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mbti Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a summary of the Myers-Briggs personality types and Carl Jung's cognitive functions.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


The Myers–­Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), is person­ality test created by Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs. It is based off of the works of Swiss psychi­atrist and psycho­the­rapist Carl Jung on cognitive functions.

Jung's cognitive functions

Jung's cognitive function consist of:
Introv­erted Intuition (Ni): This a cognitive function that allows indivi­duals to have deep insights, see abstract patterns and relati­ons­hips, and envision future possib­ili­ties.
Extrov­erted Intuition (Ne): This is a cognitive function that helps people spot possib­ilities and see situations from multiple perspe­ctives.
Introv­erted Sensing (Si): This is a cognitive function that helps indivi­duals interpret the world by drawing on past experi­ences and memories.
Extrov­erted Sensing (Se): This is a cognitive function that focuses on experi­encing the world through the five senses: sight, touch, smell, taste, and sound.
Introv­erted Thinking (Ti): This is a cognitive function that focuses on internal logic and order.
Extrov­erted Thinking (Te): This is a cognitive function that emphasizes logic, organi­zation, and objective analysis.
Introv­erted Feeling (Fi): This is a cognitive function that focuses on internal values and personal beliefs.
Extrov­erted Feeling (Fe): This is a cognitive function that emphasizes harmony, empathy, and social dynamics.

Type Dynamics

Each cognitive function has its opposite:
Introv­erted Intuition (Ni) Extrov­erted Sensing (Se)
Extrov­erted Intuition (Ne) Introv­erted Sensing (Si)
Extrav­erted Feeling (Fe) Introv­erted Thinking (Ti)
Introv­erted Feeling (Fi) Extrav­erted Thinking (Te)

Mbti Person­ality Types

The MBTI uses a combin­ation of four(4) cognitive functions to produce sixtee­n(16) unique person­ality types; XXXX e.g, ISFJ.
The order of the letter in X1stX2ndX3rdX4th is important:
X1st: This function is either Introv­ert­ed(I) or Extrov­ert­ed(E). It shows wether a person is dominately extrov­erted or introv­erted.e.g ENFJ vs INFJ.
X2nd: This function is either Sensing(S) or iNtuit­ive(N). It show how a person perceive the world around them.e.g ISFP vs INFP.
X3rd: This function is either Feeling(F) or Thinki­ng(T). This is what people use to make decisions (with logic or feelin­gs).e.g ESTJ vs ESFJ.
X4th: This function is either Judging(J) or Percei­ving(P). It is how people choose to arrange the things around them.e.g. INTP vs INTJ.