat Theory?

Whats good on GT?
From India there are also many who spread Islam
Another evidence is the discovery of the tomb of Malik As-Saleh and in the tomb, his tombstone is similar to the pattern of tombstones in Gujarat.
In addition, Hurgro­nje's opinion is supported by the oldest inscri­ptions on Islam in Sumatra which indicate the relati­onship between Sumatra and Gujarat.
Whats wrong with GT?
Gujarat theory is the difference in mazhabs, where the Samudra Pasai Kingdom adheres to the Shafi'i, meanwhile Gujarat Muslims mostly adhere to the Hanafi.
Another weakness of this theory is that during the Islami­zation of Samudera Pasai, Gujarat was still a Hindu kingdom at that time

Addition I forgot to mention

islam have a strong influence, even on Indone­sians society
The influence of Islamic culture affect on peoples daily life, as in tradition or custom that held constantly
funfact, Samudra Pasai is the starting point of islam, and the most successful too!

Paths of Islam Spread in Indonesia

Commerce Path
the merchant while trading partic­ipate in spreading their religion to the folks around
Marriage Path
Merchant marries their relatives to the Nusantara folks or natives, so they can convert to islam right after the wed.
through Education
The increasing develo­pment of Islam encourages the emergence of scholars and preachers to spread Islam through education.
through Tasawuf Teaching
islam combinated with other mystical belief, such as by hikayat
through Dakwah
spread Islam through wali songo da'wah. (Sunan gresik, Sunan Gunung Jati, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Giri, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Muria, Sunan Drajat).
through Arts
arts, such as wayang (Sunan Kalijaga), gamelan (Sunan Bonang), and gending (songs).
steps and factor of spreading islam is rather easy, which are:
- say the syahada,
- simple praying proced­ures,
- Islam does not recognize social layers or kasta.

Samudra Pasai Cond.
