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Educational policies Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Educational policies for sociology revision

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Tripartite system 1944

A system where students were allocated to one of 3 types of schools based on their abilities. Their abilities were identified by the 11+ exam. The three types of schools were Grammar, secondary modern and technical schools.
criticism, class - the tripartite system and 11+ reproduced class inequality by seperating the two classes into different school­swhich did not offer equal opport­unities
criticism, gender - The system also reproduced gender inequality as girls had to receive higher marks in the 11+ to get into a grammar school.

Compre­hen­siv­isation 1965+

The compre­hensive system aimed to overcome the class divide of the tripartite system and make education more merito­cratic. The 11+ was abolished along with grammar and secondary modern schools. The LEA's were able to decide whether or not to go compre­hensive thats why today there is a mixed system.
marxist, criticism - They argue comps. aren't merito­cratic and reproduce inequality through the contin­uation of streaming and labelling which deny the w/c equal opport­uni­ties.
functi­ona­lists - compre­hen­sives promote social integr­ation by bringing together children of different social classes.
Ford (1969) - little social mixing between w/c and m/c due to streaming.