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bus 100 test-2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

flexible scheduling

A program that allows employees to choose their starting and ending times, provided that they are at work during a specified core period
Compressed Workweek
A four-day (or shorter) period during which an employee works 40 hours
Job Sharing
Perfor­mance of one full-time job by two people on part-time hours


Minicu­ltures within the organi­zation which are likely to be defined by department design­ation and geogra­phical separa­tions.
Dominant culture
A system of shared meanings that expresses the core values of a majority of the organi­zat­ion's members.

line structure and a matrix structure

line structure
Simplest organi­zat­ional structure charac­terized by vertical links between the different levels of the organi­zation
matrix structure
there is more than one line of reporting managers


Upward commun­ication
from empoyees to empoyer
such as: progress reports, sugges­tions for improv­ement, inquiries, and grievances
Downward commun­ication
from empoyer to empoyees
such as: direct­ions, the assignment of tasks and respon­sib­ili­ties, perfor­mance feedback, and certain details about the organi­zat­ion’s strategies and goals
among colleagues and peers on the same organi­zat­ional level
indivi­duals from different units and organi­zat­ional levels commun­icate


things are likly to be sampled when
it would distroy the product or be to indeth to do to the hole populatoin
a company to pass an entire batch of products through inspection by testing a sample


job enlarg­ement
expanding a worker's assign­ments to include additional but similar tasks

produc­tions and operations manager

Develop and administer the activities involved in transf­orming resources into goods, services and ideas ready for the market­place
Typically involved in:
Planning and designing production facilities
Purchasing raw materials and supplies and managing inventory
Scheduling processes to meet demand
Ensuring products meet quality standards

Know the various types of Facility Layout

Fixed-Position Layout: A layout that brings all resources required to create the product to a central location

Project Organi­zations: Companies using a fixed-position layout because it is typically involved in large, complex projects such
Product Layout:A layout requiring production be broken down into relatively simple tasks assigned to workers, who are usually positioned along an assembly line

Continuous Manufac­turing Organi­zations:Companies that use contin­uously running assembly lines, creating products with many similar charac­ter­istics
Comput­er-­Ass­isted Manufa­cturing (CAM)
Computer-Assisted Design (CAD)

pieces in Supply Chain Management

Obtaining and managing raw materials and component parts
Managing Packaging
Purchasing: also called procurement
Inventory:all parts and equipment
Inventory Control: knowing where,­wha­t,a­munts, and respon­sailaty
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model:­Ide­ntifies the optimum number

Material-Requirements Planning (MRP):Schedules the precise quantity

Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory Manage­ment: A technique using smaller quantities of materials that arrive “just in time” for use


Classical Theory of Motivation
theory holding that workers are motivated solely by money
Theory X
Theory of motivation holding that people are naturally lazy and uncoop­­er­ative
Employees will work to receive rewards and to avoid punish­­ments. Job behavior must be closely supervised and managed.
Theory Y
Employees will work if the job fufills need for: energetic, growth oriented, self-m­­ot­i­v­ated, and produc­tive*
managers that subscribe to this theory are more likely to have satisfied and motivated employees; people are motivated to work hard because the act of working is satisfying

managers leaves

Top Managers
The president and other top executives of a business, such as the chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), and chief operations officer (COO), who have overall respon­sib­ility for the organi­zation
Middle Managers
Those members of an organi­zation respon­sible for the tactical planning that implements the general guidelines establ­ished by top management
First-Line Managers
Those who supervise both workers and the daily operations of an organi­zation

crisis management plan

deals with potential disasters
-- wether, fire...etc

respon­sib­ilities of the different managers

Middle managers have more focused respon­sib­ilities and spend more time organizing than other managers

skills are necessary for managers

Technical Expertise
The specia­lized knowledge and training needed to perform jobs
--most important for first line leave
Conceptual Skills
The ability to think in abstract terms and to see how parts fit together to form the whole
--most important for top leave
Analytical Skills
The ability to identify relevant issues, recognize their importance, understand the relati­onships between them and perceive the underlying causes of a situation
--most important for top leave
Human Relation Skills
ability to deal with people, both inside and outside the organization
-- important for services providers

different styles of leadership

Autocratic leaders
army |make all the decisions then tell employees what must be done and how to do it
Democratic leaders
normal |involve their employees in decisions
Free-rein leaders
dad |let their employees work without much interf­erence; setting perfor­mance standards and letting employees find their own way to meet them

salary vs. benefits

money you get at the end of the month
money you get at the end of the week
additional compen­sation paid to or on behalf of employees
such as: premiums for medical, dental, life, and disability insurance, and contri­butions to pension plans

(HR) perfor­mance appraisals

useed for both measuring and monitoring an employee's contri­bution
they are also often the basis for deciding promotions

primary and secondary charac­ter­istics of diversity

primary dimensions:
can not chang
age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilit­ies­/qu­ali­ties, race
Secondary dimensions:
can chang
educational backgr­ound, geographic location, income, marital status, military experi­ence, parental status, religious beliefs, and work experi­ences

job specif­ication and job descri­ption

Job Specif­ication
states the minimum qualif­ica­tions required for performing a particular job
Job Descri­ption
a descri­ptive statement that describes the role, respon­sib­ility, duties, and scope of a particular job

involved in Planning for Human Resources Needs

Human Resources Managers  ­ ­ ­Handle the staffing function and deal with employees in a formalized manner
-Determine the human resource needs
-Recruit and hire new employees
-Develop and administer employee benefits, training and perfor­mance appraisal programs
-Deal with government regula­tions


A proc­ess to acheve goals by using reso­urces effect­­ively and effici­­ently in a changing enviro­­nment
indivi­­duals in organi­­za­tions who make decisions about: the use of resources and who are concerned with planning, organi­­zing, staffing, directing and contro­­lling the organi­­za­t­ion’s activities
is the process of determ­­ining the organi­­za­t­ion’s objectives and deciding how to accomplish them
plan types:
 ­ ­ ­Str­ategic
Establish long-range objectives and overall strategy
 ­ ­  Tactical
short-­range plans designed to implement stuff for the strategic plan
 ­ ­  Operat­­ional
Very short-term plans, specify actions & indivi­­duals
 ­ ­ ­Crisis
potential disasters
The struct­­uring of resources and activities to accomplish objectives
-sets up authority strucsure
-creats unders­tanding synergy
-improves commun­ica­tions
-helps avoid misdister­butoin of resores
-speeds up decisions
Hiring of people to carry out the work of the organi­­zation
-what skills needed
-Motivating and training
-chosing pay
-Preparing employees for higher­­-level jobs
The elimin­­ation of a signif­­icant number of employees from an organi­­zation
-reduse cost quickly
-job lose & low morale
Motivating* and leading employees to achieve
-what/were to do using deadlines
-chocing and giving awards
The process of evaluating and correcting activities to keep the organi­­zation on course
-Measuring performance
-compare objectives
-Identi­fying deviations from the standards
-Invest­igating the causes of deviations
-Taking corrective action when necessary

labor union

An organized group of workers who bargain collec­tively with management in an attempt to get their demands met such as higher wages or better working conditions


a company strategy to reduce the scale (size and scope) of its business in order to improve the company's financial perfor­mance

Quiz: 4

Building a computer so that components can be installed in different config­ura­tions to meet customers' needs is a result of modular design
To ensure quality and efficiency, operations managers take feedback at various points in the transf­orm­ation process and compare them to establ­ished standards
Operations management includes respon­sib­ility fori nputs and outputs
An organi­zation that creates many products with similar charac­ter­istics, such as automo­biles, television sets, or vacuum cleaners, would most likely be Continuous manufa­cturing type of organi­zation
When managing quality in manufa­ctu­ring, when is sampling likely to be used When inspection tests are destru­ctive
Which of the following is not a point of difference between service providers and manufa­cturers -- Services do not undergo a transf­orm­ation process
quality control is the processes an organi­zation uses to maintain its establ­ished quality standards
To receive a haircut, you generally have to go to a barbershop or salon. To the charac­ter­istics does this pertain Nature and consum­ption of output
The fact that a hairdr­esser gives each customer a different haircut relates to which of the following points of difference between service providers and manufa­cturers Uniformity of output
If ABC Computer Company is determ­ining demand for its future products and how much consumers are willing to pay, the company will likely rely on marketing research
A company performing large, complex tasks such as constr­uction or explor­ation is called a project organi­zation
The transf­orm­ation process is the conversion of human, financial, and physical resources into goods, services, and ideas
it is especially difficult to measure quality charac­ter­istics when the product is a service
The transf­orm­ation process occurs in all organi­zations, regardless of product
Why do the products of service providers tend to be more customized than those of manufa­cturers differing customers have differing needs*
For most organi­zat­ions, the ultimate objective is for produced outputs wich are worth more than the costs of input
Money, employees, time, and equipment represent an airline's inputs to the transf­orm­ation process
A planning system that schedules the precise quantity of materials needed for production is called materi­al-­req­uir­ements planning
If an employee is associated with producing goods, services, and ideas that satisfy the needs of customers, then she works with operations
Quality is a critical element of operations management

Quiz: 3

Foreca­sting is most closely associated with planning
The develo­pment of a perfor­man­ce-­app­raisal system is primarily the concern of HR management
Decisions regarding adding new products, acquiring companies, and moving into foreign markets would most typically be made by top management
Selecting the best option in the decisi­on-­making process is often subjective
Having good HR skills means that a manager is able to work with others
Management is a process of coordi­nating resources to achieve objectives
Organi­zations need adequate supplies of all types of resources and coordinate their use carefully to achieve their objectives
When assessing the approp­ria­teness of a decision option, managers should consider its impact on the organi­zation as a whole
All of the following steps are a part of the decisi­on-­making process except delegating the decision
Upward commun­ication conveys progress reports and complaints
Task force is a temporary group of employees, usually chosen for their expertise, respon­sible for bringing out a specific change
If Juan's manager gives him an assignment without providing Juan with the resources to complete the assign­ment, Juan's manager is exhibiting improper delegation of authority
Gossipis not typically part of downward commun­ication
Organi­zat­ional cultures that lack positive values may result in unprod­uctive and indiff­erent employees
Joe is a copywriter in his company's marketing depart­ment. The copy for an ad placed in Time magazine for his company misspelled the company's name. The marketing vice president is ultimately respon­sible for the mistake
The rationale for job specia­liz­ation is that it is more efficient
Downward commun­ication conveys explan­ations of decisions and orders
Quest Star It flattened its layers of management, struct­urally, to help it become more compet­itive with Japanese firms
Adam Smith illust­rated improv­ements in efficiency through the applic­ation of specia­liz­ation

Quiz: 6

Allowing one employee to work from different starting times and end times, but with the same core hours is called job sharing
According to McGregor's Theory X, most workers must be coerced to work.
The birth of the study of human relations can be traced to time and motion studies conducted by Frederick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
Achiev­ement, recogn­ition, involv­ement, respon­sib­ility, and advanc­ement are all examples of Herzberg's motiva­tional factors
rederick Taylor and other early twenti­eth­-ce­ntury management theorists believed financial incentives would motivate employees to work hard
A compressed workweek is a four-day or shorter period in which employees work 40 hours
Theories X and Y are most closely associated with Douglas McGregor
According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, all of the following represent hygiene factors except respon­sib­ility
If a department store contest promises that the employee with the highest sales will be treated to dinner by the store manager, the store is helping its employees esteem
All of the following are morale boosters except hygiene
When explaining employee motivation through Herzberg's two-factor theory, all of the following represent motiva­tional factors except wages
Through rewarding good perfor­mance Eagle Pharma­ceu­tical motivate its employees to perform
the Hawthorne studies revealed That managers who understand the needs, beliefs, and expect­ations of people will have the greatest success motivating workers
Human relations is important in business primarily because it affects worker morale and produc­tivity
Correct Job enlarg­ement adds tasks to a job instead of treating each task as a separate job
According to Maslow, an employee who goes to night school to get a college degree to minimize the chance of being laid off during a recession is motivated to fulfill the Security need
Allowing some employees to work at home part-time is a flexible scheduling strategy
The person primarily associated with Theory Z is William Ouchi
A work system that allows employees to choose their starting and ending times as long as they are at work during a specified core period is flextime
Who ranked people's five basic needs in order of importance Abraham Maslow